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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Giving up 2 goal leads and losing is completely pathetic.
  2. this is the first I've heard of justin.tv. I went on the site and searched "UMD" and "Fighting Sioux" and nothing came up. How do you navigate to find a channel? Or more specifically, how can I find the game tonight? I paid $7 to B2 last night and couldn't pull the game.
  3. Should be a great weekend of hockey. UMD has one line that is sick. If we can shut them down, we will sweep. If we can't, we could get swept. The DECC is a small ice surface (short, with a shorter neutral zone). This can give fits to the transition game. Watch for some early offsides as timing will be slightly off. UMD's quick forwards will test us. We will need to establish a physical presence early.
  4. anybody's feed all messed up?
  5. I didn't notice that with Jake, and I am usually fairly critical. COuldn't agree more on Lammy and Malone. Zajac too. Our second and third lines continue to impress. The whole forward on the point on the pp bothers me. As a former forward, I hated anytime a bad change happened or we got caught up and I'd end up having to play like a defenseman...positioning as a defender is so huge, especially in space. Any defenseman can play wing and forecheck, but few forwards can do the job of a defenseman. I move Kristo off the point, set him up as a shooter on the #2 pp. I know that we are trying to get him going by giving him lots of ice time, but we have to set him up to succeed.
  6. Jake made one noticeable mistake where he got caught pinching...however we had no goals at the time and were down, so we needed to get some offense from Jake. He redeemed himself with his speed; catching up to the play and taking a good penalty. Without Chay, Jake is our only offensive threat on the blueline. I contend that Jake was not making defensive blunders, but was taking calculated risks and got burned once. Fienhage is very green, and had a couple really bad gaffes. Jake isn't big, but the kid is arguably the best skater on the team.
  7. Breakout drills and powerplay all week in practice. Without Chay we looked awful in both. Huge series.
  8. indefinitely?? That means he is concussed IMHO. Marvin shall be beaten down next time we encounter him.
  9. Looks like Hak is committed to the Toews, Trupper, Malone line....TMT : ) I think we see good things from Kristo tonight.
  10. Full team vs DU or Full team minus one and a message to the league that you don't f@#k with the Fighting Sioux. I vote for the latter. It is early in the season. The way this team responds tonight is going to speak volumes as to what kind of club we have this year. I'm thinking that we have a team that will stick up for each other, play straight up, and never back down. I hope I'm right. I start the Zajac line if I'm Hak and I tell them no one comes to the bench until they've registered a hit. No puck control on the first shift, simply punishing on the forecheck.
  11. I like the thought process. I agree with keeping Lapoint and Marto together for sure. I make them the top pairing for tonight. Maybe a little rotation to let Fienhage adjust to game speed?
  12. yzerman19


    Do I smell a discussion on the code coming? It is pretty straightforward. You are responsible for your actions on the ice, and you need to be prepared to have certain things...um...addressed. Tonight its about playing Sioux hockey. That's straight up, physical hockey. Skill and speed on the attack. Team, Committment and Integrity. Physically humiliate an opponent, but to his face. Marto is going to need to step up big time tonight and lead that defensive unit...he can do it.
  13. yzerman19


    Agree with one difference...We can't afford to go down two defensemen against DU, so look for a forward to enforce not Blood or MacWilliam,
  14. yzerman19


    Watching that hit again makes me sick. Marvin should be dismissed from the league. Chay is completely defenseless and Marvin head hunts him from behind. What a d-bag. I order the code red on Marvin. Done.
  15. yzerman19


    I was commenting on the idea that we retaliate against Lasch. Marvin should need to own up to his cheapness, Lasch shouldn't even be in the conversation.
  16. yzerman19


    You don't take cheap shots and try end a guys season, especially another skill player; who, by the way, HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THE HIT ON CHAY! I couldn't agree more that there is some serious riff-raff in the league and a lot of it that goes uncalled. Especially when it is a bottom tier team vs a top tier team. Not that SCSU is bottom tier. They are more mid-tier. How do we fix it? It starts with the league and the schools, they have to enforce major punishments both related to the team and being on campus. The obvious other way is what's been done in Canada and the NHL for years. You make fighting a five minute major. If the refs don't take care of things, the players can. In order to prevent total goon thuggery we could make it that (arbitrary number here) fighting majors in one season equals x game(s) suspension.
  17. yzerman19


    We don't need to resort to thug tactics. We are elite. We are not the "Gopher Practice Squad" like Jan Brady U. We should not go out looking for revenge, but depending on Chay's likely status for next weekend; we could certainly be prepared to order the code red (drop 'em). I wouldn't be surprised to see Davidson and/or Bruneteau in the lineup just in case. I hope Hextall can keep it together...he is too valuable to us to be out next weekend. He doesn't strike me as the kind of guy who will back away though, even if coah has ordered...
  18. I used to have respect for Tech, not because of talent or skill, but because they competed hard. This team that Tech ahs is a bunch of talentless goons. Jamie Russell should be beside himself. If you can't win, lose with class, do not turn it into a clown show.
  19. There are no absolutes. There are things that are worth getting worked up about (say jackboots goose stepping into Poland, or bombs falling on Hawaii) and things that aren't worth caring about (swearing at a hockey game). Sticks and stones remember? words can never harm me? I've got way more important things to care about than swearing at a hockey game and who thinks what is classless. Haircuts from the late 80s and cheap suits are classless too, but we all deal with them. Way bigger stuff to worry about.
  20. They shouldn't play "in heaven there aint no beer" either, because it might offend those that don't drink. Classless is an opinion. I've got plenty of opinions on classlessness...
  21. powerplay...let's make it a game.
  22. 14 SOGs...ugghhh. That should be for a period, not a game.
  23. Yup, his comment was self-critical about not having his head up. Big time hit. Legal, but brutal. Looks like AA is playing the trap
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