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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. wasn't that Blake Wheeler, not Toni Lucia?
  2. I hope you're right...I'd love to see Kristo bust out in the second half...maybe a hatty against the Goofs
  3. Not quite sure what you mean there... I think Danny Kristo has a ton of natural ability and some sick skills; I do sorta see some regression on his part. I thought he looked best 5 on 5 right after the WJC last year...
  4. Is there a developing player issue right now with Danny Kristo? We better be careful before Montreal labels us the next Golden Gophers...I mean Jonathan Toews excepted. But in all seriousness, is this still the right place for Kristo to develop? Is the style not suited to him? I always think of him being an ideal QMJHL type player; He had a great rookie year statistically, but this year the points just aren't coming.
  5. Agree, and we rarely attacked the offensive zone with numbers and speed...the few times we did we got decent scoring chances. I keep thinking about the fact that we found a way to sweep on the road without two first line forwards...you take two top end forwards off most teams in this league and they don't go and sweep MSU on the road. We finish the first half in first in the WCHA by two points, we have the top goal scorer in the nation. I can live with our start We also have the most wins in the country having played the toughest schedule in college hockey
  6. They were pretty sick...They skated with Erik Ness who also played a little D1 for UMD...might be the only nodak high school line ever to send all 3 to D1...although i'm not sure who potulny and irmen skated with...
  7. 450 points divided by four brothers...two sets? There are a few in Sioux lore- Johnsons and Panzers and Hoogsteens for sure.....Burgraffs, DePieros, almost any brother set with the Panzers or Johnsons...Greg and Corey Johnson has 309 career points, the Panzers had 372, the Hoogsteens had 267, Burgraffs 199, DePieros 200 So the real question is what two sets of brothers had 681 points?!
  8. B2 ripped me off...can't get or stay connected. It worked for me vs Omaha Sounds like we're sucking anyway...better get up, these bottom dwellers like to beat WCHA powers...
  9. Really?? I am surprised, as we usually agree on things... As a double Gopher, but die hard Sioux fan; I HATE the rouser.
  10. Ignorant, disappointed fans who've had seven or eight beers can put a negative tone on the weekend...all in all, I have a blast, I go every year, and I will go every year.
  11. It is usually a Chicago sports and cop bar, but at the Final Five it comes alive with hockey fans...the bartenders and all wait staff are generally well, umm, young and attractive women who wear hot pants and halter tops. Clothes stay on, it is not THAT kind of establishment...
  12. It is a great time every year. Lots of great hockey fans (and the obligatory bad ones), but all in all the people, the venue, and the event are pretty much first class...it's done really well. I'd recommend checking out Alary's bar if you've never been there...especially if you are a red-blooded male... The Holiday Inn is right next to the arena.
  13. I don't debate that he has great skill and potential to play in the NHL...the WI goal is an example, as are some of his puck possession displays, but...every single NHLer can do those things...he needs to differentiate himself further to be in the show, especially given his draft position...not that high... For him to max his signing bonus and get a legit shot at the NHL going into camp, he needs another 20 goal and 20 assist season at a minimum...he's not on pace for that. I hope to see him in the show someday, but his age and path requires that he really put up the numbers for him to maximize his shot. He'd already be an "older" rookie at camp...
  14. Yup...KRACH is the best ranking system, but it isn't perfect. You can only make up so many points with SOS...undefeated against cupcakes will rank higher than .650 against a top schedule. now .700 against cupcakes and .650 against a top schedule should tip to the tougher schedule...
  15. Maybe the Gophs had the usual Sioux problem and couldn't pick a corner... On another thread someone was talking about the Marto at Forward dynamic...maybe we should put together two lineup packages depending on the team we're playing...one more physical and one more skilled and fast... Interesting thought regarding 2011-2012 (i know...way too early) , but at the moment I don't think that Gregoire or Kristo are NHL ready...Gregs could easily punch a ticket to a top two scoring line in the AHL, but that isn't the goal of leaving early...we could theoretically lose no underclassmen to the pros...Blood appears to be the closest, but I think he'd go to the AHL too. You should never leave early for the minors...
  16. That's RPI you're describing (where your record and your opponent's records, and your opponent's opponents records are mathematically combined), and the Sioux have a higher RPI than DU. SIoux are 3rd, DU is 4th, The SIoux are 4th instead of third in the PWR for one simple reason: Maine. Those head to head losses have Maine winning the pairwise against us still, costing us 3rd...
  17. I agree that the Sioux played down to cloud's level. Somehow we ended up playing their game...I think that was at least in part to the holes we had in the lineup without Hexy and Gregs. As for Lapoint...I have been a vocal critic of his, but last night he was without his 3 year partner (as opposed to life partner ) and was skating with a 17 year old freshman... The mixed unit last night lacked cohesiveness and chemistry. A complete lineup will get that back. Last night reminded me of a pond hockey game rather than a WCHA game, because of the lack of cohesion and good team play for long stretches.
  18. I'm definitely looking forward to Kristo getting out of his sophomore slump...the kids got too much talent to have 1 goal through the first 2 months
  19. I agree on Davidson or Bruno upfront instead of Gleason. I wonder if Hak is getting Gleason reps to keep him prepared to play next year when he would likely be needed on defense as a regular
  20. ugly hockey tonight, but i'll take the W...0-5 0n the pp is tough. We miss gregs and hexy a lot...
  21. We are a much better team with Gregoire and Hexy in the lineup, however, we have guys who can step up... I'd put the following lines together: Knight with Kristo and Rodwell Malone with Trupp and Frattin Nelson with Cichy and Rowney Lammy with Davidson and Bruno I do hope that Gregoire can play...
  22. True to form, the Fighting Sioux of Spirit Lake continue to fight and do not surrender in the face of impossible odds. ...and unfortunately true to form, it appears that once again the white beurocrats will sweep the Indian and his/her interests aside with a pen.
  23. Never fear, my friend, Frattin is on pace! If memory serves me, we've only had two 30 goal men this decade in Bochenski and Duncs...Frats would be #3 and you know what they say about the thied time...
  24. game tying goal clearly should've been waived off. COnsistent inconsistency, that is what we get...how do you count that one and waive off Frattin's on friday. We wrap up our CCHA schedule 2-0-1 vs two of their better teams. Good for the PWR. I agree that Maine is the best we've seen, but we were off our game there. Hak appears to be trying to make us gritty and defensive on Saturdays...either that or the opponents are taking us off our game on Saturdays. I am really looking forward to seeing Kristo start scoring...he shows such flashes of brilliance but hasn't been rewarded this year. Forbert was clearly a step behind coming out of his illness. When healthy he is elite. He looked average tonight. Powerplay still needs a lot of work... Knight and Gregoire's timing was just a split second off tonight...if they are clicking, a couple of their passes hit the tape in stride and we score a few more. Can't believe Trupper missed two breakaways this weekend. He is usually cash money on those. Rodwell is really shaping up to be a player. I like how he plays. He will be an excellent player for several years.
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