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Everything posted by Godsmack

  1. Lots of bars within walking distance of Magness. Crimson and Gold is one of my favorites-probably the closest one to the arena and decent bar food. Get there early though as it gets packed on Friday nights. http://barsdenver.com/du/
  2. We will be there! Also, I had ordered 4 tickets but my parents can't go (similar to my predicament with the DU series) so if anyone needs two tickets for the Frozen Faceoff, let me know. Oh, I voted "yes" BTW. I used to date a Gopher hockey fan and she and her family were really nice so they can't all be too bad. Plus, think of the fun stories we all could share regarding UND/Minn hockey?!?!
  3. You're right-DU isn't quite the rivalry as Minnesota partly due to proximity (familiarity breeds contempt) as well as how well Gopher fans would travel to the Ralph compared DU fans (what fans? -we come close to out-numbering them at Magness). Thanks Donny for taking away a series that both UND and Gopher fans want.
  4. I'm a CC season ticket holder and I'm always dubious of the stated attendance. From the time of the World Arena's opening in the late 90's until about 2012, yes, they were consistently at or near capacity. Since then, however, the arena is barely half full, except for games against UND or DU (and a good portion of the fans are UND fans). Regularly, there are wide swaths of empty purple seats at Tiger games and yet stated attendance always seems to be near a full house.
  5. Someone mentioned that Eaves' buy out is somewhere in the neighborhood of $900k. That's a lot of $ in isolation but maybe it's small potatoes to pay out compared to what the program has lost in recent past and future revenue due to dwindling season ticeket holders, attendance, etc? Not to mention the significant damage that has been done to the Badger hockey brand name and good will? Maybe it's time the school take a bite of the you-know-what sandwich by paying the buy out, and starting fresh with some new blood.
  6. I'm getting ready to wager all $12.48 in my 401(k) that the Gwoz gets the call from Bucky after this season ends.
  7. Man, I vividly remember that incident! I'm no fan of Pio hockey but I was pissed. That was such a bush league move by that Gopher player. I guess he kicked the Denver player so hard he cut through his jersey.
  8. Yes, just watched the video link and that was a textbook check from behind.
  9. Didn't Lucia make some comments years back about the rivalry between Minnesota and UND as being "unhealthy" whereas the Gophers/Badgers rivalry was a healthy, good rivalry? I wonder if Wisconsin's recent actions on the ice will cause Lucia to re-consider?
  10. Let's get a petition going to ask that a certain QB stop screaming, "Omaha!"
  11. Shouldn't he red shirt him then in order to save the year of eligibility or is it too late for that?
  12. Un-related to the chirping, I watched the game down in Colorado Springs on local station KRDO and they had the Midco broadcast with Hammer and Brandt but during intermission went to C. Spgs sports guys and they did a story about Hunter Fejes and how, when he was a young boy, a road rage guy ran him and his mom off the road, they lost control of the car and rolled, and his mother later died from injuries. It was a really sad, touching story. So while I was pulling for UND, I felt good for Hunter and the great game he had.
  13. Denver has clawed back from a 2-0 deficit to lead Duluth 3-2 late in the third. Duluth has to be the biggest disappointment in the conference. High expectations have not been met thus far.
  14. I hear you but to me, Denver will always be my most hated conference foe (this also probably has to do with the fact I'm a CC fan and Denver has had our number). Your point is valid though, Omaha is a team I used to pull for but find it harder and harder to do so lately.
  15. This is the best, most poignant post of the night!
  16. I'm confident that CC's performance at St. Cloud got North Dakota's attention. A much improved CC team will play UND tough. That said, UND's depth and defense can match up with CC's top line.
  17. I didn't see it but I heard UND looked flat in the Friday game against Wisconsin.
  18. Plus, it's worth noting that a lot of St. Cloud's shots came in the third period when CC had already built a 5-1 lead and by that point, CC played a much more defensive posture in order to simply protect their lead.
  19. I totally agree-while Wodon may make some valid counter-arguments, I kept waiting for him to address the Notre Dame fund raiser bit but he seems to have cherry picked what he was going to focus his critique on.
  20. http://www.collegehockeynews.com/news/2016/01/15_commentary_lucia_criticism.php
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