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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. This is a question and it is not meant as an argument one way or the other, but has anyone looked at how much it would cost to change the name?

    I worked for an organization that changed its name, it was a company of about 1000 employees, the name changed cost around $1.2 million.

    It would be an interesting number for sure.

  2. Thanks for posting the link.  Doug Barrett and the guys on KNOX read the report but I didn't have time to go find the statement.  They are going to try to cover the news conference at 3.


    It will be interesting to listen to the press conference this afternoon and the tone that the President takes.

  3. Tony, your the only one digging a hole.  UND is not the guilty party in this fiasco.  Quit trying to change the subject.  The topics your talking about have nothing to do with the  actions of the Bison coaching staff.


    Exactly he is trying to focus the attention off of this and on to some posters on this message board.

  4. I'm heading to the game tonight, but just heard from a Wild media relations guy on the radio that Gaborik will not be playing tonight.

    That leaves how many players on the Wild roster who can score a goal?

  5. With all credit to those teams, they would not destroy the 2005 Bison.  Everybody knows that lateral speed will kill an option offense.  For reference, check last years Bison/Carson-Newman game.  I go to the games, you do not.  Stick to following the whioux.  That is your obvious strength :D  :)

    GO BISON!!@

    2005 Great West Champions


    Don't come on here and be so disrespectful. They are the SIOUX. Go to Bisonville and talk smack, not here.

  6. I wonder how many goals Bo will have to score before people stop knocking his skating.


    I wonder that also. Woog still can't mention Bo's name, without saying something about his skating.

  7. Oh well.  The Wild will never amount to anything if they don't get scoring.  The Panthers, on the other hand, will never amount to anything period.


    I'm not a Panthers fan, but that is a heck of a blanket statement.

  8. Are you sure? Neither of my hockey not football tickets have my name on them. There is a 'cover' nonticket with my name on it but it's not on the actual tickets. I feel jipped.


    Yes I'm sure, my name is on each of my tickets.

  9. I don't remember last years tickets having the name of the ticket holder printed on them, or did I not see it?


    That is something new I believe, just like the name being printed on the football tickets.

  10. He stole most of his lines from other PA guys.  "Here's your Scoring" line came from the PA guy from UMD. 


    The UMD guy stole it from the Madison Square Garden guy from way back.

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