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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. I wasn't implying that the estate of Ralph Engelstad would be forking up some cash.  My point is it's a poor argument:

    "We need to change the nickname."

    "We can't...it would cost too much money to get rid of the logos."

    "Oh.  I hadn't thought about that.  Nevermind."   



    I haven't really heard this as an argument from anyone. It would be interesting to hear an estimate of what it would cost UND in general to change or drop the name. I'm not making the case to keep the name to save money, but it will take a lot of money to do so.

  2. I mean no disrespect to Prpich, but I don't think an instigator like him should have to worry about a letter.  He says one thing on the ice, stuff that gets under the skin of the other team and then is expected to turn around and say another.  I'd rather him stick to his strengths and have Stafford wear the A in his stead. 


    Do you know what goes on in the locker rooms? Or when these guys hang out with each other? There are a lot of things that weigh on a player's mind when making his decision on the captains. Obviously, leadership qualities on the ice are key, but off the ice qualities also play a factor.

  3. Simmer down, cowboy, we're on the same team, remember?  I just get a kick out of people wondering what's taken the trio so long to respond in FAVOR of the nickname.  Have you considered the possibility and probability that they aren't exactly in favor of riling up some core constituents by coming out overwhelmingly in favor of the words "Fighting Sioux"?


    I agree with you MafiaMan, but you also have to realize that there are a lot of people in this state who have voted for Conrad/Dorgan/Pomeroy who also support the name.

  4. All I can say is that I feel a lot better about this season's team beating Manitoba 6-1 than last season's team beating them 8-3. Last year, the Sioux outshot the Bisons 24-19, which made me worried about how much offense the Sioux would generate. It was a sign of things to come. This time, the shot differential was 49-18, and if not for some great saves by Krister Toews, it could easily have been a 10-1 game.


    I felt the same way after leaving the game yesterday. There were times when the Spirko line was really dominating in the offensive zone and it was a lot of fun to watch.

  5. Which controversies would those be? Not trying to be a smartass or trying to deny that Virg was a homer (unlike those pargons of objectivity Woog & Mazzocco, better known as Male-Member Head and his sidekick Wig Boy), just wondering, since none come to mind.


    I really don't want to get into this either, but some member schools of the WCHA have had their share of "homer" reporters in the past.

  6. I love this part in particular...

    "It doesn't matter if a logo and nickname are offensive to one tribal member or 1 million. The fact is they're offensive and they're wrong."

    Applying that same standard, it doesn't matter if a painting of a guy peeing on a crucifix is offensive to one person or 1 million.  The fact is it's offensive and it's wrong.

    Now, propose those two scenarios to the ACLU and see which one they'll completely ignore because they don't agree with it and which one they'll rally around the cause to promote as freedom of expression.

    The FACT is it's offensive and wrong?  Who decided that for me?


    Great points MafiaMan.

    I loved the sentence of "the face is it's offensive and it's wrong." I'm so glad they know that is a fact.

  7. Greetings,

    Great news for UND football fans...Lennon has signed a contract extension thru  2010.:blush:

    The announcement gets a whole two paragraphs in the Herald...here.


    That is a story on their website, doesn't reflect what will show up in tomorrow's paper.

  8. Hmm ... Zajac says his brother is chippy, while sitting next to Prpich, who is a senior.  Your Fighting Sioux agitator replacement?


    I would like that, we need someone to be able to step right in and fill Prpich's role when he leaves.

  9. Wow! Now that's a cocky statement. Funny, but I don't think the rest of the NCAA hockey programs are crying over what UND got and what they didn't.


    I don't think he meant it like that at all. There are a lot of hockey programs who do not get near the recruits that teams like North Dakota and Minnesota do, year after year, the fans of the other teams are not sitting and home crying, but we should feel fortunate here because we get so many good players each year.

  10. Back on some recruits, here's an article from the BCHL website with comments from the Vernon coach on Darcy Zajac and Chay Genoway:

    Vernon-Salmon Arm story


    Listening to Mac Talk on KNOX this morning, he had Mike Prpich and Travis Zajac.

    When asked if his brother (Darcy) could play, Travis said, "He can, but he is a different type of player, He is a fighter and a dirty player." A pretty honest assessment from one brother about the other one.

  11. I know it is still a couple of days away and the game is only an exhibition, but I'm getting pumped to see some of the "newbies" on the team.

    I will always remember the Sioux fans getting introduced to Zach Parise and the skills he brought to the game in his first game against Manitoba. He one-timed a pass from the circle and top-shelfed it to score a goal.

    The game might not mean anything in statistics, but it will be a good time.

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