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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. The Sioux Women played very well last night. They put up a lot of points and the starters played for probably 20 mins. I'm not sure I have seen a Sioux team get burned on so many backdoor cuts as they did last night.

  2. Something is wrong with the entire debby roster. They have no legit first line players. Mogilny is clearly on the downside of his career. Gomez is most certainly NOT a first line NHL center. Elias is doubtful for the season and it remains to be seen whether or not he will ever be able to be the player he once was in this league. Gionta is having a decent season considering the debby state of affairs but, still, his numbers do not compare to the big time first line players in the league.

    Their "dynasty" , if you will, was based upon defense, clutching, grabbing and tackling forwards. Gone are the anchors of their defense. Their blueline now consists of very average players. Unless Blowdeur can conjure up a way to score 3-4 goals per game himself the deborahs are going to miss the playoffs.

    Frankly, I find it ammusing as hell. Big Lou, in spite of his past alleged moments of genius, has done nothing to make this team a contender.

    That is a lot of trash to talk from a fan whose team hasn't won anything for 30 years.

  3. It isn't about desperation, it's about stating that this isn't the first time such a thing has happened. The number of years that have passed is not relevant to the topic. The fact of the matter is Central has done it too in their history. Whether it happened 5 years ago or 20 or 40 makes no difference. I don't think South tried to rub Wahpeton's noses in it, it's just that they're that much better. It's pretty tough to tell 4th line players not to try hard when they get some rare ice time, and I felt the same way regarding the 1983-84 Central/West Fargo massacre.

    I have no problem with you pointing out that Central did this 20 years ago, but you are actually going to defend a 26-0 drubbing? Why would you be skating your first line in the 3rd period of a game like this?

  4. I looked on the espn u website and their scheduling for today does not show any hockey games being broadcast. I have never known them to have regular season games on just the tourney last year.

    They have had regular season games on this year, including a game from the ralph.

  5. I just hope that McKeen's scout was off when he said Forney was "defensively lacking."

    Once again, that was one line in a pretty glowing review of Forney's talents. Should we tell him (Forney) to go elsewhere because of what one scout said and because rw77 thinks that will hurt this team?

  6. I think that was actually Fabain that took the puck in the hand. He was out there a couple shifts later. Though of course I could be mistaken too.

    I just watched the tape to check the player and it was Fabian who block that shot and went immediately down the tunnel.

  7. I value his opinion as a hockey obsever too but you simply can't let a person post things that are not true on a public message board.

    If you can't post things that are not true, I'm not sure we would have as many posts as we do on this site............ :0

  8. And next season with Danny and Ryan going pro we won't have to talk about this crap again. I can't wait I am so bored with this discussion. Honestly since the two kids from ND went to play for the Gophers that is all some have talked about, I can't wait until we can once again pick up the Herald and not have to read about Ryan and Danny and the Gophers blah, blah, blah... Except for maybe a Sioux trounching of the Goofers. Honestly I think we have players that are just as good as the two mentioned Goofers.

    Well said, i will not miss the recap in the Herald of the meal the Potulny's make for the team everytime they are in town.

  9. I certainly don't pretend to know what he's thinking, but I've noticed a lot--and perhaps even an inordinate amount--of "next year" talk in his radio interviews. He definitely talks like somebody who fully expects to be back next year.

    I've heard the same thing in his radio talks. I have no question that he plans on being back next year.

  10. As was the case at the old rinks. Trouble is, people only remember the great games at the old Ralph and forget about the snoozefests. And I know there were snoozefests because I was at some of them.

    No kidding, I can recall several "snoozefests", both with the building packed and where it was half-full.

  11. This team does not play well when they get behind, it was evident this weekend, and it has been the whole year. After we would score, the gophers seemed to come back and find a way to either take the lead again or extend their lead.

    This team has a lot of things to work on, they are very young, but there are still a lot of games to be played this season and the more experience this young team gets, the better they will be in the stretch run.

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