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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. Though FSU was given a pass, I really think they went about it in a harsh, yet sensical manner.  They threatened to get the NCAA where it matters the most:  the pocketbooks.

    I admire schools like UND, CMU, and Utah who are trying to "play by the rules" with this appeal runaround, and perhaps it will help them (us).  However, I do believe, if Kupchella and crew were smart, they'd have legal on  this building up a case.  Because if the appeal fails, I'd sue.

    You don't think UND has their legal department on this already? I'm not sure how FSU went about it in "harsh" manner. They came out after the NCAA in the media, but did you read Kupchella's letter to the NCAA, I wouldn't exactly call that nice and friendly.

  2. Denver went above and beyond by putting Bina's number on its helmets,


    I don't agree with this one bit. Of course they didn't have to do that, but in the court of public opinion, they pretty much had to. Even though the news on Robbie is getting better, he is still a long ways away from skating and playing in a game, so until that happens, this event will be on the minds of a lot of Sioux players and fans.

  3. Baseball cards are ridiculous now.  You look at them and the cheapest pack is $3 for a 10-pack of cards.  I used to go to Target and get a 45-pack for $ .99. The packs were clear so you looked on the front and back to see which packs had the best cards visible. ;)


    I was in a card shop a couple months ago and asked the dealer what was the hot and collected box and brands of cards, he handed me an Upper Deck product. The box had I believe 3 packs of cards in it, with 5 cards a pack and it was $99. Sure you will get some jersey cards and autographs guaranteed, but come on, that is only 15 cards.

  4. My theory is that all non-namesake nicknames (Braves, etc.) will stay on the list and all namesake nicknames with an objecting namesake tribe will stay on the list.  Only those schools with namesake nicknames with full support from the namesake tribe(s) will get an exemption. 


    Ummm.....can you repeat the part of the stuff where you said all about the ummm....thing

  5. I agree as well.  It's amazing how Major League Baseball struggles to figure out why kids don't like baseball anymore.  I remember spending my lunch money buying several packs of Topps baseball cards in the hope of getting an Ozzie Smith, Reggie Jackson, or Bob Boone card in the 1980's.  Then greed took over and now you can't find packs of cards.  Of course, you can buy a box now with about 10 cards in it if you're an 8 year old with $20 in your pocket. 


    No kidding, I bought a price guide a couple days ago and you know there are too many companies and too many products flooding the market when there are 3 pages devoted to cards from the early 1900's all the way through the early 1990's and then about 50 pages devoted to the last ten years of baseball cards. I have pretty much stopped collecting cards of all sports because the packs are way overpriced. I have never collected to make money, just for the love of getting certain players.

  6. From the wire:

    American Indian activist Vernon Bellecourt says it would be wrong-headed for the N-C-A-A to consider allowing schools to use Indian nicknames, even if tribes

    give their OK.

      Bellecourt also says the issue should go beyond Indian nicknames to include other monikers -- like Notre Dame's Fighting Irish.

      He says he's heard from people of Irish ancestry who are opposed to the nickname use. He says they think they're being portrayed as drunks or leprechauns.


    Bellecourt himself used racist and inflammatory language yesterday when conducting an interview with KNOX radio in Grand Forks.

    He basically called Native Americans who support the name as having a "hang around the plantation negro mentality" wow

  7. Sorry. The worst in the hockey biz belongs to Mike(? or Dave or whoever. I really could care less what his first name is) Edwards of 2000 FF fame. He may have gotten the names right, but he would ridicule players based upon stature (He was always calling Goehring "short stuff") and would always pull for the bigger market team regardless of talent. Him and Dan Moriarty were the worst pairing I've ever heard. Moriarty, is at best, a rink side reporter, not a booth announcer. But, I can't fault Moriarty that much for his 2000 FF performance, Edwards wouldn't let him talk at all.

    Thorne is not the worst. Sorry. :glare:


    Jack Edwards

    You can fault Moriarty, because he was and is terrible.

  8. Can I get an 'amen,' BigGame?  I couldn't agree more.  Dorgan and Conrad spend their time schmoozing with the likes of Hillary Rodham Clinton and Ted Kennedy, then come back to North Dakota and somehow woo the voters with their "mainstream" values.  I'm constantly amazed at how North Dakota can go overwhelmingly Republican in presidential elections, then turn around and send two senators who oppose anything and everything that that Republican president wants to do.  At least liberal states like New York and Pennsylvania and conservative states like Utah and Oklahoma are consistent.



    I love the argument that Conrad and Dorgan are not as "liberal" as other Senators, and therefore somehow are given the moderate label. Just look at their voting records and you will see that is not the case. These guys vote with Clinton and Kennedy 99 % of the time.

  9. Are you kidding me, ScottM?  Take a look at North Dakota's congressional delegation and what do you see?  Three blind liberal democrats.  Of course they're keeping their mouth shut on the nickname issue.  Who do you think their consituency is?  North Dakota needs to do what South Dakota did last November and WAKE UP!


    Once again, I totally agree with you.

  10. I see a lot of hits to this website and this thread in particular.  It seems a real waste of our energy to just sit here and complain about what the NC$$ has done. 

    What I would like to see are some suggestions on what, exactly, we can do as individuals or collectively to throw a monkeywrench in the plans of the NC$$ to get rid of nicknames like the Fighting Sioux. 



    Money, Money, Money

    It will probably be a long and drawn out legal fight and that will cost plenty of money.

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