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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. I'm throwing down the gauntlet to Radke and Porter to step up and make things happen this weekend. I'm also calling for Prpich to stop making stupid penalties.


    If nothing else, you always seem to make me laugh rw77.

    I'm not laughing at what you said, but the fact that you make it sound like you are a coach and will be giving each player a talk before the games this weekend.

  2. Second... they actually did use the comparison to church with profanity... I believe they said that if it can't be said in church, it shouldn't be said here either.. but don't quote me on that

    The only thing I want to add to this discussion is if we are going to hold the students to these standards, than everyone in the arena should be held to the same level of standards. The profanity heard from my section of non-students is really bad on some nights.

  3. But I am Frustrated by the cut outs on the Radio feed...No Matter the Sport Football,B-Ball,Hockey they lose tranmission for parts of the broadcasts?

    That is my biggest complaint. This has nothing to do with listening over the internet, this is turning the radio on and listening to the game and having the game be interrupted by them losing their connection. It happens way more than it should. While at the Duluth playoff football game at home this year, I finally took my headsets off, because they missed about a whole quarter of that game with these kinds of problems.

  4. Who do we all need to start getting on about the internet broadcast. It was terrible the last part of the 1st half, then was good at half and there on. This should not continue to happen every game it seems like. I have not had these problems when I try other teams broadcast's.

    Let's get after the powers and encourage them to get this fixed NOW !

    I'm with you. I'm sick of nothing being done to make this stuff any better, I'm also sick of the same old excuses about it.

    Anyone know who can be contacted?

  5. Coachdags, teamsioux and dakotadan--very good points. I don't think any of us had some sort of pre-conceived notion that we weren't going to particularly like the Betty. I really wanted to like it. There are just some rather glaring miscalculations in its design. I don't know who's ultimately responsible, and it really doesn't matter at this point because what's done is done. In retrospect, I would have much preferred to remain at Hyslop until a bit more study had gone into exactly what type of arena we wanted and could afford. It really does seem as though everything was rushed, and rushing something of this magnitude is rarely a good idea.

    I agree with all of your points.

    I also think there needs to be a little better use of signs and section numbers, especially in the entryway, this would help direct the people to the north or south side of the arena.

  6. What ever happend to Roche? Was he released by the Wild and then never picke up by anybody?

    He plays for Chicago of the AHL. Look at earlier posts in this thread, where there are players stats updated on a regular basis.

  7. It's tough to be too critical of a 32-point win, but I was a little disappointed in how many easy baskets the Sioux gave up, and in how few turnovers were forced. I suppose it can be chalked up to the fact that the level of intensity against an obviously overmatched opponent isn't going to be the same as it would be against a Concordia-St. Paul, for example, especially in the last game before the Christmas break.

    I totally agree. I don't think we will see those many easy lay ups against other opponents.

    This team is really a lot of fun to watch. We are very spoiled here at UND to have such a great program.

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