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Everything posted by TechFirst

  1. One place to check on the internet is channelsurfing.net, but you have to wait until near gametime to see what they've got.
  2. Watch out, cajun. You just described my Red Raiders. Congrats on the win, guys. I'm looking for 3 in a row against those 'southerners'.
  3. Best of luck, guys. Kick some cajun tail. Those cajuns talk funny for sure. Our Stephen F Austin University is located in Nacodoches, and the pronunciation is completely different than their Natchitoches.
  4. Best of luck to the Fighting Sioux this week. Don't eat too many spuds. I hope Landry plays lights out and y'all get a win streak started. P.S. Send a little luck our way after your game. We've got Texas at 7:00. I think it's on ESPN2 in your area. I hate those Cows.
  5. Nice to see a hard-fought game, even though the loss hurts a little. Nothing is as frustrating as stopping the running game and getting good coverage on the WRs only to have a scrambling QB nick you to death.
  6. More of the same from down south. Here's hoping your boys shake off that start and get rolling. And be glad y'all didn't come down here to start this season. It was 96 in the shade and the field registered 148 during our game Sunday. Whoever scheduled a 2:30 start this time of year down here is an idiot (that would be espn).
  7. TechFirst

    2010 Season

    Tell me about it. Down here we had to move the Texas game from its usual November slot to the 3rd game of the year in order to suit ABC/ESPN. (Actually, I think it was a choice the schools accepted in order to get a prime time slot and probably ESPN College Game Day on campus.) And us with a new coach and a new defense that won't have time to get settled in good. Whippee! At least it's in our stadium at night. Just as bad as that change, two of our non-conf games got moved to the end of the year instead of up front. WTF? And in the shuffle we lost our game with TCU and get Weber St instead. Weber St as the 11th game? Really? That'll help us in the late-season polls for sure. And all of a sudden, I can relate to a conference without much of a long-term future, too. We don't quite have the status to guarantee we won't get left behind in some kind of future shuffle. Are y'all as anxious as I am to start playing some football? Less than 60 days now. I've got some new season tickets on the 50 yard line and I can't wait to try them out.
  8. I've been away for a while. What did Bamba do to get suspended? Our spring practice started two weeks ago. I'm going to the spring game on April 17. Both of our Sr. QB's are out hurt, but should be good to go when two-a-days start in the summer.
  9. There are several forums but the best (and free) one is DoubleTNation.com. But I hardly recognize the place this last few weeks. Ever since the Leach deal blew up, the membership has doubled at least. We've had guys from teams all over the country joining up to talk about what happened. I didn't know the details about the USF deal, just that the coach hit some kid. I didn't realize he went to such extent to try and cover it up. The Leach deal was nothing like that, although ESPN tried to spin it that way just because Craig James works there. HERE is a recent article that gives a more objective view.
  10. Oh yeah, don't ask me what I think of the James family. It can't be put into print. And daddy James just announced he might try running for the U.S. Senate from Texas. FAT CHANCE!!
  11. Glad to see your future is looking good, especially in the O-line. That can kill you even if you have good skill players. Just ask OU. I have mixed feeling on the Leach saga. I agree that we'll probably never know the whole story, but the one that the school ran with seems pretty pathetic. IMO, they're going to have to pay him his severance money anyway, so we could have done without all the drama. They could have fired the man without embarrassing the school, turning the bowl game into a soap opera, and endangering the recruiting class. There's no doubt that politics and personal agendas took precedence over their obligation to the university. The man deserved to be treated better than that. OTOH, I was already thinking that Leach had taken us about as far as he could. We owe him a lot for taking the team from obscurity to prominence, but he didn't quite seem to have what it takes to get us to the next level. I was getting tired of dumb calls, a mediocre defense, and a seeming inability to consistently scheme for the really big games. Plus it seemed like he couldn't connect with the players at times which resulted in them not having their heads on right in some games. There was no excuse for getting thumped by A&M last season, for example. In the end, we seem to have landed on our feet. Tuberville has better credentials than any coach we've ever hired and the prospect of having a real defense is exciting. We were already looking to 2010 as a year we might win the conference because of our player personnel, so if the new coaches can make a smooth transition who knows how far we can go.
  12. Just thought I'd check in and see how things are going with you guys. I've tried to keep up with your thread on recruiting but all the names, etc kinda make my eyes glaze over. How do things look for next year? You probably saw that we hit a little speed bump recently. Lots of angry rednecks down here, but it looks like we actually came out of the deal alright (football-wise anyway). Keeping the same offense and adding an SEC defense sounds pretty good. We did have the best recruiting class we've ever had, but we'll have to see how that works out. It doesn't look like too many, if any, are going to bolt on us.
  13. When I first went to college and was learning how to drink, I had several 'what did I do last night' experiences. There but for the grace of God go I.
  14. Oops, a little late but I went there for the Tech-Baylor game. Tickets were $100, but I can't complain too much since they are $95 for the big conference games in Lubbock ($55 for the others). Just about choked at $30 just for parking, heard it's higher for Cowboy games. Cokes were $6, beer was $8. Looks really impressive, but once you get inside it's just a football stadium. The seats were nice and padded - even had a cupholder - but I was in some 'luxury' seats. We had the 'luxury' restrooms, etc too and they were much nicer than a typical stadium. There was something about the incline of the bleachers - I had to strain to see the sidelines on my side. That big screen is really impressive. It's like watching a giant HD TV. The field was poorly lit in comparison to the screen and it was tempting to just watch the screen. Kinda defeats the purpose of being there.
  15. Congratulations, Sioux. Way to close out the year!! Sorry I missed the game. I was on the way to Jerry World to watch my Raiders barely squeak by Baylor by stopping them inside our five as the 4th quarter ran out. Close calls by both of us, but we both pulled it out. Better than the alternative, I guess.
  16. I'll get the first one for you this week. Oklahoma - 13 Texas Tech 41 Revenge is a dish best served cold. Those sum'bitches had it coming and I was there to see it.
  17. Even in Texas where ice only comes in drinks and we wonder why all your sticks are bent.
  18. Demler looks like a good find. You can never have too many QB types. If they don't work out at QB, they can usually play another position because of their general athleticism. Michael Crabtree was originally a QB recruit for us.
  19. BLOCKED!!
  20. Weird day today. Navy beats Notre Dame. Stanford crushing Oregon. #10 Geo. Tech going to OT with Wake Forest. (Baylor beat Wake, iirc)
  21. I don't claim to know much about recruiting in general, or teams moving up in classifications, and especially teams in your area and classification. But here's my $0.02 anyway based on the experiences of my alma mater. Texas Tech has been mired in mediocrity for decades. Even in our better years we were always in a conference with better teams - Texas, A&M, Arkansas (Southwest Conf) and now UT, A&M, OU, Nebraska, etc. (Big 12). Lack of competitive recruiting always kept us from having the talent it took to play with the Big Boys. But in the last few years our recruiting has improved dramatically. Part of it can be attributed to some new assistant coaches who are really good at recruiting, but I think a lot of it is because we've been winning more - AND WINNING BIG GAMES ON TV. Suddenly we're getting 3 and 4-star players from SEC territory who want to come play here. There's only one reason I can think of that they even know much about us - TV. This is just a guess, but I'm thinking your TV contract will mean much more than just convenient viewing for you fans. That exposure is invaluable in getting your name out there (plus kids like playing on TV). How much would any of you know about USC, Nebraska, Notre Dame, etc if it weren't for TV exposure year after year? Did you even know Texas Tech existed until the last few years? It's just my opinion, but I can't help but think that TV has let Tech take our game to a new level. Not only has the recruiting skyrocketed, but so have revenues. That means nicer facilities, etc which also helps recruiting. It's like a snowball rolling downhill. All you have to do is get it rolling......and don't screw up the chance.
  22. Re: A&M, all I can guess is that the guys had been reading their press clippings too much (what Leach called the fat little girl friends). After Nebraska, everybody was talking about what a great defense we had and how we should beat atm by 100 after they lost to K.St. Then they let atm just walk all over them. It was utter domination on that side of the ball. No big plays, just constantly eating up 6-8 yards a play. Plus I have to give the aggies credit for having a great game plan that feasted on our weaknesses. On offense, we lost our (new) starting QB who broke his foot at Nebraska and is out for the year most likely. That left us with the original starter Potts and the 3rd sting guy who is talented, but inexperienced. Of our remaining 3 games, I figure we can beat Baylor in our sleep now that their stud QB is out for the year. The two Okie teams are another matter. Assuming the defense has their heads on straight, our real weakness is on offense - a very rare problem for us. The O-line has been crippled by injuries all year, and we have had a different starting lineup for every game but one. We even pulled the redshirt off one of our talented freshmen two weeks ago just so we could have two O-Tackles to play against A&M. Add the QB miseries to that, and you can see how we might fare against a couple of really good defenses. All 3 talenetd RBs are healthy, but you can't run if there aren't any holes. I'm hoping for the best, but I'm not placing any bets. The only good news is that we should be much better next year. We only graduate one skill player on offense. We have plenty of young talent to fill in that O-line, fill in losses in the D-line, and even more QBs (all have been redshirting this year). Plus one or two new 4-star receivers. I think we are bowl eligible already. Everything I've seen in the press, etc says we are. I know FCS games don't count in the BCS ranking system, but I'm assuming they do for bowls. We could end up 7-5 or 9-3, depending on the Okie games.
  23. Hey guys. I missed the last two Sioux games because I went to Lubbock to see ours (400 miles one-way). Plus I'm still trying to get the self-inflicted rope burns off my neck after we lost to lowly A&M. Wow!! Great win last week. I though Cal-Poly was supposed to be some hot stuff. Weren't they nationally ranked? You guys must've played your tails off. Excellent!!! This is a bye week for us so I'll be watching/listening to the Sioux again. Get Your Guns Up, or whatever y'all say. War Lances?
  24. I know it's always going to vary, but sometimes the young guys can contribute right away. We (Tech) are starting a true freshman at offensive LT tomorrow who has been red-shirted all season (our starter, a sophomore, went down with a knee injury). And we have quite a few underclassman starting on both sides of the ball. It just depends on the quality of recruits you're getting, I guess. Our recruiting quality has really shot up the last couple of years. It's a wonder what some TV exposure can do for recruiting. Hmmmm, didn't the Sioux just get a great TV deal? You may find that's worth more than just a convenience for the fans. There are two schools of thought about getting new players - high school kids or JUCO transfers that have a little experience. Tech went through a period in the 90's where the coaches tried to rely on JUCO guys, but it didn't really work out. They had some advantages over freshmen, but they seemed to peak out earlier. I don't claim to know all about it, but we haven't tried that in at least 10 years. Good luck tomorrow, Sioux. I'm going to Lubbock to see Tech play so won't be able to watch/listen in to your game.
  25. From the article: "Typically in my short coaching career, we've always played best after losses," Sounds like a heck of a way to get your team fired up.
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