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Everything posted by TechFirst

  1. TechFirst

    UND vs NSU

    Then Tech intercepts McCoy near endzone
  2. TechFirst

    UND vs NSU

    then tech fumbles
  3. TechFirst

    UND vs NSU

    Ut 10, Tech 3 now
  4. TechFirst

    UND vs NSU

    I like your score. That 4-5 penalties on Tech already. Our O and D looking pretty good so far otherwise.
  5. TechFirst

    UND vs NSU

    Free points on a punt return. Hate that. What's your score now?
  6. TechFirst

    UND vs NSU

    Tech stops UT on their 1st drive, sack Colt Uh Oh - UT runs back punt return, 7-3
  7. TechFirst

    UND vs NSU

    Best of luck guys. Looks like you're doing pretty good so far. Gotta go check out our kickoff. I'll check back during breaks.
  8. TechFirst

    UND vs NSU

    Next year is supposed to be our year, but we shouldn't be chopped liver this year. Biggest issue today - only one DE made the travel roster - 2 injured during the week and one suspended..... after losing 4 earlier in the season.
  9. TechFirst

    UND vs NSU

    At least the blocked PATs cancel out. Our game doesn't start for 20 minutes. I'll be mostly at the TV then.
  10. TechFirst

    UND vs NSU

    Nice start so far. That goalline stand at the start sounds kinda familiar.
  11. Go Sioux!! I hope you guys have better luck than Tech. We've lost 7 DTs since the start of the year, including three in the last week. We are going to Austin to play Texas with one DT on the roster. So much for a pass rush.
  12. Whoops! Guess that should be KICK instead of 'lick'. Duh!
  13. I'm pulling for the Sioux. Y'all made a fan out of me by the way you played in Lubbock. Realistically, it's hard to say how much to make out of your D shutting down the Tech running game. Rice did the same thing to us in our last game and they are nowhere near the team they were last year. We have a stable full of new RBs to go with Batch the starter, but they haven't had many carries at all this year. I'm hoping we have been holding back in that department until this week's game against Texas. If not, we're in for a long night. Potts did stop his interception habit and threw 7 TDs against Rice, so that makes your pass D look pretty good. Tech v Texas is the prime time game Saturday night on ABC if you want to watch. We have to go to their house this year and they want revenge like you wouldn't believe. We can use all the good karma you can spare. Here's hoping you lick some NSU butt this week.
  14. TechFirst


    Here's hoping he's back in good shape without the need for surgery. The HIPPA laws make it hard to be sure of injury details unless the player himself releases it.
  15. Pardon me for sticking my nose into your business, but I was wondering about your logo and/or mascot change since I saw reference to it a couple weeks ago. Is it true that a change was requested by the NCAA? I wonder if they asked Utah to drop the Utes or Fla St to drop the Seminoles? Or is this just selective PC? I feel somewhat qualified to ask because I'm a voting member of the Creek Indian Nation, complete with a tribal roll number certified by the almighty Feds. (Actually I'm just a half-breed, but I got a number anyway.) Anyway, just curious if y'all were actually changing your team name. And BTW, I have absolutely no problem with the use of Indian names on sports teams. Unlike some groups, I don't hold a personal grudge because of what happened between a bunch of people that all died long before I was born. As for Tech, I guess PC doesn't mean much to most folks in Texas. To use a local phrase, they can stick that stuff where the moon don't shine as far as I'm concerned. GUNS UP!! And keep on fighting, Fighting Sioux!!
  16. From the Lubbock paper: Sioux proves it can go toe-to-toe with big boys http://www.redraiders.com/2009/09/06/sioux...-with-big-boys/
  17. I'll give permission for him. Iowa State is our conference whipping boy, coming in last in almost every measure. Too bad we don't get to play them this year. We get Nebraska instead. After calming down a bit from last night, I still say your guys played great. I was most impressed by your D-line's ability to stuff our big blockers in the run game (granted, not our specialty but still.....) I hope your guys come away with great confidence that will carry them through the season. Best of luck.
  18. I read this morning there were 6,000 tickets still available. How embarrassing. Must be the holiday weekend and the first weekend of dove season.
  19. I'm still mad at y'all. I got Rick Rolled here a couple days ago and haven't quite recovered yet.
  20. There will be a live game-day thread over at Double T Nation tomorrow as well. Any Sioux fans are welcome to join in there if you like. You have to register to post comments, but that's about it. (To my knowledge, it's the only Tech site that doesn't charge a fee to see all the articles, etc.) We're just a bunch of Tech fans (mostly alums and students) and are generally pretty nice guys and gals. http://www.doubletnation.com/
  21. I was thinking the same thing, except for the general climate.
  22. Seems there's a general trend that the smaller and more remote the towns, the more intense the H.S. football following is. Midland and Odessa are not small by most standards - about 125,000 each - but they are out in the middle of nowhere in what amounts to a barren desert. The nearest town of any size is Lubbock and that's 120 miles away. Basically, H.S. football is the only show in town and it consumes the local interest. I am just guessing, but isn't that the same in rural hockey country?
  23. Cheap shot punches: Oregon - 1 Boise St - 0
  24. It has cooled off a bit in the last week or so, at least in the part of Texas where I live. But that just means mid to high 80's at kickoff instead of in the 90's. But it's a dry heat out in Lubbock. (Actually, it does make a difference.) At least you guys have a national championship in football. That's something Tech can't claim at any level. I've been a Tech fan for 45 years and have never even seen a conference championship. It's just in the last 10-12 years that we've consistently pulled ourselves out of mediocrity. It's hard to compete with OU, UT, Nebraska, etc when they have football budgets several times larger than ours, and they draw much better talent year after year. Our coaching staff does far more with far less than those big schools - and lead the nation in graduation rates (public universities). Being old school, I don't think much of running up the score on outmatched opponents. We used to call that really bad sportsmanship. But since the pollsters now give votes for 'style points', it's hard to argue against it. Especially when higher rankings translate into more money and better recruits, etc. After last year's tie-breaking fiasco, ask UT how important style points can be. Actually don't, unless you want to find out the true meaning of 'incessant whining'. There's another factor that will likely come into play in our game, and that is we have to play Texas in just two weeks instead of in November like usual. (They moved up the game to get a national TV slot.) That may mean we run the ball a lot more to get reps for our rebuilt O-line, or it may mean we work on the passing game all night long. In any event, I don't think it will be pretty for you guys (no offense intended). It could get really ugly in the 2nd half. How about a home and home football/hockey combo? That way we could could trade horror stories.
  25. I'm sure they play good ball in the big cities, too. But out in the boondocks there is nothing else to do, so the Friday night lights draw every soul in town. A typical district game in Midland/Odessa will draw 10 times the crowd a game in DFW or Houston will. I know, I've been to plenty of each.
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