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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Is it a situation of them playing their favorites or playing people they can trust to run the scheme or be at practice all week and not be injured? You hit on it at the end of your post....
  2. I am continually flabbergasted how college coaches, who are one bad season away from unemployment, continually play only their favorite players and leave more talented players on the bench. I will never understand why they keep doing that.
  3. How do you know the peak is still looming in other places?
  4. You dont feel they are making these decisions partly based on pressure from their constituents, who are gobbling up fear porn from the media? I do agree 100% about the media and their actions.
  5. He only has two years left and already red shirted, correct?
  6. It has nothing to do with that and you know it. It has to do with us, as a country, then reacting to their ever changing "findings" by burning it down to a low we haven't seen in 75+ years. The real ramifications of our overreaction won't be seen for a few years.
  7. Because we made policy and destroyed people's lives temporarily based on their "findings". Their findings are constantly changing and they are not held accountable for anything they have found that didn't turn out to mean anything, but was used as a reason to take an action. If we hadn't done anything drastic then whatever, another piece of the puzzle. But their "findings", however political they may be, have created fear porn for everyone, which led to a sheep mentality where if one group shuts down now we have to because we might look bad. The word LIABILITY comes to mind lately.
  8. As long as he doesn't pull a Torrey Hunt and have his 'family' tell us he's going to an SEC school...only to years later end up at something called Tiffin.
  9. I almost wish newspapers would start laying off journalists too. Then, I suspect we might hear a different tune from them via their social media, similar to everyone else who has been laid off or owns a business.
  10. What we are doing right now is so f-cking stupid. Feel sorry for the Police and Sheriff's around the country. https://www.grandforksherald.com/news/crime-and-courts/6492528-Police-report-six-Smart-Restart-violations-since-April-22
  11. Facepalm City. Some parents don't want to know the truth or are not being told the truth about their kid's ability. Plus he is hurt constantly and sits out weeks at a time.
  12. Head scratcher for sure but he can do what he feels is best. Only has two years remaining and has already redshirted.
  13. Will policy be driven by our numbers if we release them?
  14. I cannot fathom how people will be disappointed if this thing doesn't get much worse. They exist and there are alot of them.
  15. Do they want people to die? An overcrowding issue in that state or what.
  16. Now compare that to the football locker rooms.....
  17. Which is why I said message boards. Yep, me guilty too....
  18. This tweet thread below is exactly what is wrong with our country. People believe this sh×t and spread the info to others, much like Covid does. Social media, including message boards, suck.
  19. Do you feel this current pace keeps up? If not why even say that. #fearporn
  20. Do you feel his Presidency has been dare I say "underreported"? He has kind of 'flown under the radar' and gotten away with alot, perhaps?
  21. I hope they are shooting high to start and hoping for alot less.
  22. Have you ever seen a President get treated like he has? He acts very unpresidential alot and they react accordingly alot. Its absurd right now.
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