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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. So essentially you want to see the entire state tested at least once before you let things fully to open up. Oh...and the numbers need to be going down for how many days in a row? Every day? Til we reach zero? I need criteria.
  2. He is hoping for big results from this batch of tests.
  3. Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York has said, and repeatedly returned to the theme, that all of the lock downs and quarantines in his state will be worth it even if it saves “just one life.”
  4. I asked from or with, not that hard of a question. I realize you didn't understand it last time I brought it up when you gave out an ill-advised lecture about credibility (ironic) but it should be clear now.
  5. What is he writing that isn't necessarily true? He is just taking the other side and using data to support his side. The CDC and WHO have been all over the place on this with their data and interpretations so I am not sure why they are the gospel. They provide info...Berenson is covering how the cities and states are reacting to that info. You may not like it but it doesn't mean he cannot have a point.
  6. I am too, you are pretty important. Make sure to keep ignoring all you disagree with.
  7. That's a completely different topic and world. Why are you talking about that?
  8. Why dont you believe anything Berenson posts?
  9. It hasn't been one month and nobody knows how many actually died FROM Covid.
  10. Circling back to my point about the media maybe doing their part to keep people calmer though this tough time - here is a member of the blue check mark loser brigade that happens to have 232,000 followers: A viewing of her posts doesn't take long to figure out her intentions with all this, at least politically.
  11. I agree with that, just pointing out that my card gets touched by alot of different people lately.
  12. Was just thinking that, I should be washing my CC after every time I use it
  13. Uh oh, that is a problem. No masks, too close.
  14. According to you. Were they social distancing?
  15. can we get Wasmania back here so you two can join up again and out think all of us...please? I honestly have no idea how anyone can be mad at Trump at this point. Even the woke Dems aren't botching about him (as much) anymore. The attention should be turned to Burgum and his complete lack of compassion for human life.
  16. The tweet. Why bring Trump into it from 2014, nonetheless?
  17. I am starting to wonder why Trump is brought up at all lately, he is pretty much doing what the Coronasistas want, right? Allowing the Governors to do their job while supporting them as needed.
  18. Wut? It was from 2014. Is this a cry for help?
  19. What does that tweet have to do with anything?
  20. If fishwraps like Wapo and NYT started writing articles about all the positives happening with the virus would it change the way people look at it?
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