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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. I am still trying to wrap my head around this. 5 million dollars for a Track Facility - in North Dakota. Do they realize they will never ever be near the top of the track world no matter how hard they try. And even if they do get good nationally, what does that get you? Nothing. The sport is worthless, it gets very little media coverage and no revenue. To not make it viable for football is stupid.
  2. I just read the article about the contribution by Stop and Go to make the Indoor Track Facility a go. So if I understand this right, NDSU is going to spend all that money on strictly a track facility that has a couple nets for golf and baseball. Really? They aren't going to put turf in it and make it a facility for football, there most important sport? So football doesn't have an Indoor Practice Facility after all of this stuff is built? If I am Craig Bohl I am not happy. As a UND fan I hope NDSU spends millions and millions of dollars on Track, Wrestling, Baseball, Golf, Softball - those sports are money pits that return minimal to nothing. It is apparent how lucky we are here. Our facilities were already built for us so the Indoor Facility that is going to be built soon is simply adding on extra's to make everything even better.
  3. I didn't see that picture in the Herald, thanks for clearing that up!
  4. I thought that was in a field south of the Alerus parking lot. This building is IN the Alerus Center parking lot and is a long 1 story rectangle. It doesn't look like a hotel but I guess it could be.
  5. Is that a strip mall going up in the southeast corner of the Alerus Center parking lot?
  6. Did anybody really think Western Michigan had the budget to be flying all over the country for their games?
  7. No, that is just your 'arrogance' showing through, according to Captain Knows-Alot.
  8. Translated: All I care about is hockey and the entire athletic department means nothing to me or the other myopic hockey douches.
  9. You may want to go over to Bisonville and dig up all the threads they had started about joining the WAC, MAC, Mountain West, etc. Its a few people throwing out pie in the sky scenarios. Same thing-different board.
  10. Please explain reasons why/how NDSU's basketball team got any better as the year went on-didnt appear to get any better to me. Or the reason why they were no better last year than they were in 2009?
  11. They were 8-6 that year and lost their bowl game. Pretty sad statement about your FBS SOS if that is the best team you scheduled to date. UND has already schedule two teams (out of 3) better than that.
  12. What year did NDSU finish with the #1 ranking?
  13. Well, USD sure as hell wasn't the 2nd best team - and UND wasn't either. So that only leaves two other teams.
  14. Dan, are you understanding what we are talking about at all? SOS tells us how good each opponent actually was that season (which shows exactly how not all are created equal). Which then tells us that all schedules all not exactly comparative. If one school played a bunch of 0-11 teams it would not be the same as the other school that played 5 teams that were 8-3. I am lost as to your point-are you arguing against yourself?
  15. If you look at Darrel's post, he accumulated FCS records of all 4 teams, not total records. Maybe I saw it wrong but he titled it "FCS OOC". Therefore, NAIA teams were not involved.
  16. To further show how dumb Lakes/Sam is, he puts "SW" as the direction behind his made-up address that does not exist. Fargo does not use SW, NW, etc. They only have the main four directions in their street names. Who is going to buy advertising from that idiot after this came out? He is already selling ads for the worst TV station in the state, now he is threatening elected officials about UND. Also, go read the comments at the bottom. Lakes/Sam/Crisis is not happy about this.
  17. Nobody said UND is the "team to beat". If you recall NDSU was 3-8 just two years ago and the only reason you got in the playoffs this year was because of an expanded field, money, and 3-4 other teams all losing on the last week of the year (Poly). You guys seem to have short memories. In a normal year you would have spent all winter chastising Bohl for getting shutout by the worst defense in the MVFC. But, to your credit you bought a home game against a dog and then went on the road and beat the Big Sky Champ. Just try and keep things in perspective. Also, as far as how UND would do vs. NDSU - the Bison are the exact type of team that UND does well against defensively. Run first and can't pass to save their lives. UND's offense wouldn't do a damn thing though against NDSU's D.
  18. We don't need to keep going on about this but I know for a fact UND recruited him as a safety, not a QB. We will see how it plays out.
  19. Put it this way Dan, if Esley is going to be your starting QB I am going to call Faison and beg / plead to start the rivalry up again...immediately.
  20. UND didn't want him as a QB in the first place, they sure won't want him now.
  21. LOL. They conveniently added 7 extra people to the previous record vs. UND so they can say SDSU was the highest attended game. How petty.
  22. That stale atmosphere can be chalked up to Gene whoring out the game for money. He wanted the gate that only UND could bring so he put it in the Fargodome, which is awful for basketball. Plus, like other posters stated the EWU loss earlier in the day dampened spirits.
  23. Gene Taylor was "amazed" at the atmosphere of the UND-NDSU volleyball game last year and expressed that to Faison. Even he didn't expect it to be that big.
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