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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. For the last time Dan, it is easy to want to keep playing when your first recruiting class(the winter BEFORE the transition started) was aided by the increase to 60 scholarships. Then, on top of that NDSU brought in Juco transfers to help the process. These were all things that would have made it uneven within 2 years and were unavailable to UND. Three years in would have been 3 full classes of full scholarships (63) plus Jucos.
  2. Finally your true feelings are coming out after all that nostalgia bullsh*t you said earlier. Nobody bit so you turned back into Fetch 2.
  3. This is so consistently pathetic. They lead games for 37 minutes then cough them up. At some point somebody needs to get some balls on that team and take over the game. Good teams have the ball in their best players hands damn near every possession in the last 2-3 minutes. I have never seen a team with less guts than this one.
  4. Add another one to list of who finally let out their true feelings about UND.
  5. Yes they would be charged. The price of season tickets would go up accordingly with what they charged for that game, in the year it is played.
  6. If Gene would figure out how to charge more for a premium game it would be very good financially. He could easily charge $15-25 more per ticket for that game.
  7. Just to clarify for myself and maybe others, what does the "No" vote do? How is the ballot question going to be laid out?
  8. You said it much better than me, well written.
  9. ....and what is the main sport of the"nickname at all costs" crowd? Go back and look at the comments from that "crowd" once they were pushed about their thoughts on the "other sports".
  10. One good thing that has come of this debate is we officially know what the "die-hard" hockey fans think of the rest of the athletic department. Not all hockey fans, but the hard-core ones. I hope all the UND basketball, football, and volleyball fans out there remember this for the future.
  11. Where is he going to go - toil in the AHL somewhere and uproot his family because of a nickname? He is at the top of college hockey already, its either NHL or down. We all know he isn't going anywhere because of the name, it would be because of a better opportunity.
  12. So you are saying he would be true leader if he could just muster up one buddy to vote for UND? He would be a true leader if the vote was 10-1 against UND? Seriously?
  13. Nobody has any credibility on a message board. You should know that. Question for you: If the name changes and is deemed to never come back, will you still go to hockey games?
  14. You are a really smart guy. If athletic departments around the country went by your idea, there would be 1, maybe 2 sports at each college because 95% of them lose money. It's pretty obvious to everybody but you that college athletic departments are built around giving student athletes the opportunity to play sports at the collegiate level, whether their chosen program is fiscally viable or not. Somehow these schools have made it work for over 100 years.
  15. Sacrifices like sending them back to D2 or cutting the programs all together? No. That is what SiouxForever called for. You guys are so delusional. BTW, the AD at LSU and Alabama doesn't need to make sacrifices to support their football programs, they are just fine on their own.
  16. At least you admitted it. So in your eyes, athletic departments around the country should sacrifice sports #2-16 at any time if it will benefit sport #1? Interesting theory.
  17. So its all about hockey and protecting their Division I legacy. The rest of the sports can do whatever they want. Got it, thanks.
  18. The reason it would be easy to do is because they haven't even joined the league yet. And they are 600 miles from the closest school. And they don't have a travel partner. But, as long as hockey fans get to keep the nickname - lets take the chance!! ITS WORTH IT.
  19. Nice job quoting an article from 2007. You nickname crusaders will do anything to try and rationalize your thoughts. Do you think their stance has changed since 2007?
  20. Forgot about that part. What do you think the NCAA is telling them?
  21. So what are you going to do about it - complain on the internet? You complaining about MN and their hypocrisy does nothing.
  22. Who cares, their hypocrisy is not the issue. Getting mad at them for playing FSU in basketball does nothing for UND or its athletic department. They are NOT going to play UND in hockey after 2012, get it through your head. That argument is the same as the nickname crusaders saying they are "sticking up for the native americans". How righteous.
  23. All I want is for the NCHC to come out and say, "If you have sanctions against you due to the Sioux nickname, your membership in the league will be reviewed". Let's hear from the hockey crowd then. Would they like independent hockey?
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