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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. To actually want to play for Idaho State is very interesting. But, best of luck.
  2. I haven't seen one but I am sure they got one somehow. Love what I am hearing about the OL and DL!
  3. In this era of basketball do teams really need a true PG?
  4. Need another guard if Tyree isn't eligible, correct?
  5. For the record, I was not super excited about Tyree coming back because in my opinion it sets a bad precedent. Nothing against the kid or his ability.
  6. All players are equal, on and off court?
  7. LOLOLOL. I remember those big names when he left UND. He ended up at New Orleans in the mighty Southland.
  8. If he isn't eligible I am not too excited. Want help this year.
  9. So it's Tyree coming back for sure? How many years would he have left?
  10. Continue to wonder how Omot is still on the roster. After the last couple years I was trained to accept our best frosh is leaving come March.
  11. Just my opinion, some are spot on, some can be questioned
  12. At least Kraft can flat out shoot it. Shockey, Grant, Brown...not so much.
  13. Did we make it through the "Omot might leave" phase? (knocking on wood)
  14. What hockey people are failing to understand is that NOTHING will change except the name of the league. Those four letter didn't win a damn thing.
  15. It's like the NCHC brand is so powerful. Laughable, it's been a hockey conference for 10 years only due to other teams leaving the old one. It can disappear in a heartbeat and nobody will care.
  16. The TM fees they charge are 100% unsustainable at this level. Good for them to max it out and get their bag but when it costs 2K total for three seats that is...yah.
  17. Maybe his minutes will be lessened some, not to the extent that Sueker's were, but maybe 15-20 total?
  18. One would also project the player's upside, frame, athleticism in that instance, as well.
  19. Time will tell but I am a bit concerned that we gave two full scholarships to the Century kids when neither had anything else going on (D1).
  20. I thought Erickson was a PWO? Maybe I made that up
  21. Get better players, Berry. He cannot possibly have better facilities, more money, and more history to draw off of.
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