I know I saw a tweet from Dom (I think) that said something to the effect "an ESPN exec told me they expect a big viewership number tonight from this game"
Now I cannot find it.....
This just in - the athletic trainer on hand does everything. The doctors on hand at other games (football, basketball) are a final-say in worst case situation type of role. Other than that they stand there and do nothing.
These girls (and coach?) are all bent over softball getting their new field. End of story.
The expectation to have a FIFA level field in North Dakota is quite fascinating as well. Not as fascinating as my insight into the female mind but close.
This team is as clueless as their coach.
We are talking about next year at this point. He couldn’t even beat out Romfo this year, why would he be the answer next year? A transfer QB needs to be recruited over the winter
Let's say the savior isn't lighting it up next spring, then what?
"oh shoot, maybe we should've brought somebody in to compete, too late now". Rinse, repeat
I would certainly hope not. Any coach who is serious about winning would go to all parts of the country to try and find a QB if this was his situation. For some reason UND doesn't put high priority on the QB position. As you can tell right now.....