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Everything posted by petey23

  1. I have a 3 seat section that is still in the plastic wrapping.
  2. True. But with Obama the dial was at a 2. Bush was at about a 7 and they have ripped off the knob with Trump.
  3. He wants the federal government to pick up the 150 billion dollar tab the state has run up pre Covid19 and another 300 billion that California cities have accumulated pre Covid19...plus relief for Covid19.
  4. Frightening that someone this dense could get elected to any office. Hey we can just plant more of those money trees!
  5. This is why STEM classes need to be mandatory through high school and college.
  6. You would think with all the window licking and mouth breathing that many would be immune to almost anything by now.
  7. I was told by Dr. Fauci that American's should live their lives as the Corona virus won't have much impact on our lives.
  8. I am guessing the cops were calm since the protesters who "stormed" the building were actually told how many of them would be allowed to move into the building and had to line up single file for a temperature check before entering. For the record I think this protest group should find something better to do with their time.
  9. I am sure that fascist terrorist group will be back in action someday but for right now their parents probably aren't letting them leave the house due to the Shelter in Place regulations.
  10. Moe's was definitely preferred over Qdoba and Chipotle when they opened up but that location has gone down hill.
  11. Could these passports then be used for Voter ID?
  12. Take a deep breath and hold it as long as you can!
  13. More anti media, pro facts myself. Voted for Darrell castle in 2016.
  14. It is amazing how something that was completely discredited weeks ago pops back up. Let's do the Russia thing next.
  15. Right. But people act like they can go to the pharmacist and pick some up.
  16. Really? Which one? This drug is literally made by 25-30 companies or more and has been off patent for years. Costs about 50 cents a dose. Don't feel bad, the fake news media live wells are full of people willing to believe anything they report.
  17. I always was hopeful Moody would do well at UND and he had some unfortunate injuries this season. I think the transition from being a "scorer" in high school to really being just a "shooter" in college was tougher for him than he thought it would be.
  18. Wow. Richard is a few cards shy of a full deck.
  19. I think we have death panels for that...or used to.
  20. I am old enough to remember when that if you read something in the NY Times you used to be able to count on at least some of the story being fact based, just with a heavy dose of left leaning slant....can they find their way back to that? *not commenting on this story in particular, just pointing out how what passes for journalism these days has jumped the shark.
  21. I think they should get people like her whistles to carry around and anytime they see something they can blow the whistle and point and rant.
  22. Did you used to hold a fairly important position in the Bison Athletic Department?
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