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Everything posted by petey23

  1. actually no. Brewers and Twins and Flyers vs. Canadians occupied my television screen.
  2. Is this legit or is this another SDNY political hit?
  3. What the hell was going on last night? Wasn't sure if it was the DNC or WWE? Billy Eilish hyping her upcoming "Cemetery Match" against The Undertaker at Halloween Havoc. And here is Kamala Harris moments before Stacey Abrams came out of nowhere and cooled her with a chair shot and then climbed on the storage lockers and hit a belly flop splash to finish her off, grabbed the Veep title strap and left.
  4. "Barack Obama's political genius is his ability to say things that will sound good to people who have not followed the issues in any detail — regardless of how obviously fraudulent what he says may be to those who have." "Different people have very different reactions to President Barack Obama. Those who listen to his rhetoric are often inspired, while those who follow what he actually does are often appalled." Pretty accurate summation of President Obama.
  5. And China and North Korea and many others. We have done the same in countries all over the World....probably more effectively. Russia's biggest goal was to create dissension and mistrust and cast doubt on our election system. if only there was a some way they could get someone or maybe a group of people with access to what Americans watch and read and spread misinformation and conspiracy theories to aid in their efforts. Crazy talk, that would never work.
  6. Voted Darrell Castle of the Constitution Party in 2016 as he was definitely more of a Libertarian than Gary Johnson who was also too squirrely for me to support. Still exploring the 2020 Libertarian Candidate....if I do vote for a Jo in this election it will be the one without an e.
  7. He does know how to launder U. S. taxpayer money(aka foreign aid) though.
  8. The old Joe Biden was a likeable bumbling buffoon. Now he is a co-opted, corrupted bumbling buffoon with obvious signs of dementia.
  9. She is a treat. Speeding and turns it into a half hour ordeal. Send her the bill for wasting city resources.
  10. As they said at student health. "Chlamydia is not a flower"
  11. So that would be a no on this alledged video? Let me guess, next you are going to say the Post Office is being sabotaged
  12. Harris has worked hard, helped her superiors rise and she kept her head down and worked her way to the top. Vice President is an important job. There are a lot of balls to juggle and Kamala can handle the load.
  13. I would like to see this video of President Trump "promoting" this.
  14. I would like to see this video of President Trump "promoting" this. I did see a reporter ask him a question about it.
  15. I had seen the video and just assumed it was some deranged screaming idiot. Had no idea he was running for Congress. He is actually right on brand for the Dems these days.
  16. Since people are being verbally and physically attacked in public when they don't wear a mask I would assume it is alright if I am wearing a mask or Gaiter and I see someone with an N95 mask with an exhaust valve it would be alright to read them the riot act and/or beat the holy living !@#$ out of them as they would be the greatest danger to everyone near them.? I would assume people would use common sense and if someone isn't wearing a mask that you would stay further away from them than someone with a mask, even if subconsciously.
  17. Wait. What? I know the U.N. is a freaking mess but no way they could support a domestic terrorist organization.
  18. As I mentioned before. I have masks in my vehicle and wear one into the building when I call on a customer and see what their business protocol is. I also wear one whenever I go into a grocery, convenience store, or place of business out of courtesy to the employees. I am also starting to realize that I also wear one so that I do not have to knock anyone out.
  19. For those trying to lay blame on Trump for a freaking virus or our response to it. In late April, Dr. Fauci said that President Trump has asked many questioned and challenged our plans but at this point he has not gone against anything we have suggested. He did implement the travel ban which we didn't think was necessary and that was a decision that probably saved thousands of lives.
  20. People are just getting dumber, but more opinionated.
  21. They have literally done news stories showing 30-40 extra ballots just laying outside the mailboxes at Apartment Buildings. How about if we have mail in balloting we have a minimum 5 years in prison for voter fraud/mail fraud and 20 years if it is an organized effort.
  22. Comprehension seems to fail you as well. I know the mainstream media has tried to cloud the issue as much as possible so that the idiots fail to see the difference between requesting an absentee ballot and just sending out ballots like they are an oil change coupon.
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