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Posts posted by petey23

  1. 21 hours ago, nodakvindy said:

    Lots of moving parts in that scenario.  Still not sure why Miami and Western willingly go to to a weaker conference just for the sake of travel.  Adding Augie, St. Thomas and potentially UMKC goes against most of what the NCHC was established on. All indications are that USD and SDSU are not at all keen on admitting Augie to the Summit. And how would the other Dakota 4 feel about the conference putting priority on hockey.  In a vacuum in might make a little sense, but it goes against the interests and goals of a lot of entities.

    The NCHC is having another banner year in terms of team success, not sure why their so many seem to want to shake up the membership.  Only foreseeable change that makes sense to me would be adding Arizona St.

    Yep. Add ASU and either Bowling Green or Mankato.

  2. 8 hours ago, yepdude said:

    The NHL doesn't want to delay the season and that is why they pulled the plug on NHL in Olympics.  Unfortunately, those 3 weeks already got booked by a majority of arenas for concerts etc.  It will be interesting to see how they get some makeup games completed. More bubble hockey???  As far as players and protecting those profits if the NHL had gone and a player tested positive, then the player would be out his contract, not ownership.   With the NHLPA not able to obtain a covid insurance policy players were in trouble.

    College players carried team USA in 2018.   Just checked USA game times and puck drops in the prelim are 7 AM or 10PM CT.

    <back on topic> If player gets the invite Berry should help him pack his bags to go.

    If the player wants to go after weighing the pros and cons.

    I am not so sure the United States should even be participating in China at all.

    • Upvote 2
  3. 1 hour ago, gfhockey said:

    I think the goal should be use und as a jumping stone unless it’s hockey

    Correct. Ideally we hire a coach on the rise. they have young hungry, eager coaches on staff and after 4-6 years of success the coach gets a few offers and decides to move on and one of the coaches on staff is ready to make the move to the top spot and brings in some eager and hungry coaches to complete their staff...rinse, repeat.

  4. 9 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Duluth (you know who) had a FB coach that got them to a level but not beyond. He left and the next guy, first year, got Duluth a DII FB title (two in three years actually). 

    North Dakota had a coach that got them to a level but never beyond. That coach left for PHI, and a first year guy got an NCAA DI title. 

    Montana State had a guy get them to a level. Vigen comes in and first year he's playing in Frisco. 

    STL was dead last at Christmas a couple years back, and new guy got them a Cup in half a season. 

    Heck, WPG just had Paul Maurice resign on Friday. Why? His words paraphrased -> they need a new voice; he could only get them to a certain level


    Sometimes guys, realized or not, are "to a level" guys.

    They can get you just so far.

    If you're lucky they move on just in time, when the environment is still ripe, and greatness happens. 


    Stepping away from what you love is hard but often it ends up best for all.


    Recommend listening to the Paul Maurice presser from Friday. Maurice is a man who recognized his limitations and, well ... 


    Fisher, Jeff

    Glanville, Jerry

  5. 13 minutes ago, sioux rube said:

    Thanks for correcting me. Indeed it was Ottawa. Not sure how I forgot that. Looked it up. Tonight was his 6th career goal 

    No he is with the Kings.....again.

    Ottawa traded him to Kings last year. Kings waived him and Buffalo signed him. Played a game for Buffalo and they waived him and the Kings signed him again.

  6. 13 minutes ago, sioux24/7 said:

    Um I hope Sather is taking a look at this kid. From what I can tell, he doesn’t have any big offers. 

    Damn. i was hoping he was maybe Kirby Garry's kid but it looks like Kirby is an Athletic Director at a D2 college in California.....nephew maybe?

  7. 15 hours ago, FSSD said:

    It is my understanding that the new CCHA has changed things for Miami.  I believe that they would like to rejoin with Bowling Green in CCHA.  I think once UST gets the arena thing figured out they would be a perfect fit for NCHC.  I think that UST has a very motivated alumni base and would show up at the Frozen Face in MSP at the Xcel.  And they get the NCHC school back into the Twin Cities.  So, they add a lot and I don't think it will take long before they are a program to contend with...  I believe it took ASU 4 years to make the NCAA's ...   I can see UST being on that type of track.  It might take a bit longer because CCHA might have a better level of competition.  No looking to force anyone out.  But, there are changes coming soon due to NCAA changes and programs/conference may need to adjust.

    Bowling Green wants in the NCHC

  8. 6 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    He had the opportunity to come to UND this fall....opted not to. Get the value of an Ivy school degree but tough to play college hockey when you can't play college hockey. Too bad. Great kid and great family.

    Yep. he overcame some tough injuries and kept after it. His father is a friend and old softball teammate.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Snake said:

    But Michigan did it the old-fashioned way with a hot goalie and not a shutdown line.  Speaking of which, I’m more worried about having a trustworthy goaltender than a shutdown line come tournament time. 

    As Barry Melrose told me as he was enjoying a cigar in the Bench outside the Embassy Suites on Friday morning. Michigan got away with playing 60 minutes not to lose and got away with it. UND would probably beat them 9 out of 10 or maybe 17 out of 20.

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