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Everything posted by petey23

  1. Plus I think Grady had a few highlights go viral as well. I seem to remember him running back kickoffs.
  2. I did do a breakdown of the vote(s) somewhere in a thread I am not going to look for, but at the end of the day the new name and logo were supported by about 8% of students and alumni.
  3. Not sure about others. Been to 2-4 games a year for last 10-15 years and have spent maybe a total of 5 minutes in the seat I had purchased.
  4. So put up theater ropes and take down the curtains. Could even go a step further since after homecoming all the seats sold on the rail for for the remaining homegames are in adjoining seats. Pull the remaining chairs and rope off the sold seats as their own section. On the "media end" they could just put up a curtain and a table for the 5-6 seats that actually get used. #problemsolved #atmospherreturned #cosultantfeewaived #youarewelcome
  5. Bismarck got or chose the State Pen.
  6. Free? Pretty sure people in the building bought a ticket.
  7. They created turnovers. They had TD drives of 18 and 10 yards in the game as Northwestern had 4 turnovers.
  8. I want to stand there or anywhere around there, at least until they make some seats that are made for people over 6-2
  9. So how much time will be left when we get the ball and will we need a FG or TD?
  10. Because we have been, are, and will continue to be poorly coached.
  11. Tell me again what s great offensive mind Danny is. This is quickly turning into a !@#$ show. It's almost like he is blindly drawing playcalls out of a hat.
  12. Bubba told Ralston at halftime we had 3 options there. Go for it Try FG Punt So he considered punting on 4th and 2 at the 30 yard line. I told my brother that any FG attempt for us that is over 40 yards has about 20% chance at success.
  13. I used to buy a ticket with no intention of sitting in my seat. Seats are not made for people that are 6 foot 4. And even worse if you carry a few extra pounds. If the end zone(cat walk) situation remains the same I don't see myself attending many if any games in the near future unfortunately. Trying to justify buying $50 ticket when I would prefer to stand for $25.
  14. petey23

    Potato Bowl 2022

    Quality win. You can learn when you win just as well as when you lose and we have a lot of learning to do....but got the W!
  15. Not too metnion we would have still had to drive 80 yards.
  16. If UND is a dying program, then BC--dead BU--dead Minnesota--dead Michigan--dead
  17. Prior to NDSU moving to D1 and obviously UND still had the best logo in college athletics, but UND merch outsold Bison merch in the Fargo Scheels store.
  18. Yep, I remember when Saul was at NDSU they played a couple of Moorhead State's better teams and needed some help from the men in stripes to get through one of the games and might have lost the other and I heard Saul told the A.D. not to schedule them any more.
  19. Not sure how many people are shitting on Carson in this thread but it is probably just a couple...though they are accurate. I like seeing Carson do well in the pros and hope he bounces back and stays healthy and has nice career. Obviously I do not root for NDSU but that is the team and school in general not the athletes unless they give you a non performance reason to not like them. I have always said with regards to NDSU athletics that it really is just the few rotten thousands of their fans that ruin it for the other 11.
  20. Been awhile since I have been to a game in Lincoln but used to have a pretty good connection with a guy who had a primo tailgating spot.
  21. Fly Williams - Wikipedia While playing at Austin Peay, Williams' nickname inspired a humorous fan chant: "The Fly is open, let's go Peay!" Fans still chant "Let's Go Peay" at all basketball games.
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