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Posts posted by petey23

  1. Here is the funny thing to all of this Vanek is playing on the PK in Buffalo, I have watched the Sabres play a few times this season and there he was on the ice for the PK against the Wild.

    Actually Vanek logged exactly 0 minutes and 0 seconds while the Sabres were shorthanded on sunday night against the wild.

    For the year Thomas had been on the ice a total of 3:55 while the sabres are shorthanded or about 7 seconds a game.

  2. Shepard is horrible, has been forever, both teams know that going in. For him it is like every game is his first and he is still trying to figure the game out?

    But apparently the linesmen are afraid to call anything against "the don" since they don't want to get suspended. But Saturday their were 3 ridiculous too many men calls missed that everyone except the linesman saw. First one was on a sioux pp, gophs break in 2 on 1 and when the sioux are coming back the other way, the gopher player was about halfway between the blue line and center ice and his replacement jumped the bench at the other blue line, opposite side linesman had to see it, but ignored it. 2nd one was on a line change and the linesman had both players on each side of him when the puck was played by the gophs, literally 3 inches away from him. The last one was not even explainable, gophs had 7 or 8 on the ice for about 4 or 5 seconds.

  3. I really wish there was a video of the report. I would love to see it.

    If the report was about what everyone says it was about it's unreal. It makes no difference what Ralph did in his own spare time. If he wants to throw a Hitler party that's his business. If you don't like it then don't go to it. It's a free country.

    If Ralph told ABC that they could have $110 million of his money do you really think they would say no. I seriously doubt it. I didn't hear anything about Jeremy Schaap coming to Grand Forks to even look at the Engelstad Arena. He probably stayed in his cubicle and searched on google for "Ralph Engelstad." Bobby Knight was absolutely correct when he said to Schaap, "You got a long way to go to be as good as your dad, you better keep that in mind." He is a terrible reporter.

    That is a slap in the face to terrible reporters everywhere.

  4. Why? Dorgan has alligator blood. It doesn't matter what he does, the people of ND keep sending him back? He will go the Dem's closet where Him and Pomeroy and Conrad keep the 2 flannel shirts that they own between the 3 of them, put it on and do a couple folksy commercials to let everyone know that hey, I am one of you.

    He will lie about his involvement to the end and accuse anyone who presents facts or brings up his voting record as "going negative" and the newspapers will back him up.

    Remember the House bank scandal>

    He lied like 5 different times on this 1 issue and it still didn't matter.


    "I didn't bounce any checks"

    next day, evidence show that he bounced 4

    "It was an oversight, blah, blah, blah, but that was it"

    couple days later, paper reports it was 22

    "blah, blah, blah, accounting error, we missed those, but that's it"

    This went on and on until we got to the final count of 120 something?

  5. Political influence seemed to get FSU on the fast-track to winning an appeal with the NCAA.

    So where's North Dakota's congressional delegation been on this has been the question some here have asked.

    Well, that's easy, sort of.

    The Associated Press says Sen. Dorgan has been taking questionable money and favors from certain tribes.

    Plus, toss in the fact that Sen. Dorgan didn't recuse himself from co-chairing the congressional hearings looking into the dealings of Jack Abramoff, the man who directed a tribe to make a questionable donation to Sen. Dorgan, and you can see why Sen. Dorgan may want to lay low.


  6. Stayed up for that pathetic little puke Jeremy Schaap to do a hit piece filled with lies and half truths. Whatever happened to journalism? There is one person rolling in his grave tonight.......Dick Schaap has to be embarrassed and might want to check the paternity on his alleged puke of a son

  7. Stayed up for that pathetic little puke Jeremy Schaap to do a hit piece filled with lies and half truths. ;) Whatever happened to journalism? There is one person rolling in his grave tonight.......Dick Schaap has to be embarrassed and might want to check the paternity on his alleged puke of a son.

  8. Draft eligibility

    Eligible Players

    Players who turn 18 by September 15 can be drafted, but only if they "opt in" by declaring their draft eligibility. Most promising young players choose to opt in, and the highest draft picks are almost always used to select 18-year-olds.

    Those who turn 19 by September 15 and are not older than 20 by December 31 are automatically eligible for selection. In addition, non-North American players over the age of 20 are eligible.

    As of 2004, the NCAA allows 18-year-old players from Division I schools to enter the draft. Drafted players retain their college eligibility as long as they don't play for a professional team or hire an agent. In previous years, an 18-year-old who opted into the draft lost his NCAA eligibility.

    A North American player who is not drafted by the age of 20 is an unrestricted free agent. All non-North Americans must be drafted before being signed, regardless of age.

    A junior hockey player can re-enter the draft if he does not receive a contract offer within one year of being drafted, is not signed by his NHL team within two years of being drafted and is 20 years old or younger at the time of the subsequent draft. NHL teams retain the rights to college players until 30 days after the player has left college.

    A player who has been drafted a second time cannot re-enter.

  9. I think he has gotten over it a little, but their was definetely a time when he was bitter about it and he let it show. 1996 UND homecoming...., hard fought game, UND unable to finish any drives, the last drive stalled at about the UNO 40 with less than a minute to go and no timeouts left for the Sioux and UNO leads 19-7......a couple kneeldowns and game over................wrong, how about 1 knneeldown and 1 fake kneeldown and 60 yard TD pass to rub the sioux noses in it. :silly:

  10. Lets not forget the girls life and psyche that Pauckovich probably ruined for life. From what I saw, he was facing prpich and was aware that he was coming at him......not like he ran him from behind after the whistle?:sad:? ??? then he skated directly towards the bench until the officials had prpich safely thru the gate of the UND bench, then he skated back towards the blueline and started chirping. did anyone else notice that after this little incident that DU had 9 guys on the ice against the 4 from the sioux cuz they were worried that something might go down? ;) DU, great team, alot of talent, no class, gutless. I have to admit, I have more respect for the Gophers than I do for Gwozdecky and DU.(remember, Gwozdecky suspended the puke after the public outcry pretty much didn't give him any choice last year....but during the game that the puke cheapshotted Robbie, he held the puke out until DU was on a power play in a tight game(remember DU won in overtime on a power play when their was a clear interference call that was not called), then sent him in in hopes that he would get what he had coming to him, but would maybe give DU a 5 on 3. They are a gutless, no class progream period. :0

  11. I plan on going to BWW on 42nd. Will probably call in the afternoon to let them know a contingent of Sioux Hockey fans will be there! There really is nothing else on tomorrow so it shouldn't be a problem to get it on the big Screen and also get the gopher game at 7:30. The owners of BWW are UND Grads.

  12. UND gear probably still outsells NDSU gear in Fargo at Scheels. But probably not by as wide a margin as it used to a few years ago.(3 or 4 to 1). NDSU changed their "look" a little and the move to D1 has probably helped a little. I have it said many times, but not totally sure if it is true, but supposedly their are as many if not more UND alums living in Fargo than NDSU alum.

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