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Everything posted by runaroundsioux

  1. I think we sat in front of that guy in '09. Wears different Mn. (wild,twins,viking) gear everynight?
  2. Lasts years final five you could smell something running down their legs, and it wasn't tears.
  3. Hammer was better tonight. Koberinski on the other hand,compare him to Yogi Berra. Should start a list of Koberisms.
  4. True,but Sioux fans are much less obnoxious.
  5. Upper level ends are scary steep. They have bars in front of every row. Spend the money on lower corners or clubs. Sioux fans are everywhere, not in any particular section. Heads up, you will have to sit by obnoxious,drunk rodent fans wherever you are.
  6. Yes he did, I was told by Pat Sweeney himself. He was not hired.
  7. It was,academy award for the Floppin Finn!
  8. OMG line-O'Donnell,McMillan,Gaarder!
  9. Need a place to watch game in Minot tonight. Someplace where hockey will be main show and not world series. Thanks
  10. They called the Manitoba goalie Calageri the whole game even tho Deckert came in midway thru the 2nd.
  11. So much for "The Pact".
  12. You asshats act like this was last years team,stacked.This was the biggest bunch of overachievers we have seen wear the green and white probably ever. Three seniors and a bunch of walk-ons who most likely would have been healthy scratches all season if not for the injury ninja. I was at the final 5, I told my wife after the Rodent game, if I never see another hockey game in my life that will be fine because Ill never see anything better than that. THEY OWE US NOTHING!
  13. Game will be on FCS Pacific. they're showing Lacross right now! Deja Vu!
  14. . Thanks guys,will head for Sensers,GO SIOUX!!!
  15. I'm staying in Mpls. on Washington Ave. near the Metrodome. Any place near here where Sioux fans go to watch the game?
  16. Its a poppy for Veterans Day Nov. 11. Canadians are plastic,U.S. paper.
  17. Wore white during F5 and regionals. Have to dance with the one who brung ya!
  18. The NCAA announced just minutes ago that University of North Dakota forward Matt Frattin would be banned from playing in this years Frozen Four in St. Paul MN. The NCAA said it was acting on complaints from the other three schools in the tournament. When asked about the nature of the complaints from the competing schools an NCAA spokesman replied " He's just too damn good". Happy April Fools Day!
  19. Wife,son and I for #8. Suite. GO SIOUX!!!!!!
  20. 2 tics. 106H, corner, end Sioux shoot twice. Rest of party can't make it. Paid $90 each, will take offers . I am in GF call my cell 701-339-1574
  21. Have to wear white bcuz theyre the home team
  22. Espn 2 announcer said they will join hockey at start of second period.
  23. UNH wildcats website. audio link
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