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Everything posted by runaroundsioux

  1. Off? They rolled it in the ditch and set it on fire!
  2. The sun will come up again tomorrow,we'll win tomorrow night, and then we can all get back on the bandwagon.
  3. Time to go sleep it off my friend.
  4. Rocco is a good player. GREAT players finish. He's not a GREAT player. Yet.
  5. Eides graduated,Eades was associate coach.
  6. Is everyones webcast crappy or is it just me?
  7. The one in Roseville has speakers they set on your table for the game you're watching. They did last year anyway.
  8. Heard on USCHO Johnstone's injuries: Broken clavicle,bruised lung,bruised ribs,seperation of sternum Mac Truck.
  9. Just watched it on FCS replay. Kristo smiles after the first one, which of course triggers the second one, then waves bye-bye. Smart,very smart. Senior experience right there.
  10. Goon,can you put up the video of Petan punching Kristo and Danny waving bye-bye after the second one.
  11. Will you girls please end the cat fight. We've got a game going on here.
  12. Anybody watching the mens webcast? How is it tonight?
  13. Very blurry, Didn't bother hooking it up to TV as resolution was so bad on computer it would have gotten way worse when blown up on big screen. Don't know if it will be that bad tonight or if it was just a bad uplink lastnight. Have watched Sioux games on AmericaOne before and while not great they have never been as bad as last night.
  14. If anyone had any highlights from that crappy AmericaOne webcast you wouldn't be able to see it anyway. The only way you could tell what was going on was by listening to the crappy, homer announcers. All the color guy could talk about is how he can't stand North Dakota,called Pattyn a plodder as a skater,called our players jerks,said someone needs to knock us off our perch like Gophers did at regionals last year. Both announcers said they were Gopher fans. You'd think think Mankato has been a WCHA powerhouse for years and UND was a bitter rival. Worst case of p***s envy I've ever seen.
  15. The camera work is actually very good,if they'd just focus the damn thing.
  16. You're not missing anything, completely out of focus.
  17. Save your money on the feed. It's so blurry I can't see the puck.
  18. Bottle openers + hockey sticks + beer league hockey = B1G hockey conference. Sounds about right.
  19. Those are hockey sticks? I thought they were bottle openers.
  20. As long as they don't have a giant Tiger head. Swear to God they showed that stupid thing more than the game.
  21. The games I have watched on America One haven't been great. That being said I will be paying to watch it this weekend. Listened to Hennessy and watched once as the radio and TV were in sync. usually they're not. If you have a DVR you can sync them up somehow. Alot depends on who is doing the teleecast. Student productions are usually pretty bad. CC was terrible,terrible I tell ya.
  22. Just a sidenote: This years team has 6 WCHA losses this year. Fewest losses in the league. I know ties suck but they are not a loss. So there's that.
  23. Replay of Sat. game on FoxCollegeSportsCentral right now. Might have senior tribute at end for those that missed it. Start your DVR.
  24. Will be on America One Sports webcast. Costs like 8 bucks a game. You can go to Mankato Mavericks website or America One website to find it.
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