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Everything posted by runaroundsioux

  1. Try reading Broadstreet Hockey. They make UND Hockey fans look like Job.
  2. Philly is a no win situation for any coach. I don't think Q would walk into that snake pit.
  3. Thank you for clarification from the Department of Redundancy.
  4. Berry didn't rule Jones out yesterday in the Wed. presser. Said he has been skating this week.
  5. https://letsgodu.com/2018/12/03/north-dakota-series-goes-to-the-dogs/ Not up to their usual derogatory standard, but not bad.
  6. Duluth is a whack-a-hack-and-dive team.
  7. How did they get screwed when we didn't score on any of those 7 power plays?
  8. I watched a program on surfing on Lake Superior in winter, near Duluth. It was below freezing. You people need to expand your gene pool.
  9. Scoreboard. By the way, is the pool the Bulldogs practice in on campus, or do they have to travel to the YMCA?
  10. There's usually a good crowd of UND fans at Lyric (formerly Sneakers) in the skywalk by Holiday Inn, pregame and post. No official gathering. You'll find green just about anywhere in Canal Park. Grandmas is a good bet. We always stop at the curling club in the DECC pregame. Have to buy a membership $5 to get in. Cheap beer and good food.
  11. It's the steam shooter offer thingy deal.
  12. I was 1500 something. Got 4 for Vegas. 2 for 2019 regional and an email the next day stating I could get more for Fargo if I wanted.
  13. The problem is that autos don't use more gas when you run the heater. An auto engine produces the same amount of heat whether you have the heater on or not. And the amount of gas you would save by using cruise control from Fargo to GF would fit in a thimble. Good God, I can't believe I actually had to explain that to someone. Thanks, darrell.
  14. Answer to all your ticket shortage problems. Join the Champions Club. $200 a year and you won't have to worry about gouging. Plus, get this, your membership fee goes to support ALL UND athletics.
  15. Close the bars. That would put 500 people back in their seats.
  16. Won 5 straight against good teams. Short 3 forwards. Jumbled lines. Split on the road. It's hockey. I'll take it.
  17. Hoff listed as injured. Hain, illness. He's been sick awhile. Mono?
  18. The North Dakota rule. Was instated after we got screwed against BU in Fargo. If a defensive team gains possession after an offside zone entry by the offensive team, offsides is negated.
  19. A replay would be nice.
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