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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. We better hope our recruits can bring in a little firepower next year or we are in for a couple of long years...
  2. My comment of his "wanting to skate" stems from his skating performance in our own end at times... He seems to have several gears and he isn't always in high.
  3. I love how Gersich skates (when he wants to) but did anyone else expect much more from him by now in his UND career? C'mon Shane!
  4. Lazy skates and passing. UND skating around like they have a 3 goal lead. The refs are trying to help us too... how did we get away with that interference on Halloran?
  5. Too bad we don't have a Hextall on this team...
  6. The 3 UND players screened Thome along with 2 CC guys. I'd have to see it again but it didn't look like Thome had a shot at it. I'm not saying Thome is god's gift to goaltenders but Cam has shown over and over he can spread the spectrum from great to simply horrible.
  7. Defense goes to sleep after another goal... chasing CC at home... times have a changed.
  8. Cam is a fine college goalie but how does anyone argue how his numbers have not been greatly exaggerated by the defenses that he has been lucky enough to have had in front of him ?
  9. So the wife and I are making our first away game since we had kids 4 years ago... can't frigging wait! I've been to a couple of games at the Sanford Center but never spent much time in Bemidji. I would love some suggestion on food for friday night and maybe a good breakfast joint sat. morning. Also, any thing we should check out while in town? Right now my only real plan is to watch the Sioux stomp the beavers from the 2nd row and hopefully eat some Dave's pizza afterwards in the hotel. We got a room at the hotel connected to the Sandford... Anyone have any reviews on how nice it is? Thanks in advance for any responses.
  10. I might be interested... sending you a PM.
  11. When we play like we have the last 15 minutes we are very much below average.
  12. Lazy skating... western player almost caught our d sleeping
  13. Jesus, that was dumb. Load the gun and then shoot yourself in the foot...
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