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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. Damn, that was pretty... amazing how much Shane has improved since last year... the kid is for real.
  2. We should think about winning a face-off or two...
  3. I agree Cam is looking good tonight, with the exception of the end of the first when he was flopping around like a fish for a bit.
  4. I get people's reasoning for not liking Bucci but I don't mind him. I like national sports guys that support college hockey... not many do but Bucci is a huge supporter.
  5. same for me... I officially cut the cord over a year ago... watching the Wild on SlingTV and UND/westeren and daloot/denver on NCHC.tv. I don't need cable...
  6. Damn, when the boys are on they're on... awesome puck movement there!
  7. St cloud and western have a great back and forth game going right now for those who like to multi-task...
  8. Cam sounds like he's standing on his head? For those watching, is his play as good as Tim H makes it sound?
  9. wow, UND's 4th powerplay? playing clean hockey tonight?
  10. Just do both of us a favor and ignore me. If you need help with how to do that let me know.
  11. Just listening tonight but it's not sounding good...
  12. IMHO the freshman class has the hardest working guys on the team... T Poolman, Pogs, CJ and Ausmus are the ones coasting. I don't know how Gage can pull on that sweater with a C on it and then come out and half-ass it to pucks all night.
  13. The sniper that had one goal in November and took the duluth series completely off?
  14. Very fitting that Cam gives up a softie of all softies to put a cherry on this turd.
  15. When is the last time we had any sustained time/pressure in the offensive zone? Seriously, I can't remember.
  16. They may have just dug themselves too deep a hole... too much talent, too little effort.
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