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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. Time to try something different in goal... Cam did fine with last year's defense in front of him. But with our defense this year he frankly is not getting it done. He lets in way way too many soft goals.
  2. Yes EJ... that is exactly what I'm saying... Smart teams do not take penalty after penalty like this. The refs are being consistent with what they are calling. Smart teams adapt, the dumb teams lose because of it.
  3. Blame the refs if you want... this is on the coaching. You need to crack the whip and get it into their heads to stop taking these penalties.
  4. dive or not UND knows the refs are calling this BS... stop with the dumb effing penalties!
  5. No discipline by this team... bench minors and too many hooks. Not smart hockey.
  6. He should have a handicap permit but I think he is too proud... He wouldn't want to take a spot of someone who really needs it.
  7. My grandfather has never been to the Ralph before and I would like to take him to a game soon... He is mobile but I don't want him to have to walk any farther than necessary. I'm looking for 2 tickets (or possibly 3) for any game but I need access to a parking pass or so helpful hints on possibly dropping him off/ picking him up. His health has slipped in the last couple of years and I really want him to see a Sioux game in person while he is still able. Thanks in advance for any tips or offers!
  8. agreed... sure didn't feel that way at the time though.
  9. Awesome thread! I am looking for some high resolution pics of the boys with their trophy... my google-fu skills are slipping. Any Sioux fans want to help a brother out with a link?
  10. Can champion club members pass their code off to another fan? My father really wants to go and is prepared to buy tickets but would like to get in on the pre-sale (not a CC member). Well, if the can and it's considered kosher to do so, I would love a code for him if some champion club member knows he isn't going to use it.
  11. What a day to be a Sioux fan... I'll be the first to admit I was critical of this team at many times this year but they proved to be really special. What a wonderful gift they've given us fans. WOW, thanks players!!!
  12. Terrible coaching... lazy players... too bad.
  13. The puck was never above the bar.... better be good.
  14. Holy !@#$ is cam's glove side weak right now...
  15. How can this team be tired... the commercial breaks are ten minutes long.
  16. feeling a lot like 2011... unreal how lazy they were on the mich goal. you can not give mich any space on their pp
  17. Nice weekend by the boys... The Penrose cup is nice, and looks good at the Ralph.
  18. Well thats Luke Johnson for you... what a waste of talent he has been.
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