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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. No one is bitching about Cam tonight because when he is back-up he doesn't have a chance to let in his usual soft goals. No one is also bitching about Thome because despite the score, tonight's outcome falls squarely on the shoulders of everyone besides the goaltender.
  2. I'd take players that can play a full 60 minutes before I'd take more skilled guys. Lazy passes and too much counting on the next guy to make a play. This team hasn't played a full 60 all season.
  3. well that goal rests squarely on the coaches.
  4. Thome... Peter has not been given much help by the D tonight. I would like to see him have the chance to play back to back... not just come in when Cam isn't playing well.
  5. How do you not stick with Thome right now? As we saw on Friday, the fans are not the only ones concerned about Cam's soft goals. Maybe Thome is the better goalie and maybe he isn't but he sure is the hotter of the two... Add to the fact that when Thome starts we see a better overall team in front of him for whatever reason. I think we will really find out what this team is made out of in Omaha. Just win!
  6. Consistency, or lack there of, is what is most frustrating thing to me with this team... we've seen it in the past under Hak and we have certainly seen it in the two most recent seasons under Berry. I don't know who is to blame but as a fan it is nerve-wracking not knowing what kind of team we will see on any given night. I hope to see Thome start until he proves he can't... the boys seem to be able to put forth a more competent team effort with him in net. Remember how we used to dread the Saturday night let-downs? Now I wonder what is going to go wrong on every Friday.
  7. He certainly isn't the biggest problem but with all the close games we've lost, I wonder if playing Thome more might have given us another win or three... especially when you take in account Cam almost always gives up one soft goal he would want back a game. No way to know but one thing is for sure, this team plays a different game in front of Thome.
  8. I know Goon... I admitted I was one of those guys in one of my next posts buddy lol.
  9. That is the extent of your infinite wisdom you have to bestow upon our computer screens? I'm afraid I'm a bit underwhelmed.
  10. Well good thing for us you are here to tell us how things work... off the ice I mean. Can't wait to be enlightened. Sorry with all of this pointless talk.
  11. Jesus, dropping 5... ouch. If CC gets the sweep tomorrow this team will more than likely be missing the playoffs for the first time in a long time.
  12. *A lot, not all... I was one of them unfortunately.
  13. No offense but I think you are selling SiouxSports members short... We are lucky to have one of the most knowledgeable fan-bases in college hockey. I think that a lot of the time passion and homerism clouds vision. Berry has proven himself to be an excellent recruiter over the years. It seems like he may have swung and missed this year and possibly next as well. Recruiting is extremely tough and you have to remember that college hockey experts had this season's recruiting class ranked very high... they just haven't produced as they should have yet.
  14. I'm glad spring training for the Twins will be coming up soon... It's much easier to spread my disappointment across several teams.
  15. All of the fire Hak guys said they were Berry's recruits when they were good lol.
  16. I would have to see who the Dman was in a reply... he was beat butt the CC was forced to the outside... it was very much a sharp angle shot that doesn't score 95% of the time. Lucky for the the CC player he had good aim and picked Cam's glove side.
  17. Cam reminds me of Patrick Roy when he leaves the net... I can feel the veins bulge on the side off my head when he starts to wander around and stick-handle. Well, he might have wanted to stay one more year...
  18. Not to say I want Hak back but plenty of examples of NHL coaches doing just that.
  19. He is on a short leash not from just tonight's performance of course. Even when Cam has a great game he almost lets in a softy that just baffles the mind... it's like he is day-dreaming out there sometimes. And the first thing he should do if he wants to still be the starter is throw his catching glove in the dumpster. Teams target Cam's glove side for a very good reason.
  20. All great programs go through this but it sucks when it happens to your own team... especially with the talent we've had over the last 15 years! I'll never understand how we haven't had more Titles since 2000. The hockey puck definitely doesn't bounce straight sometimes.
  21. It's hard to say this but CC is a much more exciting team to watch... UND probably has better talent top to bottom but their top talent is miles above ours.
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