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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. Well, it would be really really nice to pot one here...
  2. I think a lot of people on SS take this stuff too seriously... It should be a place to discuss, celebrate and vent about UND hockey. Some on here really get offended when someone disagrees with them.
  3. As long as I'm not offending any snowflakes around here is my main concern... Tonight's team effort was great... But it is only great because of what we have to compare it to previously. There were several times tonight where Cloud very apparently had more jump to their step than their UND counterparts. Dumping a puck in when you have a 3 on 2 rush isn't going to cut it against the supposed number 1 team in the nation. Neither is several severe defense lapses, untimely and extremely bone-headed penalties along with very average goaltending. Despite all of these issues, UND almost had the grit to pull off what would have been a very important win. Too bad this team couldn't have put in this effort a few more times in the 2nd half of this season. I wonder what team we will see Saturday night.
  4. Did you not read my post? I for one, am all for a non-trash-talking type of insulated environment where our players can feel safe and talk about their feelings. I'm glad tonight's game is all the evidence we need to prove this team's desire and heart. It's good to know that none of the previous games prior have any bearing on the situation this team is in. As far as trash talking on SiouxSports goes, I say ban anyone and everyone who does not have nice things to say. We can finally stop calling this a discussion board and use it as a motivational comment board and safe-space for UND hockey players.
  5. I too think we have been awfully hard on the players... Maybe they need less trash-talk and more things that motivate them to try harder to enjoy themselves. I vote that we start doing a traditional circle of sticks after every home series no matter how bad they play. This will help show the players that it doesn't matter who wins, the only thing that matters is that they have fun.
  6. That is ridiculous. We will stick with my plan.
  7. It is simple... Berry can coach until Christmas break, then we fire him. Give the head coaching gig back to Hak for the 2nd half of the season and then fire him after winning the NCHC tourney. After that, Dane Jackson can then sit back and take all the credit for hanging number 9.
  8. While this team is a bit shorter on talent then say an average season, UND should still not be in this position. A lot of other programs have done much more with far less. I'd like to think tonight was a wake-up call but that is frankly, wishful thinking. If none of the previous wake-up calls have been heard why would this one be? There doesn't seem to be any kind of urgency from the coaching staff either. It is amazing how no matter how good or bad the opponent, we play just hard enough to stay in it before tripping on our shoelaces and smacking our face in the mud.
  9. Just one of several suspect goals he let in tonight. Shot from the point with no screen, the circus goal where he was playing the clown instead of the puck and the cherry on top, OT shortside goal where he is off the post by 2 feet.
  10. On a good note... Berry in the interview after the game was pleased with UND's effort... no need to worry folks.
  11. The smarter team with the better effort won.
  12. Cam flopping like a fish... well played, no panic.
  13. well, there you go... only a matter of time until someone shoots themselves in the foot
  14. St Cloud should hang banners for sick shots too...
  15. To be fair to Gersich, he only had 85% of the net to shoot at.
  16. This is this year's team's chance to show what they're made of... NO DUMB MISTAKES!
  17. This team can't keep a puck in the zone even with two guys on the point... jeebus.
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