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Slap Shot

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Everything posted by Slap Shot

  1. I agree with that - while the game is in play. Not before the intial puck has even been dropped. I didn't see it as the US being scared but rather the Canadians trying to set an early tone. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with them trying to do that, but imho a ref needs to step in and tell a player to knock that off - it's cheap and unsportsmanlike.
  2. 1. I never said team chemistry wasn't a potential issue for the team and 2. Nowhere did the author even remotely intimate that Kessel was the major source for the strife (which is the only point about team chemistry I balked at), but rather that it was something that permeated the entire team and was probably the result of a wide array of players. To wit:
  3. I didn't justify what the US did at the end of the game, I just think it's pretty weak to allow what went on before the game had even started. It basically sends a message of, "anything goes" to the players, which I think should be the last thing that should occur in an international competition.
  4. What was up with the refs allowing Blake Comeau to shove a US forward twice, allowing him to straddle the red-line, and allowing the Canada forward on the opposite side of the circle to slash the stick out of the hand of another US forward - all prior to the opening faceoff? I realize it has no bearing on the final result but I think it sets a bad precedent to allow players to hack away so freely.
  5. Slap Shot

    TJ Oshie

    I don't have a "war" with you or anyone else, and leave me out of your points. Besides, my point was to present to you the other side of what I feel is a skewed perspective toward me simply from the fact we've disagreed a few times.
  6. Slap Shot

    TJ Oshie

    What's with the petty non-instigated shots? Cripes, just today I defended Oshie against another Gopher fan at GPL: http://www.gopherpucklive.com/MsgBrd/viewt...t=3343&start=75
  7. No Gopher fan is going to disagree with this being a week overall tournament, but it's hard to feel guilty given where the Gophers have ranked in terms of overall SOS the past several years.
  8. I agree that Union is a joke, but UML when signed appeared to be a better opponent than they have turned out to be so far this season. And to be fair to Lucia's Gophers, they played NMU in 2004, UNH in 2003, BC in 2002, Providence in 2001, LSSU in 2000 and Harvard and NMU in 1999. Not necessarily the greatest opponents on the plaent I suppose, but for a holiday season tournament in which the opponent has to be willing to travel to play, it's not that bad.
  9. "GO USA"? Or are you referring to the "criminal" comment? All I meant was I'm not going to rag on a hockey player if there's seemingly nothing about them worthy of ragging them for - that wasn't a shot at anyone in particular and could be applied to any one of a host of athletes - Randy Moss, Jeff Reardon, Mark Chmura, OJ Simpson, etc. Dang, is there anything I write that can't be twisted?
  10. 1. I didn't bring up Kessel, YOU did by trying to qualify his stats against Norway. I merely responded. 2. There is nothing wrong with your 'not caring' about Kessel. My responses have had absolutely nothing do with your liking or not liking Kessel, they have had to do with opinion - yours and mine. I've felt some of yours were unfounded and merely responded. I didn't attack you nor disparage your character, I simply gave a counter-point. Isn't that what an open forum is all about? 3. This is not a 'sensitive' subject for me, no more than it would be a 'sensitive' topic for you if I were to claim that Oshie is overrated and you responded - your response might be completely unemotional and simply your opinion that he's not overrated - the same as mine. I would say the same thing at GPL if I read a comment from a Gopher fan about another player that seemed unreasonable. One think you'll note about me and would probably get confirmed by other posters is that I do not talk poorly about players from other teams. I may have slipped once or twice the past several years, but it would almost be safe to say i never have and never will. (btw, I do not think Oshie is overrated I only used that as an exmaple) If you feel differently I don't personally care about it, but I also don't think it's unreasonable or ridiculous to give a differing opinion that is related to a specific post as long as it doesn't get personal. Would you not agree? 4. Lastly, I will say that I do find it odd when someone says they don't "like" a player from another team, at least when it seems to be only because that player plays for someone else and especially if that seems to influence how opinions are formulated. Sometimes I take the time to respond, most often I do not. For example, I agree that some of the discussions about Parise at POI were ridiculous. IMHO as long as Parise wasn't playaing against the Gophers I wished him all the success in the world. He was a quality kid, his dad was one of my favorite North Stars and the success that college kids have in the NHL will hopefully help grow the college game. The same goes for any college kid as long as the kid isn't a criminal (no further comment ) If that seems unreasonable then so be it, but I don't think I've said anything that unreasonable. GO USA!
  11. I will note that in a rare showing of restraint you didn't accuse Kessel of putting himself out on the ice to pad his stats (and I commend you for taking this bold step), you actually took it further and accused USA Hockey of conspiring to pad his stats to ensure he is made the #1 pick in the next draft, as if the hundreds of scouts in attendance are going to ingore what they see on the ice and simply draft off the stat sheets from the tournament.
  12. I've thought about responding to this nonsense here, but out of respect to others I'm simply going to ignore this utter garbage rather than continue to try and reason with someone completely incapable of understanding, but more importantly, displaying the concept.
  13. No one is looking for sympathy at KESSEL.COM, just a bit of maturity, objectivity and reality. Outside of Bear Man and Redwing it's hard to find around here. You can criticize all you want, but when your opinions come off completely unfounded don't be surprised when someone presents a counter-point, AT A PUBLIC FORUM, even one such as this.
  14. I appreciate your point of view, unfortunately some posters are going to ingore this objective review because it's easier then accepting the possiblity that a player on a hated rival just might not be the anti-Parise.
  15. I was referring to Hab-it. Fortunately there are still some voices of reason to be found regaring this topic: Well said, gentlemen.
  16. You're missing the point. I am pretty certain they never said what he claims. I have no reason to believe these announcers went on record claiming one player is a source of chemistry problems for the entire team considering the fact that 1) he's never been pegged as a locker room problem in the past and 2) if he's such a problem how is the team is playing so well together? Never mind "the source" has a propensity to whine about how evil the Gophers are at any moment without a legitimate reason. If they in fact did say that you can better well aver someone else would have picked up on it by now and reported it, but of course no one has.
  17. Again with the childish namecalling. If analysts said what you claim they did then without question someone would have written about such a story, but of course you figured it would be easy to make something up and not get called out on your bogus claim. If the team chemistry is really a question, why is the team playing so well? If anything exists between him and Skille, and it stems from previous playing time together - who's to say it has anything more to do with Kessel than with Skille? How about the fact Kessel is from WI and went to UM, UW's biggest rival? For now, there's no reason to believe your claim is valid. AZSIOUX - um, what?
  18. You of course have a link to substantiate this claim.
  19. 1. I'm sure TJ feels the same way. 2. Been at least 15 years, but I remember college thanks. 3. No matter the site it's a joke. Even if it was TJ it's nothing any Sioux fan should be ashamed about. 4. Then we're on the same page.
  20. 1. Do you know who it was? 2. Even if it is him, so what? Would you be surprised to find that a young hockey player isn't afraid to have fun here and there? Would it make him a bad guy? Have you never tried it yourself? 3. In any case, lighten up - this is just a game and we're only fans. 4. Most importantly, if you're the one judging my intelligence I'm not worried.
  21. Is TJ's new nickname "The Bonger"? Oh come on, laugh.
  22. I don't think he said that he was surprised that they had college courses, but rather the amount of time required to study this time of year. Of course if you can't beat them (on the ice that is)....
  23. I forgot this wasn't a public forum. Sorry.
  24. Lighten up, fellas. Both teams got great players, and opinions about which one is better vary greatly depending upon whom you ask, rather than the argument being one of fact. In either case it's not really that big of a deal and be happy you have a great one of your own.
  25. http://mckeenshockey.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=490925
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