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Slap Shot

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Everything posted by Slap Shot

  1. I agree. That is unless the nickname is, "BADgers".
  2. That's a good question. I would imagine they would repaint to WCHA specifications, but I am not positive.
  3. I could be wrong, but I thought I read somewhere that the official sheet size of the NCAA is the Olympic sheet, and if there was a venue with an Olympic sheet large enough to host a FF you can bet it would be played there from time to time. However if me must go that far, then let's eliminate all regionals from being played at the home rink of any Div I school. It's a bit exclusionary to punish a university by not allowing it to host a regional because of their sheet of ice.
  4. My "first" posts? I can't even remember that far back.
  5. Yes. What's your point? One of the endlessly tiresome and baseless slams here on Kessel was that doesn't produce against the higher end teams - seems the same can be said of Oshie. But thanks for the cute twist on my name.
  6. Regardless of where he ranks (it's all subjective I suppose), those numbers are pretty impressive, especially when put up next to the other goalies listed in the first post. I think it will make those that don't follow the Sioux that closely realize that Parise might be a bit better than originally given credit for.
  7. Seems to me you'd save such a golden e-mail regarding the 2nd coming of Parise.
  8. If you've been able to watch Oshie "all season", how is it you've also been able to see enough of Kessel to aver what he is or is not?
  9. Okay find. Oshie rules, Kessel blows. I apologize to the rest of Sioux-nation for dragging this on - I should have known better than to respond. That is all.
  10. I know I'm going to regret this, but... So the entire success of a "talent-laden team" falls squarely on the shoulders of Kessel? Why not on the shoulders of Oshie? Can you even remotely provide a logical and coherent answer that explains why the entire failure of a "talent-laden team" falls so much on Kessel and not Oshie? Never mind try to explain how that invalidates anything Kessel has done in the WCHA with respect to the ROY award?
  11. Is there a way to place you on ignore? Since you're either incapable or unwilling to engage in honest discourse, I'd rather not have to read your posts any further.
  12. Yes, by those that haven't seen their on-ice performances.
  13. The same applies to anyone dismissing Kessel as ROY. No, that is an opinion. However, I agree the previous poster should probably have chosen a better handle and could have been more diplomatic in expressing his disagreement with the Kessel-bashers.
  14. No, I'm implying there are a-holes (not to mention stalkers) in both camps but are too blind to see it.
  15. The same Sioux fans blah, blah, blah... ...every fan base has them.
  16. So you're saying UM is the better team.
  17. Until you do perhaps you shouldn't argue otherwise. I've seen the figure and the difference in average age for these two teams is about a few months at most.
  18. Great - then start a campaign and get the rest of the hockey world outside of Grand Forks to agree with you. The fact is, Kessel produced more than Oshie while playing on the 3rd line, lined up with two underclassmen, on a team that is just as young as Oshie, in the same league against virtually the same schedule. That Kessel should have done more (or that it matters when the points were amassed) I suppose is why there are boards like this for us to argue.
  19. It's completely different. He's not saying it's unfair for the Gophers to have to play UND at REA, he's saying he'd rather not have to. Big deal. I myself hope we do.
  20. Kessel has more points for the season and in conference. 1. The only people seemingly arguing Kessel doesn't backcheck are Sioux fans. 2. The ROY award isn't for most valuable rookie but rather for the most outstaning rookie and in conference alone he's done more - total points and points per game. 3. Kessel might be surrounded by talent, but: 3a. The Gophers are just as young as UND. 3b. Kessel plays on the third line with another freshman and a sophomore. 3c. Kessel does shoot a lot but he passes like nobody I've seen a long time - this immediately makes those around him better. Oshie might end up being the better player long term, college and pros. He might be every bit as good as Kessel and in fact is a very, very good player. He's just not going to win ROY and he shouldn't win it. I fully understand that at a UND site the above will be found quite unpopular, but I haven't slammed anyone nor criticized anyone. I've said quite clearly Oshie is a great player, but if you sit back and look at all the angles, Kessel deserves ROY.
  21. I couldn't agree more and made the same statement at gpl.com. I'm tired of the complaining from some fans about the possiblity of playing UND in Grand Forks. While there are obviously scenarios that would be preferred if you can't beat UND in the regional you don't deserve to go to the FF. That said, I think the Gophers playing UND would be slightly more disadvantageous than Cornell playing UM last season given the familiarity between these two teams. However, there's nothing preventing Gopher fans from making the short trip to Grand Forks and gobbling up as many tickets as possible to made the home-ice advantage not as great as what the Gophers experienced last season. So while I'd rather we not have to play UND in ND, you have to be careful what you wish for and play the cards you're dealt - that's the way it goes so stop complaining fellow Gopher fans.
  22. Parise, your state of pain must then be several times greater.
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