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Slap Shot

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Everything posted by Slap Shot

  1. I don't think it was a matter of the players' union negotiating a cut per se but being stuck between a rock and a hard place. I'm sure there's somone more qualified to comment, but from my understanding that during the NHL lockout the owners basically forced the union's hand and said they're not going operational until the players made major concessions.
  2. Is Mike Prpich related to Bill Braske?
  3. The poster you're getting worked up over is not a Gopher fan - he's a Badger fan. Although he/she was a jerk either way. Sorry to see the Sioux go down yesterday. They had a great season and will be loaded and ready to go next year. Unfortunately, there are games were things just don't go your way for whatever reason. Bad luck, the moon and sun are not aligned, you meet a hot team that got all the breaks, whatever. It's how I felt watching the Gophers - every time I felt they had a chance to get back into the game or even win something happened to beat them back down. Good luck next year! [edit] btw - I can't imagine that Gary Thorne had his head into the game with all the mistakes he made during the broadcast. Melrose seems to have come around a bit with respect to having some respect for the college hockey game. But I can't imagine someone like Thorne couldn't watch all that talent on the ice for UND and BC and not have come away impressed.
  4. The UM athletic department finishes high nearly every year nationally for overall performance. The men's basketball program is currently the only major program that deserves a "failing" grade, although the women't team may soon join them if the exodus continues.
  5. Yeah, cuz I'm such a bad guy. :D It was a joke. Of course I realize that game was 'heard' around the hockey community, but we wouldn't be fans of our respective programs if we didn't take good-natured jabs at each other once in a while. I wasn't being literal, but unforunately that doesn't seem to be the case for a few others.
  6. Dang Jim, I know there's a sense of humor in there somewhere. Besides, you knew what I meant.
  7. For now it's more than the Sioux freshmen have won.
  8. Grand Forks - the only place where all this excitement is brewing - is not the college hockey world.
  9. I thought it was Erick Johnsson coming in as the next Errik Jonson?
  10. I agree with respect to Lucia having to take a portion of the blame for the finish (I'd say 60/40 players/coach). I don't think it's wrong to have Lucia as one of the finalists, but given how the team finished I'm not sure I'd even put him into the Top 3 at the end of the season.
  11. I would be interested in a link that lists the GPA and major of all the candidates.
  12. He doesn't necessearily have to be the next big thing to stay up in the NHL. But good to see so many wishing him well.
  13. No. I accidentally responsed to a comment made later on by someone else in the same spot. Mea culpa.
  14. I don't think anyone of us is in a position to know what's going on inside Don Lucia's head. Perhaps Lucia thought Miller was the more deserving player? But I suppose voting against the players of our rivals is more imporant than voting for who we think should win? I mostly agree except for two minor points. When you took away some "points" from Potulny because of how he and the Gophers finished his season, I think that the same critieria should be applied to Carle for his individual and team finish. I also would disagree that it would be wise not to be wary of a player that scored as many goals as Potunly this season. That said, I agree with your overall and my vote would go to Carle or Elliott.
  15. If you're going to use such a crieria, how did Carle and DU finish their season? And of the individuals that imho should win (Carle, Potulny or Elliott) the only one that is still playing is Elliott. Yet I still don't think that disqualfies Carle from winning over Elliott, although as I've said I think Elliott or Carle should and will win.
  16. Does DU get to play games against "sub-par" competition, or just Minnesota? That said, if I got to vote for the Hobey my vote would go to Carle or Elliott. It's not that I think Potulny wouldn't be deserving, but I think both Carle and Elliott had a more outstanding year.
  17. What the heck this Gopher fan supposed to do now? I always want the WCHA to win the NC but I'm left with UND, UW and CC. I don't see CC winning it this year. UW? Dear Parise their fans are bad enough without having to see them win another NC. So I'm left with UND. tap, tap, tap, tap, tap. As much as it pains me to say it, but from hear on out I *gulp* cheer for the Sioux. Good luck! btw - tonight I burn my gold hat. I don't think they've won a game played while I've worn this thing. The maroon hat I had on during 2002 and 2003 playoffs, but I cannot find the dang thing!
  18. Parise - I joke around and you still resort to the same old childish schtick. What a....
  19. Suddenly Dubay is being held up as a man of reason and insight?
  20. What year in school was each respectively for those point totals?
  21. Yet both of their respective teams (Potulny and Irmen's) seem highly interested in getting them out of college asap.
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