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Slap Shot

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Everything posted by Slap Shot

  1. No, because the PWR is a truer reflection of how they stand in relation to the Sioux and the rest of the upper teams in the country. If you want to refer to them as a "5th place" team, be my guest but then again the Sioux should have done better this weekend against such a poor team. Of course they will, and since the Gophers will win the vast majority of those games their PWR will only go up. Hey Fedorov - I don't flame, I don't attack the Sioux, I have defended Parise against the ridiculous overrated accusations and I have acknowledged UND is one of the best teams in the country and have as legitimate shot as anyone to be NC this year. Excuse me for having the audacity to have a differing opinion than some Sioux fans.
  2. The Gophers will get nothing less than 3 this weekend and those 5th place Gophers are 6th in the PWR: http://www.uscho.com/rankings/?data=pwr1m Unfortunately, I imagine the Sioux players and coaches aren't as myopic as so many of their fans.
  3. If I could buy anyone a sense of humor....
  4. GO4-4LIFE's thread was unnecessary and inflammatory, but Jim you should be upset the Sioux didn't take all 8 points (and were this close to only taking 4) from such a vastly inferior team.
  5. I cheered for the Sioux in both of their last two NC game appearances, and the Sioux fans that sat near me (two different set of fans) at the X for the both the 2002 Frozen Four and the 2003 WCHA Final Five were great to chat with, and in their own way conceded that they supported the Gophers. Goon, like I said neither program is going anywhere but up.
  6. I should develop and market a doll to sell to Gopher fans - it would be a baby dressed up in a Sioux uniform and when you pull the string it will cry, "The Gophers are arrogant".
  7. Holy schnikies cfm567b27, lighten up. Did you fail to notice the in my post, as well as the fact I said I think it's ridiculous for a fan of either team to claim the other program is headed for a demise? I simply responded to a comment the Gopher program is slipping by noting UND has gone longer without a NC. Not to be serious but to demonstrate the irony and illegitimacy of the original claim. As for the tired old arrogant whining, at least you admit Sioux fans are arrogant. First of all, people do remember teams that win multiple titles in a row and no one is trying to take away from the fact UND has 7 titles. They earned them and their fans should be proud of that, so spend more time enjoying your program and less time worrying about the Gophers.
  8. I can understand it but not for the reasons given. People can hate or dislike whomever they want, I simply responded to erroneous comments regarding how Woog announces.
  9. Do you think a Sioux announcer has never said anything bad about the Gophers? You act as if he was the Japanese breaking a promise not to start a war with the United States. He says one bad thing about the Sioux and all of a sudden he's the anti-Christ of hockey announcers? I just said if you actually listened to him you'd realize he's very prone to complimenting Gopher opponents, but if you want to focus on one comment que sera, sera.
  10. It's hypocritical to whine about Gopher fans given fans of EVERY team in the history of mankind act like jackasses. Every whiney remark you make about Gopher fans applies to equal perentage of Sioux fans, Badger fans, Husky fans....
  11. If people actually listenened to the Wooger during a broadcast, they'd hear how often he compliments the Gophers' opponent and finds ways to criticize things the Gophers have done. Sure he's a homer, but no more so than any other college hockey announcer that does a local broadcast.
  12. Yeah, because they didn't play well on consecutive nights against CC or MSUM... Yes, neither is UND but you didn't make that distinction. btw, they don't have to prove you wrong - all that matters is how the season ends not whether or not UM has the respect of a Sioux fan.
  13. Well, since you say so.
  14. While UW may not be as good as their record, the fact is some Sioux fans have said, "wait until after the Gophers play UND and UW before evaluating whether or not they are back". So either UW should be used as an indicator or not.
  15. Then you're in the vast minority.
  16. One thing to consider when looking at how Minnesota has faired since the first series with UND is the series at UW. While they only took one point, I believe they held a lead late in the Sat game they lost and the series was on the road. So while it is true that a few of their wins of late have been against lower tier WCHA teams, they were in the series at UW and they can't do anything about the schedule at this point. Either way, I expect a split and hope for more.
  17. What's your story - no sense of humor? Jeez, just having a bit of fun with a pretty whiny statement. Some people just take this whole thing so damn seriously - it's hockey not war.
  18. The arena doesn't suck - most people recognize it as a great hockey facility. Unfortunately, the atmosphere is not what it was at Williams because of all the corporate seats that are filled by people that just don't care or get unused altogether.
  19. The reasons why Gopher fans consider UW to be a bigger rival are due to the fact UM-UW, as well as the two states involved, have much more at stake between them outside of just college hockey. You have Vikings-Packers, you have a Big Ten rivalry in all the other sports, you have so many from paint thinner nation living/working and/or going to school in MN, and aside from the past few years you'd have to admit UW was one of the premeir college hockey programs in the country for quite some time. It's not meant as a slight to UND but rather there's just a bit more involved when you ask a Gopher fan what they think of Bucky. Most of us respect the UND rivalry, as well as the program and its fans, whereas most of us would have less than kind things to say about your typical cheesehead.
  20. Gopher announcers discussing prospects for the Gopher hockey team? Surely you jest.
  21. Ah, so the Wooger didn't kiss the Sioux's arse? As for there, "being others" I could probably find 10 complimentary remarks about opponents and cricisms toward the Gophers or calls they received for every 1 homer remark you think he's made.
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