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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 5 minutes ago, Teeder11 said:

    Scalia died 10 months before the 2016 elections.  You think maybe the surprise had waned by then?  

    Fair enough.  Does the left have it in them to take their foot off of the tired old masks for everyone and blacks are the only minority that matter narrative long enough to focus on the appointment that is coming?  Seems like Trump has the perfect cover to pick a 3rd justice.  

  2. 2 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    One thing we do know is Biden's list for a SCJ nominee can not be long. How many gay black females are out there to potentially meet the qualifications to get voted through? Under the current political,  racial and social climate what option does  he have left especially when pressured  from the AOC types.

    It is scary.  The Supreme Court is still the last bastion of common sense in this country.  Despite leanings of some members there aren't any crazy ones on the bench (even gulp.....the Trump ones).  All you have to do is listen to Biden try and speak at a town hall for more than a minute and you know he's not gonna be the one making that list.  

  3. 10 hours ago, nodakvindy said:

    Any member with an ounce of integrity would not vote. McConnell set the precedent. Trying to fill the seat now that throws all of the "law and order" arguments out the door and would be the height of hypocrisy. 

    Partially agree.....but the key difference in this case is that Scalia's death was truly a surprise.  RBG has been essentially clinging on by a thread for a year solely to try and avoid giving Trump another pick.  The reality is that she should have stepped down awhile back.

  4. 1 minute ago, Goon said:

    This didn't take long. I am not sure anyone thought this wouldn't happen. Less police by defunding, or moving moneys to other area =  more crime. 

    Minneapolis City Council alarmed by crime surge after defunding police



    I thought the BLM crowd wanted the job of protecting Minneapolis?  Reminds me of the coworker that b*tches and moans all day about how the job sucks but is never willing to put his money where his mouth is and switch jobs.  

  5. 4 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    Not scared just aware. Settle down everything’s going to be ok.

    You are finally figuring it out?  Yes, relax and everything will be ok.  Don't need shutdowns.....masks (aka security blankets)....etc.  Kids are back in school and not dropping like flies.  Sports are even being played.   So what were you so scared of?  

  6. 5 minutes ago, Goon said:

    Yep, mostly peaceful. Tell that to the people that lost property. 


    Hopefully they mostly confine the rate increases to the Minneapolis metro area to recoup their losses.  The "woke" people should be allowed to experience all facets of what their actions can lead to.  

    • Upvote 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, Old Fella said:

    Floper, you flopped again/Your post validates you are the Crybaby.  

    Good one......you been silent the last couple days saving up every last bit of your critical thinking and that's the best you could do?  Go back to Perkins with the rest of your old farts sipping coffee all day and only tipping a quarter when your done thinking in your own mind that you really helped out.  

    I'll be living wide open with no mask wherever possible.....while others keep crying about masks bring needed to save the .00000001%

    • Upvote 3
  8. 2 hours ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Big Ten FB........If a players tests postive  he is out for 21 days.  SMH

    Any chance this turns into the NFL with it's concussion protocol?  The protocol where when the 3rd string RB gets knocked out on a kickoff return....he's forced to leave the game.....but when the star QB takes the big hit.....it never seems to be a concussion until after the game is over. 

  9. 6 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    I see.

    Daily circulation of over 23,000 in a city of 23,000 households.

    Casper must be an extreme liberal hotbed.  I'm sure that Anifi and BLM are plotting its destruction right now. 

    Time to re-attach your brain stem. 


    First Vanity Fair and now Casper Wyoming's newspaper lol.  You are on a role.  A real critical thinker is emerging before our eyes lol.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Just now, UND1983 said:

    What's the inevitable?

    Lol the inevitable is ready happening.......people are realizing what an overreaction Covid was....the economy is bouncing back quicker than Dems would like to believe.......Trump's support is slowly but surely ramping up again.......and the Haydouche's of the world are crapping their pants because they know it's coming and they are helpless to stop it.  

    • Upvote 3
  11. 25 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    After reading the cult's take on Covid-19, this isn't a shock.  Wallow in ignorance. Allow your leadership to do the same.  See where it gets you.


    Dakotas lead US in virus growth as both reject mask rules

    Amid the brute force of the pandemic, health experts warn that the infections must be contained before care systems are overwhelmed. North Dakota and South Dakota lead the country in new cases per capita over the last two weeks, ranking first and second respectively, according to Johns Hopkins University researchers.


    Is this article from April.....I mean May.....I mean June....I mean.....isn't this the same boy that cried wolf article that has been coming out about the Dakota's since day 1?  Still waiting for Altru to be crushed with cases.....still waiting.....still waiting 

    • Upvote 2
  12. 10 minutes ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    The problem with the study you cited is the prevalence and ease of angelicizing one's name, as immigrants have done for generations, Jews did in early Hollywood, and Asians are now doing in droves to combat discrimination in college admissions. A better example would be the study of people's reactions to different races when crossing paths with them alone in the dark. Everyone was afraid of crossing a black male in that situation.

    Even Jesse Jackson had a quote relating to the fact that he felt safer when he heard footsteps and turned around to find out it was a white person.  Once again I'll go back to asking why is that?  I've always subscribed to the idea that you shouldn't start blaming others for your shortcomings until you have your own backyard in reasonably good order.  

    • Upvote 1
  13. 7 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    The state's top law enforcement officer under investigation by the highway patrol.     I'm sure justice will be served. :whistling: 

    His career is done either way.  He probably wasn't completely pickled or else the sheriff that responded would have caught it, but it still seems a bit off.  As for the investigation word has it that Trump supporters have already started rioting, hurling hubcaps at cops, burning down small businesses, blocking traffic so people can't get to work....all in the name of demanding an immediate guilty verdict before there is even an investigation.  

    Wait, nevermind, that's the other side that behaves like that.

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