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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 7 minutes ago, mikejm said:

    Colorado mails more than 3 million ballots to voters every election. That doesn’t qualify under your definition as ‘mass mailing’?


    Already 7 missed Trump votes in very early voting in one county alone in Pennsylvania.  Inconvenient I know Drive by Mike.  Extrapolate those out and you have election swinging potential.  

  2. 1 minute ago, jdub27 said:

    Do you have any sources that show 30% of ND deaths associated with CoVid actually had absolutely nothing to do with the person contracting the virus and they would have died the exact same day regardless?

    He can argue for the 30% but I won't and give anyone that 30%.  Approximately 110 people died, that probably weren't near the end, over a 6-7 month period and some want to grind everything to a halt.  Asinine. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    I think it is very believable that you've lost your mind.  

    It is, after all, helpful when joining a cult. 

    About half of 219......(here I'll help you out) that's approximately 110 total people that have died of Covid outside of a nursing home in 6-7 months in ND.  Say her name.....I mean Say those Facts!  Say those facts!

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  4. 32 minutes ago, mikejm said:


    Take a look at Colorado voting, which since 2013 has been entirely by mail. 8.06 million ballots cast statewide and you know how many people have been convicted of voter fraud in that period?


    That's 0.000111687792 percent. Extrapolate that onto the 2016 presidential vote and you'll expect to find 144 fraudulent ballots nationwide.

    Do you really want to hang onto that 'manipulate the election' theory?

    Drive by Mike is back....Here's 7 already in one close county alone in Pennsylvania.....all were Trump ballots that were mysteriously tossed.  Want to extrapolate those results out considering just a minute fraction of people have voted yet?



  5. 1 minute ago, jdub27 said:

    He's already sent them into cities without state/local approval, no? And it was beyond the scope of "protecting federal property".

    Which is unfortunate because he did it with the support of most of the citizens in those areas who were being held hostage by their local leftist leadership.  

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  6. 6 minutes ago, MrEdway said:

    Not the most neutral source around, but with the exception of Mr Drive-by Mike, most people would acknowledge that while massive mail fraud has not been an issue in the past, the general nature of it along with this being one of the most contentious elections ever makes it an area that could be exploited.  

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  7. 1 minute ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    I think the original permit for the Proud Boys was denied,  but they still found a way. It'll undoubtedly be declared a riot which then allows cops to arrest anyone still there, but it would be nice to prevent it rather than react to it.

    Absolutely.  Portland shouldn't be waiting for inevitable 2nd disruptive force to show up before taking action. 

  8. 5 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Fauci said yesterday we remain in the first wave since cases never declined significantly to a good baseline.

    1918 cases broke out in the spring, then literally disappeared in the summer, and then an explosion of cases in the fall

    Does this mean that the third wave isn't going to occur as previously scheduled?

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  9. 1 minute ago, Ranger said:

    Correct. You should stick with your rants about a governor of a state of which you do not reside, and your creepy obsession for children and adolescent sports. I choose to remain neutral in these discussions, mostly because much of what’s said here is nonsensical and has pushed away those with expertise and helpful opinions, but also because of Hatch Act issues (regarding the political tug-of-war)...something Goon should be more concerned with too.

    Lol......so you're a Federal employee......explains your participation here during daytime hours.  

    Who would have ever thought....Ranger the voice of neutrality lol.  Except for his take on parents that want their kids to be able to experience life and play sports......but other than that completely neutral.  

  10. In most years this wouldn't be much more than "there is a nasty crap or a nasty gunk" going around.  It would have gone through a majority of the population in the spring....like this stuff usually does.  Instead by taking this new political approach of trying to cure a virus, we have managed to only prolong it much like throwing log after log on a fire instead of just having one initial bonfire that would have burnt itself out.  

  11. And I'm not saying no precautions should be taken.  If you want me to hand sanitize everytime I enter a room at a school?  Sure whatever.  You want to cut down on class sizes?  Sure.  You want to limit the number of fans at sporting events (let parents and close family in only).....sure.  Changes at the margin aren't what most people are upset with....it's with how this entire thing has been hijacked and politicized by a movement.  And before Haydouche chimes in with his Trumptard reference, remember that Trump was willing to act pretty quickly on this (fair to argue he should have done more in hindsight).......the problem has come in with the open ended continued movement of the finish line and that has been almost exclusively coming from the left.  

    • Upvote 2
  12. 6 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    I’m sorry that you can’t see the difference, you have a political view on covid and I cannot change that.

    I can guarantee you that there are plenty of parents of immunocompromised children that are sacrificing their joy due to your wide open stance on the subject.

    And I know this is tough for your and your only think of yourself attitude......but don't assume that you are the only person that has immuno compromised people in your life......or that anyone else that has immuno compromised people in their lives share your FOMO (fear of missing out) attitude.  Statistically this thing flat out just doesn't affect kids........know several people with asthma that have got it and been fine.  Maybe think (mind blowing for you I'm sure) that those people have made the determination that living in a bunker for the next indeterminable amount of time until a vaccine that will only be 50% effective at best appears......but somehow that will drastically change the landscape and no one will ever get sick again......is absolutely ludicrous logic. 

    • Like 1
  13. 5 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    I’m sorry that you can’t see the difference, you have a political view on covid and I cannot change that.

    I can guarantee you that there are plenty of parents of immunocompromised children that are sacrificing their joy due to your wide open stance on the subject.

    You are the one making it political.  If Covid-19 never was a thing, are you saying those same parents with immunocompromised kids have never had to take extra precautions versus the rest of the population in the past?

    • Upvote 1
  14. 31 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    Interesting take. Ever wonder if this small think attitude is why most young people do leave this state? 

    I hear a ton of shaming in this thread against those afraid to leave their home, needing to get groceries delivered, building a bunker, sheeple wearing masks, etc. Go out into the real world in grand forks and haven’t heard any of that garbage once, minus KNOX. 


    Not everyone is so fortunate. Some are immunocompromised and/or have at risk family at home. If shaming those people anonymously on a siouxsports message board makes you feel better so be it, but to express that the at risk want you stuck at home like themselves, let me tell you, I don’t think you would be able to live a day in their shoes.

    Once again, your logic is ridiculous.  "Because I can't/don't feel safe going out, I don't think you should go out either".  Listen to yourself.  

    And if you want to hear the "real world" in Grand Forks, maybe you should go out and find out yourself instead of guessing how the 5 callers on KNOX figure into the rest of Grand Forks.  The truth is that people are having weddings, kids are playing sports, people are going back to work (now that the $600 weekly kicker is gone).  

    Covid may be the most recent threat to those that have health issues but it isn't the first and won't be the last.  Letting your fear of missing out syndrome take over and expecting everyone else to hunker down too is downright selfish.  

  15. 2 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:



    Well that's the million dollar question.....  To what extent are these numbers a reaction to covid and not covid?.    Perhaps if someone has the time to do some research we could obtain a clearer picture; at least in a general sense.    

    Some thoughts: 
    1. For a variety of reasons death rates almost always drop during economic downturns.
    2. To what extent is the lockdown saving lives via traffic accidents?
    3. What are the raw numbers (estimated) of people dying due to avoiding necessary treatments?

    I just looked up homicides.  The rate is exponentially high this year, but in terms of raw numbers the increase is rather negligible.   <1,000  

    I really think that is all most people are looking for.  It's the lack of a comprehensive look at the damage that Covid causes directly as a virus by itself, versus the damage of what some/a growing number IMO have perceived as an overreaction to Covid has caused.  Admittedly it's a tough talk to have when weighing whether an 85 year old person dying 6 months early is ok if it means a class of 20 kids can meet face to face for a school year.   

  16. 1 minute ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

    The only truth is that in a limited statistical analysis, ND is hamstrung by small population and aggressive testing.  Blind reliance on "cases" reeks of ignorance, or worse, a desire to spin cherry-picked data to fit a narrative of fear.  Throw all the cards on the table, correct for all of the gross discrepancies, and let's see if there's a meaningful difference between states.

    Why does it feel like so many people are promoting and/or posturing for worst-case scenarios?  Bottom line is, are you dead?  If not, are you sick?  If not, live your freaking life and stop worrying about that over which you have no control.  Tomorrow is promised to no one.

    It's ok for the Rednecks of the world to choose that it's in their best interest to shelter in place.....no issue with that at all.  The problem comes in when they expect everyone to stop living too because they are scared of missing out.    

    • Upvote 1
  17. 4 hours ago, Redneksioux said:

    ND leads the country in Covid cases per 100,000 residents.



    Let's keep up with the carelessness and maybe we can stay atop. Don't be a close contact though Floppy or you may end up with a class b misdemeanor on your hands for staying wide open and not quarantining. Can we get another tantrum on how this is infringing on your precious civil liberties?





    Come again?


  18. It doesn't make death any less sad, but I think people overlook that once one enters a nursing home (where many of these deaths seem to be occuring) there are no sure things anymore.  It's an older study, but one that was pre-Covid.  50% of people that enter a nursing home don't make 6 months....and the average stay is about 13 months.  Puts dying because of Covid vs dying with Covid into perspective for that demographic.  

    https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2010/08/98172/social-support-key-nursing-home-length-stay-death#:~:text=The average age of participants,study died within six months.

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