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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 2 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    It can suppress the immune system's activity, preventing your immune system from fighting off the virus if given too early.


    Weiss said that Trump’s medical team had “an impossible job,” but that “you can’t say he’s fine and he’s going home tomorrow and by the way he’s getting dexamethasone, which was shown in [a clinical trial] to be helpful in only the sickest patients.”

    So a cardiologist from UC San Francisco that has never had any medical involvement with Trump is the person you cited?  Once again, you do realize that as President you have some of the top doctors in the world at your disposal to treat you?  Weiss apparently didn't make the team.  

    • Upvote 3
  2. 4 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    The President has a diagnosis; thus, this is no longer prophylactic, but preventative. That said, I'm willing to wager the President is also on a Z-Pak as a preventative to biologic based pulmonary infection. 

    It's almost like those with TDS are upset that the medical community is getting better each and every day treating Covid even in those that come from a higher risk category.

  3. Just now, Redneksioux said:

    Dexamethasone is generally reserved for severely ill covid19 patients dealing with inflammation. May be considered simple by Trump supporters though I guess.

    I know you are having trouble understanding the concept of overabundance of caution and the privilege of being in a high profile position.  I'll dumb it down in terms that you can understand.  When a Hollywood star gets sick, they aren't waiting in line at the after hours urgent care sitting next to all of the uninsured people that came in using the ER as general health care with screaming kids that have snot pouring down their face. 

    And you further paint yourself in a corner without knowing it.  If a case of Covid in a 70+ year old fat man can go from "severe" on a Friday to getting discharged on a Monday (or soon after)....how severe was it really?  

    • Upvote 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Redneksioux said:

    If he leaves today he will be going from hospital to hospital. 

    his sideshow yesterday was just another perfect example of privilege. 

    You honestly believe what you are saying?  You are equating his being discharged and going to the White House with a steroid prescription as another "hospitalization"?  Steroids are routinely prescribed to people (on an outpatient basis) that need that extra boost to their system i.e. people with asthma and other common conditions.

    Actually you are painting yourself further into the TDS corner and you don't have much room left.  If a simple steroid prescription is the most serious thing that Trump needed to get discharged......it shoots a massive hole in the hunker down in a bunker forever crowds narrative that avoiding society is the only cure to Covid.  

    • Upvote 2
  5. 15 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    In his Marine medical transport chopper, operated by medical staff, basically a transfer from one hospital to another. But you really think he’s being transferred today?

    Wait, so the Hunker in a bunker forever crowd doesn't understand that the vast majority of Covid patients that seek medical care don't just go from hospital to hospital but they actually get.....wait for it......discharged?

    • Upvote 1
  6. 1 hour ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    I can't image the secret service being happy about this, at all. 

    At the end of the day, it's all about Trump.  Always has been, always will be for him.    Nobody else matters.  


    Imagine a little harder then.  Generally speaking secret service will tell you that behind the scenes the Republicans that they are assigned to are muh more gracious and down to earth than their Democrat counterparts, which is ironic given the national perceptions that exist for each party.  Gore, Clinton (mostly Hillary) and the Obama's were pain in the asses while the 2 Bush's were universally liked.  

    • Upvote 1
  7. 37 minutes ago, NDinCO said:

    Death isn't going away either. At some point everyone will be exposed to it. But in the meantime I will take simple precautions to avoid it and not do stupid stuff to hasten it. 

    And what do you mean the virus isn't going away? I thought only 15 people had it, and it will be gone by Easter, and it will magically disappear, and all the rest of Trumps ignorant rants. So confusing. 

    "Simple" precautions that are proven to work or "simple" precautions that are nothing more than an emotional safety blanket for those that are worried?

    • Upvote 1
  8. 26 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    Don’t bring me into this. I didn’t vote to send the kids home from school. 

    you had a chance to  protest this decision did you not? The news showed about 30 people protesting, were you guys 1 of the 30?


    I guess if you don’t like it you can always move somewhere else, right?


    keep on crying, it makes my sunday mornings.

    You didn't vote but the hunker down forever crowd sure contributed to it and you are squarely a part of it.  Now go back to counting your cans of corn and packets of Tang in your bunker.  

  9. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Cass County is the most populated country in ND. Fargo, which is in Cass County, is the most populated city in ND. As of yesterday Cass County's current active case % was roughly just 0.37% of its population yet starting tomorrow all public school students in middle and high school will be switching  to distancing  learning only. Elementary students will be hybrid

    Hopefully mikejm's children are all middle school or HS teachers in Fargo so they can lounge in their PJs all week now.

    0.37% current active cases...........and no kids ages 13-18 will be in class in Fargo public schools starting tomorrow. I know logical perspective isn't allowed by the bedwetting, doomsday, hide in your bunker minions in this thread but that's f-n ridiculous if you really think about it.

    Anyone want to guess what % of those kids will be going to lunch at BWW and/or to the mall, Scheels or Target with their friends or going to work at a part time job? A lot higher than 0.37%.

    Out of high school kids, I'll put that number at 35%.  For the tie breaker I'll say they will be in place at those locations by noon once their last zoom meeting occurs.  

    Obviously after 3 that number will balloon up to 90%.  Basically everyone except those that are in Rednek/Haydouche/UND laws doomsday bunker.  

  10. 34 minutes ago, homer said:

    Scariest part of this is having a conversation with a teacher and how many students are not checking in online and falling off the radar with their learning.    It’s much higher than .37%. 

    Yep.  You lose those daily eyes on all the kids that come from bad situations at home (drugs, various forms of abuse, etc)......but at least they aren't catching a cold in school. 

    • Upvote 2
  11. 24 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    If the decision was predicated solely on safety protocol, Trump would've been in the hospital the second he tested positive.  Same for the 1st Lady.  

    His symptoms dictated the move to Walter Reed.  And, in the end, it was Trump's decision.   He put himself in the hospital.  


    Advisers made last-minute push to get reluctant Trump to Walter Reed


    Please.  I don't doubt that his advisors wanted him there right away.  You think a stubborn person like Trump just went along with it right away?  Or like most guys did it take some convincing before he went dragging his feet?

  12. 31 minutes ago, mikejm said:

    All of my kids are teachers in North Dakota. They are fairly certain they can control virus exposure for the kids while in school, but every day after the class, the kids go home, or to a neighbor's place, or to grandparents' homes where there is no control over who they are being exposed to. So the kids pick up the virus at the neighbor's and then bring it back to school where it is "shared" among classmates who take it home to their families, neighbors, etc. Young kids may have it, and may not be affected at all by the virus, but they are very efficient and carrying and spreading any kind of virus.

    This is why "they are screwing up the schools and colleges:.

    Your post makes absolutely zero sense.  So teachers believe that it can be controlled in the school but then you go on to say that only applies until a kid comes into the school with it.  Don't the masks that every kid is being required to wear in school work?  

    Honest question, in ND how many school aged kids or even parents of school aged kids have died since school started in late August?  It's a large enough sample size now where they should be starting to drop like flies.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Rednek, Haydouche, UNDlaw guy, and the rest of the hunker in a bunker gang citing the list of Republicans that have only tested positive.  Test test test.  At least the hunker down gang is consistent even if they have the same comprehension level of what numbers mean as the turnstyle clicker at Menards.  

    • Upvote 1
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  14. 18 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:



    Trump's potential "I had Covid and it's a nothing burger" talking point just went down the toilet with him being put in the hospital.  

    You really don't have a clue do you?  An abundance of caution is always taken when dealing with the commander chief, regardless of who it is and that doesn't just apply to illness.  

  15. 35 minutes ago, Oxbow6 said:

    Ex-Twitter CEO Dick Costolo tweeted………."Me-first capitalists......are going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution".

    Is he insinuating people will be shot with water cannons Takeaduke1?

    I think he is overestimating the lethality of the confetti and dildo cannons that the left is planning to use. 

  16. So just so I got this straight from the Haydukes and Rednecks of the world.  If he gets sick it's a laughable joke that embarrassed Trump and if he doesn't get sick it's a hoax.  Is it possible that he's simply one of the 70-80% of Americans that are only asymptomatic or that only get mild symptoms?  Or do those percentages not apply to elected officials?

  17. 5 minutes ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    Would you trust reports saying his case is asymptomatic or mild? There will be people eager to claim it is one way or the other. He will likely survive it given his access to the best treatment available after 6 months of research, but he is old and fat, which are the two greatest predictors of complications.

    He will probably survive it?  But wait, I thought for the last few months that everyone was saying he was using witch doctor magic and such?  

  18. 1 minute ago, The Sicatoka said:

    They'll pull an "FDR" and won't let you see how he really is doing. 

    Wait. FDR had a complicit media. 

    No bet. 

    Lol you are probably right on.  Regardless of how Trump looks and says he is feeling the media will be using words like "president appeared a little fatigued"......and God forbid if Trump coughs even a single time while a camera is pointed at him. 

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