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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 1 hour ago, AlphaMikeFoxtrot said:

    And now that W, McCain and Romney spoke out against the direction of the party, Trump Trash are pretending like they didn't slob their knobs and go along with the very stupid and expensive war on "terror".

    Romney is still sour grapes over not getting a chance to run again so I take anything he says with a grain of salt.  I don't blame McCain for sticking up for her husband.  

  2. 2 hours ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    hey mike...if you were gay and someone was going to drop you out of helicopter with a shirt that said "i'm very gay"...would you rather be dropped in the middle of Poland or Saudi Arabia...just wondering?

    If I was gay, and was going to be dropped out of a helicopter wearing a shirt that said "I'm really gay" I'd wanna be dropped outside the front door of the Blue Oyster Bar on Freddie Mercury tribute night rather than Poland or Saudi Arabia.  

    Actually would prefer being dropped off out of a little Prius......but if a helicopter drop is the only way.....

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  3. 21 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    If this Covid could play out this way over the winter, could be a good senario. A lot of other potential paths out there.
    There's probably something more going on for the country not letting it rip, besides the election?
    Medical scienticfic field isn't yet sold on letting go.
    Maybe midwest proves to the country how to get over this?

    The election has definitely played a role in how it has been covered.  I'm also generally supportive of medical professionals on an individual level but once those professionals become part of a larger group I am not blind to the potential conflicts of interest and politics that can come into play.  The medical professionals that I've spoken to on a local level in ND (no, I haven't talked to Oxbow, but others) have all been pretty consistent in indicating that it's not something to take for granted, but as long as hospital capacity isn't an issue (which it isn't) it isn't something that should freak even moderately healthy people out either. 

  4. Just now, UNDBIZ said:

    Not in ND, but I agree personal responsibility has to take over at some point.

    I wasn't clear with my large gathering statement (my bad).  I meant it in terms of there are no large events at Alerus/Fargodome/Civic Center....Grand Forks races were restricted in attendance...no large college sporting events minus the Bison scrimmage against UCA, schools have spaced kids out/cut attendance at extra curriculars (even though those same students pile into parties on weekend).  

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  5. 20 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Within very limited resoning, ND maybe.
    I don't think we quit tracing?

    Admittedly I might be the wrong person to ask about that.  If you were contact tracing ebola good Lord would I be all on board with it.  With Covid I've taken the attitude (and I am far from alone) that there is a good chance that any given person that I run into during the course of the day has it and could be contagious.  I don't believe in imposing all sorts of complicated restrictions on asymptomatic healthy people.  By this time the public has been educated, large gatherings have been stopped for the time being, whether the person in line with me at Hugo's has been contact traced or not has no bearing on how I am proceeding these days. 

    If someone feels safer at home, I support that decision....and frankly they should be glad that the healthy are letting it run through them out in society because it's becoming clearer and clearer that some level of herd immunity is the only way the US will get back to normal. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    So is it time to let it rip?

    Within reason, yes.  Keep certain limitations like no 10,000 person concerts, keep some social distancing efforts, etc, but by and large if people have learned anything yet it should be that this thing is going to go through the population.  All that March - July/Aug did was delay the inevitable.

    Ask around, it's becoming easier and easier to find people that know they had it, describe it as a cold maybe even as a flu, but they stayed at home and didn't seek treatment/testing.  I would love to see antibody test numbers......I think it's ripped through alot already.  

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  7. 9 minutes ago, UND1983 said:

    Who do you think is better at their job - Trump's lawyers/accountants or the IRS?

    It doesn't excuse it, it does show a broken system, and maybe Trump is one of the worst examples (maybe not), but if someone thinks that any candidate that makes it to a presidential election is going to be much different when it comes to finances that person also believes that a thin piece of old t-shirt over their mouth is also gonna keep them safe from an aerosol virus.  By the time you become a presidential candidate, you are no longer pulling in your money via earned income.  

    Pick your candidate based on policy....don't be naive enough to think that when it comes to finances that you and 99.9% of America have anything in common with either candidate. 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    And 84 of those 234 deaths have occurred in the past 27 days. Awesome results with your solution flop!

    So since over 1/2 the deaths are in Nursing homes just over one nursing home patient a day is dying in a nursing home in ND....who would have ever thought.  Stay hunkered down in your bunker.  

  9. 56 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    Have to agree that we shouldn’t have spent $1.8 million on marketing of masks. I can think of a much less costly solution.

    also in ND news, we can’t seem to hang on to a state health officer for more than a few weeks. I wonder why?


    maybe we can find ourselves a Dr Atlas? Or a Dr Oxbow?


    234 deaths coming up on 7 months now in ND ......over half in nursing homes....where even before Covid 1/2 of the people die in 6 months or less, most schools have been back for a month.  We are witnessing the "solution" to this "problem" as we speak. 

  10. 15 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Let's see.

    One side wants to register and have people vote.  They, the Democrats, are the political party actively involved in voter registration drives. They are eager to allow anyone to vote. 

    The other side, the Republicans, tske measures to lower those number of active voters. 

    And...what the Democrats are doing is a problem? 

    I guess that is the mindset of the cult. 

    No one should be discouraged from voting......but I also don't believe that disinterested/uneducated voters should be coaxed into voting for a certain side either.  

  11. 41 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    The same could be said for in-person voting.   Why don't you focus on that as well?   There are more occurrences of fraud with in-person voting.  

    Actually no, but nice try.  It just kills you to acknowledge that the more steps/hands involved in a process the more opportunity for error/fraud exists.  

    And using your own logic, if there is currently more fraud involved with in person voting, where there is at least a cursory verification that the correct person is voting....and that person puts their vote directly into the computer.......what level of fraud do you think exists where those same steps aren't being taken?

  12. 15 hours ago, mikejm said:

    Nine convictions; nine ballots. 

    The names and offenses are easily found. 
    There were eight convictions in 2012, the year before Colorado adopted all main-in ballots.

    Drive by Mike.....7 already in one Pennsylvania county......but as long as there isn't a conviction it doesn't count according to your logic.  

  13. 7 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    No evidence exists to verify that mail-in voting is more fraudulent than in-person voting.    None.   Study after study (by both right and left institutions) has documented this.   

    And you should realize that past returns are no guarantee of future results.  At a minimum the recent Pennsylvania military ballots being tossed in one county shows how easy it can happen (intentional or unintentional).  

    I show my ID to election official.....I mark my ballot....I put my ballot directly into the scanner.....leaves less room for potential error than a ballot being mailed out, possibly being filled out by me....the USPS possibly getting the completed ballot delivered on time......the person opening the ballot possibly scanning it in as they are supposed to....etc.  It can be argued if it is a problem but it can't be argued which way leaves more opportunity for fraud to occur. 

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  14. 2 hours ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    Interestingly, there's a good chance those 7 military ballots would have been invalidated either way.  They reportedly weren't mailed in secrecy envelopes.  According to the DOJ they were returned in envelopes similar to absentee ballot requests and that's what confused the temp worker election official.       

    Ironically it was the GOP who recently won a lawsuit that required non-secrecy envelopes to not be counted.  

    Don't have to worry about secrecy or non secrecy envelopes with in person voting.  Just goes to show that with mail in ballots (mass blasted or absentee) there is more wiggle room for one side or the other to engage in shenanigans.  

  15. 3 hours ago, mikejm said:

    Nine convictions; nine ballots. 

    The names and offenses are easily found. 
    There were eight convictions in 2012, the year before Colorado adopted all main-in ballots.

    Drive by Mike....Convictions isn't exactly the best measure of how big a problem is.  For example, the conviction rate of domestic violence crimes is very low once the fact that most aren't reported and the majority that are....are pled down to lesser crimes is taken into account.  

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  16. 24 minutes ago, mikejm said:

    Omg. Really!?!

    If you’re not registered, do so by October 26 to get a ballot.

    my ballot (I’m already registered) should be in my mailbox in early October 

    Colorado really has this figured out. It should be a model for every state that wants to adopt Mail-in voting. 

    So does Colorado just throw away the military mail in votes like has already happened in Pennsylvania or is Colorado progressive enough where they throw away non-military member ballots too?

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