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Posts posted by TheFlop

  1. 12 minutes ago, Bison06 said:

    If Trump has an asymptomatic or mild case, this may actually end up being a positive. It would show some people who were previously incredibly fearful that a 74 year old man can come through it no big deal.

    Exactly.  If he gets really sick then any doubt about the election is over in my opinion.  Biden in a landslide.  However, if Trump doesn't get sick with it all bets are off.  

    What's really funny is that the short attention span of his detractors has already been shifted from SCOTUS to a 74 year old man with a cold virus.  

    • Upvote 3
  2. 3 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    fatigue already being reported. 

    You think a 74 year old obese man that’s been infected with covid has four years left in him?

    You are backing yourself into a corner.  So when the most visible 74 year old man in this nation makes it through this with relative ease......what will that say about all of the ridiculous restrictions and overreactions that have occurred since March?

    • Upvote 1
  3. 22 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    Yeah shows you the competence of trump supporters that go to these rallies.


    It’s being reported the trump family refused to wear masks at the debate, even after being urged and offered by Cleveland clinic staff. Now not only are they responsible for the spread of covid due to their rhetoric, they are also responsible for personally spreading the virus through direct contact. How many have they infected?

    The virus is spreading because it's contagious and that's what viruses do.  If masks worked there wouldn't be over 1/2 of deaths in nursing homes.  Stay hunkered down and if the Trump's don't get sick, get ready for the pop after.

    • Upvote 2
  4. 9 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    C’mon, don’t be difficult, you know the difference.  Thugs in Chicago aren’t aiming to affect national policy, sway national public or policy via violence.  Hence the difference between ‘terror threat to the United States’ and street crime.  

    C'mon man, don't give more credit to rednecks then they deserve.  You really think that the shaved head balding leather wearing wanna be bikers are doing anything more than looking for the fight/party?  The difference is that the white racists/supremacists get covered.....the "street crime" issue gets minimally covered and even that is blamed on white guys aka systemic racism.  

  5. 1 hour ago, UNDlaw80 said:


    No way!    Difference is, white supremacists are the greatest terror threat this country faces. 


    DHS - White supremacists are the deadliest domestic terror threat facing the U.S., listed above the immediate danger from foreign terrorist groups.


    Now smooth over the probabilities to account for the fact that white people are still the majority ethnic group in this country.  

    White supremacists are labeled terrorists while inner city black gang members shooting up the city non-stop ala Chicago = random street crime.  Somehow creating an environment where anyone that crosses over to the next block wearing the wrong color isn't labeled terrorism.  Nice.   

  6. 53 minutes ago, UNDlaw80 said:

    House panel releases FBI memo on white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement.


    A House panel released a 2006 FBI intelligence memo that highlights concerns by the agency about the threat of white supremacists trying to infiltrate law enforcement.


    Mine's newer.  Gang members infiltrating the military.  


  7. 30 minutes ago, Redneksioux said:

    In your medical opinion do the benefits of the drug outweigh its risks when used as a prophylactic for covid19?

    Just a week ago you indicated that you felt sorry for Oxbow's patients.....now you are looking for free telemedicine from him?  #ContinuedHypocrisy2020

    • Upvote 1
  8. 28 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Well, cultists.  Does this also make you proud, boys?


    Federal law enforcement officials were directed to make public comments sympathetic to Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager charged with fatally shooting two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, according to internal Department of Homeland Security talking points obtained by NBC News.

    In preparing Homeland Security officials for questions about Rittenhouse from the media, the document suggests that they note that he "took his rifle to the scene of the rioting to help defend small business owners."

    And besides if they called it what it was, urban renewal, you'd be all up in arms about that too.  

  9. 26 minutes ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Mn Senator Amy Klobuchar said goodbye to T after he said he was never coming back to her home state if he failed to Win the election.


    I live mere miles from Minnesota, and while I'll visit northern MN it will be a long time before I ever go to an event in the Minneapolis metro again.  

  10. 5 minutes ago, Hayduke1 said:

    Well, cultists.  Does this also make you proud, boys?


    Federal law enforcement officials were directed to make public comments sympathetic to Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager charged with fatally shooting two protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, according to internal Department of Homeland Security talking points obtained by NBC News.

    In preparing Homeland Security officials for questions about Rittenhouse from the media, the document suggests that they note that he "took his rifle to the scene of the rioting to help defend small business owners."

    Huh.....kind of like officials being directed to make it sound like everything BLM does is peaceful?

  11. 12 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Nobody responded to the deaths numbers I put up earlier today from ND DOH.

    Five of every eight deaths with Covid in ND were people age 80+ (154 of 247).  

    Average American age of death 78.54 years (source in prior post also). 



    And only 6% of ICU beds are currently being used to house sick Covid patients.  ICU where the sickest of the sick go.........and only 6% capacity is being used by Covid patients. 

  12. 15 minutes ago, BIGSIOUX said:

    Google, Peer reviewed study.

    Take off tinfoil hat.

    Ok I did.....and found many articles on how peer reviews are a flawed system that leave plenty of opportunity for bias and/or fraud just like I said.  Here is a Nobel Prize winner saying as much. 




    Take off your blinders.  

  13. 8 minutes ago, BIGSIOUX said:

    Liver transplants are not the same thing as research done to determine treatment effectiveness of medications.

    apples and tomatoes  

    They both involve humans making decisions..... which opens up the process to potential bias....which is where the real problem can potentially be.  Apples to apples.  So a researcher has never helped a study along or presented it in a slightly misleading manner to ensure that he/she received continued funding?

  14. 1 minute ago, Redneksioux said:

    I'm fine with him being left in the wide open like you flop.

    Sure you are........what's with the sudden change in stance on your part?  So now you believe that those that are vulnerable or worried can choose to take appropriate actions up to and including staying in their cellar, while those that aren't vulnerable or worried can live life normally?  It's been a long summer but I'm happy to see that you have finally made progress.  

  15. 1 minute ago, Redneksioux said:

    It has been proven to be an unsafe option and not even an effective option used as a profylactic. And why was he taking it to prevent becoming infected while telling the country Covid is nothing more than a minor cough?

    Probably because you and your bunker bunch would have wanted to quarantine him indefinitely until there was a 100% effective vaccine. 

  16. 6 minutes ago, BIGSIOUX said:

    Most studies are blinded, so the researchers dont know who is getting what specific treatment.   Only when there is negative outcomes do they intervene early in a trial.

    Let's hope that is truly the way it always works but also let's not pretend that it doesn't hurt to know someone even in the holy medical community.  After all, a deathbed alcoholic Mickey Mantle got a liver transplant at the snap of a finger over how many other people that were waiting in line?

  17. 22 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    You ever heard of your mechanic or plumber or hair dresser busted by the SEC for insider trading? 

    Insider trading?  Insider trading is exactly what most of us common folks don't have.  The correct comparison would be that if you saw your mechanic dumping out all of his penzoil oil for an unknown reason.....that one possible explanation is that he knows something that you don't and maybe there is something wrong with Penzoil oil.  

  18. 4 minutes ago, BIGSIOUX said:

    That is not how medicine works.

    Unlike most other professions, the medical community shares treatment information, once vetted by the scientific process, for the good of all humans, not just the wealthy ones.

    Eventually yes, that is how it occurs.  However does it always occur that way early on in the process?  Are you saying that with promising trials that no strings are ever pulled to get certain people admitted to the trial?  That those in certain positions don't have early information on whether a treatment is showing promise or not well before it's been fully vetted?  

    And let's also not forget that if one thinks that Trump has interfered with the scientific process in the US....what would be the correct way to describe China's control over researchers in that country?

  19. 1 minute ago, Redneksioux said:

    Why was the president taking it again?

    One thing that some people never figure out....the rich and the powerful often have information that the public does not have.  If you knew that Warren Buffett (at least in his prime) was getting ready to invest in a company and you couldn't figure out why......the smart bet would have been to invest money in that company.  If you see the city engineer moving stuff out of his house before a flood.......you would be well advised to clear out your house too because water is probably a coming.  When you see a rich/wealthy person getting a treatment for a condition, don't underestimate the fact that they may be doing it with knowledge that you aren't privy too.  

    • Upvote 2
  20. 1 hour ago, BarnWinterSportsEngelstad said:

    Hydroxychloroquine (the drug T claimed he was taking to fight Covid-19) was found not to prevent infections among volunteers in a study released yesterday.

    Wasn't it touted as a way to treat/lessen the severity of Covid as part of the Zpack combo?  I don't recall it ever being touted as a way to prevent it all together. 

    • Upvote 2
  21. 1 hour ago, Oxbow6 said:

    ND Covid hospitalizations down by 16 from yesterday. Of all these ND hospitals busting at the seams inpatient wise there are currently 89 hospitalized due to COVID in the state.

    Meanwhile 2 more homicides in Minneapolis pushing the homicide deaths to 62 for the year so far in that city.

    So let me get this straight, compete shutdown overreaction.....causes hospitals to cut staff/pay because less business is coming through the door.....which exacerbates the already tough labor market in finding qualified providers.....society opens back up and because the new lower capacity gives the illusion that the system is overstrained some want to start all over and take the same action that led to this situation in the first place.  Did I nail it?

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