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Everything posted by PhillySioux

  1. On a separate note, it seems odd that Michigan State would hire a guy that hasn't coached since 1992 and only has 5 years of coaching experience.
  2. There is one school that holds the key to what dominos fall now. Its Notre Dame. If they commit to the CCHA, Miami stays and no more movement. If they dont.......all bets are off.
  3. Didn't we face Wisco in Mens hoops this very year?
  4. On February 4th, Saskatchewan defeated UBC 3-0 @ UBC in front of 195 people! http://www.leaguestat.com/canadawest/mens/en/stats/game-summary.php?game_id=766 I'd rather have Air Force.
  5. I think Minnesota will focus on playing Minnesota schools as part of an effort to resurrect that DQ cup nonsense.
  6. I thought you were a political commentator. Why bother if you believe the above is true?
  7. Its only about you when you make assertions that would to me, require first hand experience. Now, have you had experiences with the Universities that would lend any credence to the notion that they are mediocre, ie have you attended any of them and do you have a degree? Also, how would you measure the worth of the the Universities that suck up too much money? Obviously, by stating they suck up too more money than they are worth, you have placed some sort of value on them. How did you come to your conclusions.
  8. Thats interesting. Prior to my time at UND, I was a student at Concordia College for a bit (a fine school). They pride themselves on the four year thing. It was a much more paternalistic system, I felt they treated me as more kid than adult. But, they have a very good graduation rate. The differences to me were fairly clear, right or wrong: At a place like Concordia you will get a good education in four years and that will come with the academic, extra curricular, and social opportunities that a relatively small liberal arts school can provide (At private school tuition rates) At UND, everything was available to me (more or less). I had to make my own decisions and decide what opportunities I wanted to embrace academically and otherwise. If I wanted support it was/is available. I was not babysat and did not expect to be. A school the size of UND can give anyone what they want to take from it.
  9. I'm not sure what your experience is with the university system as a student, maybe you could enlighten us. However, I will say (having earned a degree from UND) that there is EVERY opportunity for a student to graduate on time. My wife finished in 3 years, whereas I took a bit more time. The graduation rates are more reflective how students today view their time at a college or university these days than how "university bureaucrats" view their jobs.
  10. You may be right, but just to be clear "They get to much money" and "they spend it stupidly" are opinions, by definition they cannot be facts.
  11. Before I take that statement at face value from you, what experience do you have running large organizations with multiple stakeholders?
  12. If you could teach me how. I wasn't trying to make some big point. The question was raised, so I answered it.
  13. Nope, its..........................................Scott Hennen
  14. I as under the impression that Behrns was not a fan of UND based on his termination here.
  15. But the UND women, should they be a top 4 national seed, would be in line to host a NCAA first round game.
  16. An important point here: Conference Policy For first 8 years of the ban, the ACC and SEC respectively, effectively adopted the NCAAs postseason hosting ban for SC schools. Not to imply that the BigSky would do the same. But, we still do not know how the Big Sky will react as this evolves.
  17. Charter member, left in 1928.
  18. The nickname legislation does not require any suit of any kind.
  19. Your points about the hypocrisy of various groups are well taken. They have nothing to do with the NCAA and what it may or may not decide.
  20. And if they are denied a game (in the doomsday scenario) then what would be the proper course of action?
  21. Forgive me, are you referring to a potential home playoff ban as a short term problem?
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