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Everything posted by PhillySioux

  1. The FCS playoff field has been expanded to 20 teams. Its probable that we would have hosting opportunities in Football. Recruiting against UND in Football gets quite a bit easier if the NCAA restrictions do take effect.
  2. Gov. Dalrymple may not like that you ignored his required signature. I should amend that a bit. He doesn't need to sign it actually if in session, he just needs to not veto it.
  3. I wasnt clear. My point was that without the NCAA restrictions, UND has playoff hosting opportunities. There seems to be a view here that not hosting playoff events at UND is just fine. I'm quite confident that Coach Mussman and his 20 brand new recruits would not agree.
  4. We have a football team that is playoff eligible in 2012. Any playoff game that does not include a top 4 seed goes to the homesite of the highest bidder. All things equal, we wouldn't be outbid very often.
  5. This is correct. I've said this before and I'll say it again, Al Carlson does not give two bleeps about the Fighting Sioux nickname. This bill has nothing to do with what is good for UND, UND athletics, UND's fanbase or UND's alumni. This bill has everything to do with his (and his caucus') overall disdain for SBoHE. They will eff with them anytime they can.
  6. The bill goes to the House for a vote, then if passed, on to the Senate. Assuming both houses approve the SAME bill (assuming no amendments), onto Governor. Not a legislature historian, but the full body follows advice of the respective committees most of the time. However, this isn't a pedestrian bill.
  7. At what annual tuition rate would UND's tuition not be "too damned high?"
  8. Using UND as an example, what kind of things should a national research University cut?
  9. But our Universities will not fill up. UND's North Dakota resident undergraduate population is a mere 6500, less than half of undergrads.
  10. The main bill was defeated in the house today. The scary thing is that 38 house members voted for it!
  11. For anyone here who is charitably inclined. The Impact Foundation/Dakota Medical Foundation in Fargo is holding Giving Hearts Day today. DMF is matching donations given to any of the participating orgs today as long as the donation is at least 10 bucks. There is a long list of participating charities. Impact Foundation
  12. Speaking of becoming reinspired for mens basketball... WDAY is supposed to be our radio affiliate for the FM area. However, on Saturday after broadcasting the womens game, the station broke off coverage and went to a replay of Dave Ramsey. Thus, the mens game was not broadcast in Fargo. Per the SID for mens basketball this was a WDAY programming decision. I'm not privy to any UND/WDAY contracts, but its a bit frustrating.
  13. I can only imagine this is the result you and Mr. Mcfeely want?
  14. Shockingly, this bill comes to us from a legislator in a town near no state border with no significant state university presence. And who are the people getting pissed that we educate too many non-residents? http://www.inforum.com/event/article/id/306272/
  15. He was VERY clear about discussions with Douple, however.
  16. Faison on WDAY Radio today
  17. No, its not. This legislature is in a turf battle with the SBoHE. They HATE that the AG told them that SBoHE has final authority of Higher Ed issues. Im repeating an earlier post here, but Al Carlson did not introduce his nickname bill to help UND. He did it to eff with the board.
  18. Agreed, wholeheartedly. Can we get back to being excited about hockey and football signing day in one week?
  19. With regard to Kolpack, he is in the bag for NDSU, as bad as Virg has ever been for UND. He's a fan of NDSU, period. When he comments in the comment section of his Bison blog he uses the pronouns us and we. This (true or not) was likely leaked to Kolpack by a Legislator involved in one of the nickname bills in order to restart the kind of frenzy that this thread shows is still alive. Make no mistake, the nickname bills are more about the Republican's hardon for the SBoHE, than about whats good for UND. All I know is, this whole mess is bad for my university
  20. I wouldn't mind Jack Michaels, but I think he is out of the radio biz.
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