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Everything posted by PhillySioux

  1. Livestream here. I think that there may be a live chat on fightingsioux.com, I thought Jayson had posted that somewhere.
  2. How much money could the schools get if they sold the naming rights to the conference? The Wells Fargo Collegiate Hockey Conference? Or any other corp that does business in the member states.
  3. A piece from the World Herald, complete with a new signature line for someone. http://www.omaha.com/article/20110710/MAVS/707109842/-1#purcell-in-out-all-that-matters-with-volatile-landscape
  4. "Jets" returned because of the same reason that UND will have a new nickname. Money.
  5. Interesting presentation referred to in Schlossman's blog. http://whywestern.com/?DB_OEM_ID=4600 Also, as a look back, this was posted on this board a few months ago.
  6. No decision maker will so desire.
  7. I am very curious to see who will step to the microphone first on Wed in Colorado.
  8. Does anyone see HE taking Western? One geographic outlier for a school like Notre Dame would be foreseeable. But, would you take western over Quinnipiac or UCONN, schools already in the conference footprint?
  9. http://www.duluthnewstribune.com/event/article/id/203752/
  10. Count me in with the group that thinks this meeting is a waste of time. That being said, what total BS. That law has Governor Dalrymple's signature on it. He is the Chief Executive of North Dakota. If there is only one person to speak for the state at this thing, it should be him.
  11. The important question is will they be taking a state owned plane to Indiana. I await the Plains Daily story............
  12. I wouldn't get too fired up about Shaft just yet. The time to watch him and the board will be after the NCAA meeting and it's obvious result.
  13. I guess I missed the "Terms Defined" section of the press release.
  14. Where in the release below does the NCAA say that the BSC has voted on sanctions?
  15. Has a tribe voted to do so since January 1, 2011?
  16. How do you glean this from the story or the emails? I know you believe this to be true (and it may be for all I know) but the story does nothing to prove it.
  17. Almost all pro teams get public money one way or another.
  18. To assume otherwise would be irresponsible at best.
  19. There a few themes here that seem to be at odds with each other. You seem to imply that 1) Kelley was/is pulling BigSky strings in order turn up the pressure towards nickname retirement; and that 2) the BigSky is all too happy to be influenced by Kelley because secretly they want UND out due to expenses; and that 3) the BigSky needs UND terribly because of impending Idaho/Utah St invites. Unless you are mocking the conspiracy theorist/Kelley hater/We should hire the bones of Tom Clifford types. In which case, ignore my comment and
  20. What does that mean? And who was acting in bad faith? The republican AG that signed the settlement and recommended the settlement to the board?
  21. Kelly was there as a guest I believe, as UND is not a member of the Big Sky at this time. Its quite probable that Kelly would not be privy to all of the member president's deliberations or discussions.
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