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Everything posted by PhillySioux

  1. He his, but he is powerful and he does hate the Higher Ed system (though not as much as dosch or skarphol). IMO, Kelly made a tactical error today. It wasn't appropriate for him (as an unelected state employee) to publicly call for repeal. He may have made this personal for Big Al. Its not a leap to think that in Carlson's eyes that was disresepectul to the legislature and the "will of the people" he likes to bend to when it suits him. Carlson will close ranks on this and go on the defensive (he's already started), dont think for a second he wont send UND or the state board down the river now.
  2. Thats a hell of an accusation. Its one thing for some anonymous blowhard like me to speculate on a message board. Its an entirely different thing for the House Leader to publicly accuse the University of North Dakota of backdooring him and the rest of the legislature. He better have some proof (and he may for all I know) fast. If he doesn't he is bringing a whole new meaning to the phrase" poisoning the well."
  3. This is an terribly important time for the UNIVERSITY as a whole. It may very well be that some folks who scream the loudest about the nickname are those who care only about the sports teams/program and little about the UNIVERSITY as a whole. This type of view has been described in this thread. I say to those that care about the sports programs only..........your role as a stakeholder in this process is no longer of importance. The issue has expanded beyond sports. Your rhetoric is no longer useful...........STEP ASIDE. If you believe fighting tooth and nail to keep the nickname is in the best interests of the UNIVERSITY as a whole, by all means, participate in the discussion.
  4. http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/207153/ New Editorial from Jacobs. I'll let others comment on his views. It is frustrating however, that the editor and publisher of the GFHerald doesn't have his facts straight. What?!?
  5. Fixed your post, Now the question is at least correct. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contract_Clause
  6. Mac Schneider was on with Joel Heitkamp yesterday. http://www.kfgo.com/uploads/06132011MacSchneider_UNDFightingSioux_BigSky.mp3
  7. I made no comment or implication regarding the hearts and minds of any ss.com posters, any inference to the contrary is your own. I thought my post was fairly clear. No matter, this should help.....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Means_to_an_end
  8. Al's intentions were not good, thy were selfish and political. Make no mistake, Al was not trying to "help" UND, he was trying to screw with the SBoHE. The nickname bill was just one part of an overall effort by many like-minded types to weaken the board. I've been fairly consistent on this since the beginning. Al Carlson is no friend of UND (or any other University in this State).
  9. http://www.wdaz.com/pages/archive10 Al Carlson's comments on BigSky letter at about the 4:25 mark.
  10. CollegeFootballTalk story on the WAC
  11. Schlossman had mentioned in a chat that there was a playoff jersey design in the works with no logo. However, the regular season jersey would be unchanged.
  12. Has anyone thrown out "Voyageurs?" Grand Forks was born initially as a trading point for french and native fur traders. Early History
  13. egriz thread on the topic
  14. On a side note, has anyone ever looked up roughrider in a slang or urban dictionary context? Yikes.
  15. ND will be hard pressed to get the NCAA in any room while (in their mind) the constitutionality of the nickname law is in question.
  16. Forum piece comparing BigSky to Summit/MVFC
  17. Law can be challenged and ruled unconstitutional. One would think, there is now enough cover to do it.
  18. http://wavcentral.com/sounds/movies/first_blood/fbover2.mp3
  19. One way or the other this is a game changer. That letter is brutal.
  20. Has anyone watched a game from the front row at Alerus? Is it too close/low to enjoy the game?
  21. http://www.grandforksherald.com/event/article/id/204302
  22. There really is a major announcement!
  23. Asking the AG for an opinion is not litigation. However, It will give a strong clue to all those involved as to where this will likely go. There couldn't be litigation prior to law taking effect as no one would have standing to challenge until then. For the life of me, I cannot see the NCAA negotiating before clear evidence presents itself that this will be settled law. I wouldn't. As far as the current position of the SBoHE and UND regarding the imminent nickname law, its the only prudent postion to take.
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