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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. Yup remember that big time d-1 basketball shot he said in radio interview after
  2. Current screen shot please?
  3. Makes no sense for gophers to play us does it
  4. Plus sure the local companies along highway two who still have advertising with daz would switch to bek
  5. As if right now! bek from what I was told out here is going to open a desk in n forks
  6. This would be a nice win and boost to morale around town
  7. One blue chippa one playoff win last 5 years xorrelation,m? No blue chippa for a while it seems. We are complacent just making tourney cause it’s so hard to do
  8. Score update? At pour disicons in tioga and no Igh here
  9. How is this years better? I’ll take Montana and Milwaukee over any of home game sthusb year
  10. I honestly wish I know I’ll get hate for this but if a P5 school wanted to get 8 home games schedule und sdsu usd and school 70 miles south in a week 8 homes games in next 4-8 years after one week of misery in the north of cool wearher
  11. Where’s all this cash rea has been hoarding for $500k per year
  12. Who gets advertising money?
  13. Oh yeah some guy was talking out this in a bar a while back. Any one have any cows to donate and not talking ndsu cheerleaders either
  14. Props to midco for not being cheap
  15. I’ll do it. Got a few corporations interested but they aren’t going to settle for grindaz and one and outs.
  16. “Most” of road games well usd and sdsu already have midco and ndsu reasy road game to get tv Is that considered most
  17. Like chaves his big job is one sport the money maker football
  18. Guess that what we get from having a lame duck ad with no voice
  19. So Sandy has a nil program but Berry dint my how the mighty hha be fallen
  20. Little late to the game if just doing this now
  21. Is there anyone going to be left for us
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