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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. My crew and me will also be tailgating tm. Lots of booze maybe a few beers.
  2. Windsor water 23 me. 0
  3. Why would this info be in bison illustrated? We haven't seen the final plans year
  4. idiot I drink but I don't drive. I post
  5. gfhockey

    Drake is next.

    Muss would have had the boys dump Gatorade on him
  6. gfhockey

    All aboard

    When the gobc picked bubba to be our coach we know what we are doing
  7. gfhockey

    All aboard

    im running this wagon
  8. We r currently running this town tonite
  9. There is a few Sioux fans here. We partying
  10. We running Laramie tonite
  11. I upped my donation just now
  12. Give these girls the fcoa
  13. I still can't believe we are paying the women hockey playas to play give it to wbb and wvb
  14. Ummmm why are we wasting more money on women's hockey? We have no results to show for it faison
  15. Let's cancel women's hockey mens baseball done deal
  16. Never said it was. That's why I asked im glad you guys cleared it up
  17. Iverson has a long rap sheet if that's the correct on.
  18. Hak was in Timmy and swyggy this am. Said he's regret is not winning a nattyy like most of you guys in here care about wins and frozen fours haknsaid it's all about the nattys
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