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Everything posted by jodcon

  1. Probably the last time a player intentionally walked on another player in week 17 whose history included stomping on a downed player, kicking a player in the nuts, intentionally taking out a players legs, and quite a few more fines for QB abuse...so probably never. I have to assume you're screwing with the board MM, I couldn't defend this guy if it he my brother.
  2. Stafford's problem is he goes stretches where he can't hit anybody, then gets hot for a while, then repeats. If he was just more consistent they would be hard to beat, they stop the run and have the tools on offense. I'd like to see them beat Romo but really doubt it will happen.
  3. This game looked a lot better a month ago, Dallas is actually rolling right now. But you know...Romo and playoffs...disaster is probably imminent.
  4. More like if it wasn't the third time he was in trouble no action would have been taken against him, that guy is a slow learner.
  5. Wild Card matchups... Cincy @ Indy Baltimore @ Pittsburgh Detroit @ Dallas Arizona @ Carolina Should be some good games there, the AFC especially.
  6. Everybody travel safe and enjoy some family time, hide the scale until next year and double-plate it.
  7. I was thinking maybe Lakes would be next to throw a bone out there...
  8. Looks like the Colts want in that group too, fake punt inside your 20 early in the game?
  9. They let everything go all right, so next week they'll call every ticky-tack thing. No consistency.
  10. Before this Wentz thing turns into an all-out pissing match let's keep things in perspective a little bit. There's usually only one FCS QB drafted most years, and they have to have great numbers for that to happen, last year I think Garappolo was the only one with over 5000 yards and the year before that was Sorenson who was taken right at the end. At the FCS level it's very hard to get a look as a QB unless you are nationally known or have put up stats for a few years, playing behind Jensen and being on a run-first team isn't going to help his cause, but winning it this year would help. He does have the tools and the size to get into a training camp, it's too bad he wasn't able to get another year of playing time as a sophomore but with Jensen winning championships it wasn't an option. He could have used another year to get comfortable running the offense, from the games I saw him play this year he improved quite a bit from the beginning of the year, you just can't simulate game-type conditions until you're actually out there. I think next year will be a good indication of what he can do, with Crockett and a bunch of other seniors hitting the road he might be leaned on a little heavier to win games, which should help his cause trying to land a spot at the next level. Good luck to the kid and the Bison in Frisco.
  11. I notice Bye hasn't won a game since they started the program, it'll be torches and pitchforks if we don't win this one.
  12. Sorry, the last thing I want to do is waste a perfectly good beer.
  13. Another lack of effort like this one and you really have to start questioning if the coaches are motivating these guys. Might fire up another Fire Hak thread.
  14. Amazing run for the Bison, might not see that again in our lifetimes.
  15. Really a disappointing performance tonight, lot of guys I didn't ever notice out there. Team never showed up to play and the score indicated it.
  16. Still day to day, concussions are tricky.
  17. Wacthing at teh diemond with the GOBc
  18. I AM a Twins fan, since the days of Killebrew and Oliva in the old Met, and I do know a little bit about baseball. I'm as big a Mauer fan as anybody, but signing him to a $192 million contract knowing that he would probably be moving to first base where the true MVP hitters of the league reside within a few years was as much about needing him as the face of the team for the new ballpark than what his value would be halfway through his contract. If that contract would have been 5 or 6 years I could see it, but now here it is halfway through and he's a first baseman with little power hoping to regain his .300+ average for which they will pay him $92 million for the next 4 years...not the best scenario for a team that can't afford to put a competitive team on the field in the first place. I want the team to be competitive more than I want Mauer to retire a Twin at any price, but maybe that's not what others think so...whatever.
  19. The last 4 years Mauer's stats are .303, 7 HR's, and 54 RBI's per year...if anybody thinks that is a good deal for $23 million a year then maybe Hunter for 10 will be better than expected. Hard to believe where these salaries have gone, I remember when Puckett was the first $2 million dollar man in the prime of his career, now Kershaw's over $30 million...to pitch every 5th day. It's crazy.
  20. jodcon

    Beat Bama

    Don't know if this showed up here somewhere, but it's good for a laugh...I guess NDSU isn't the only team that can beat Bama, we all can. http://myteamisbetterthanyourteam.com/default.asp?sport=CFB&winner=Montana&loser=Alabama&year=2014&method=2#.VH6NxjHF-ao
  21. I guess grossly overpaying Mauer wasn't enough, for a team that preaches money all the time they make a lot of crap financial decisions.
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