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Everything posted by gopherz

  1. I don't even know where our NHL game is, its my roommates not mine. I'll go buy 09 too.
  2. Well I was going to say only 360, but I just won 5 straight games on PS3 against 2 people who have PS3s.
  3. Another huge difference in the game is being able to score on breakaways, and that would definitely be one of my strengths.
  4. Being able to aim your shots is where it's at, I can snipe.
  5. I will give anyone who beats me at this game a cookie.
  6. Yes but Minnesota is a big 10 school and I was under the assumption that they had their pickings of games.
  7. The Tigers failed. Apparently the White Sux are trying to do a black out with their fans or something? Regardless, it's stupid and they are going to lose. GO TWINS!! (and I was at the series of the White Sux sweep, it was one of the greatest sporting events I've been to winning that 3rd game, it was NUTS)
  8. BTN has rights to all the games or something I think. But they choose to give most of them to FSN? I'm not exactly sure because I know there's a big contract with FSN.
  9. I would maybe jumble the 2-4 spots but other than that I agree for the most part. I'd put DU at number 2, with the Gophers and Sioux very equal in the 3/4 area. No love for SCSU? Once again, I agree, that's twice in one post. Being a Twins homer, I guarantee victory tonight. I would also welcome the Vikings losing if it means a coaching overhaul. Get Childress/Bevell out of there along with TJack. Playoffs are realistic being that we are only 1 game back but we MUST win on Monday, 1-4 = DEAD.
  10. Bunch of us will be 20 coming up for the Gopher series...fail
  11. "Your Tickets have been printed" Thank you Ticketmaster.
  12. Actually you're the one who obviously hasn't watched a Gopher football game lately. We are 4-0 and beat 4 teams who would beat UND, maybe with the exception of Montana State. The game wouldn't even be close and even the biggest Sioux homer could admit that, it would be a blowout.
  13. PM sent. It's a long shot that we have extras though.
  14. I like it better that way, 16 Gopher fans Anyone who REALLY wanted them just had to go to the lengths. We went to a computer lab where we knew the internet would be at it's fastest. Bring friends, everyone sign in, and be ready. Works well if you practice on another even but just dont end up actually purchasing the tickets. We actually could have had 8 more too, we had the orders up for them too but declined.
  15. How could you possibly not get tickets?? I had 4 people logged on as me on different computers in the same computer lab, we have 16 tickets.
  16. I'm on Ticketmaster as we speak ready for tickets.
  17. It may "ruin" something for you but the school is making more money so why not do it on their behalf? Do you think they owe you something or what? If I'm them I'm doing the same thing, especially for the Gophers. When tickets stop selling out in 5 minutes for that series then maybe the price will drop but until then it might as well keep rising. The Pepsi example is awful, you just assumed a 350 or so percent increase, which is just ridiculous. Another problem with that is that Coke wouldn't follow and it wouldn't be comparable with other food prices so that argument makes absolutely no sense because of the product example. When you're talking Gopher/Sioux, it's not because you have money to blow as you say, it's because they are arguably the best hockey games of the year, pro or college, great rivalry, great fans for both sides, totally worth the 40 dollars. As for throwing around money like drunken sailors, how about instead of complaining you think of a better alternative. Like dont get ripped off for AA or Michigan Tech (Not worth more than 20 bucks as you say), and take that extra money and spend it on a game against the Gophers or Badgers.
  18. Talked to him 2 weeks ago before I went to school. He has never told me anything about being ineligible and I have no reason to believe so. He just told me he started practice in a week and was looking forward to it.
  19. How does that ruin anything? People that want to go are still going to buy them, just having to sacrifice something else. And family of 5? Get a babysitter and go with your wife or something, much cheaper We are going to try to get 8 tickets per night so anyone who doesn't feel like cheering for the Sioux can buy them
  20. Exactly! Although I'm not complaining, 40 a game would be less than I ended up paying for the Gopher series last year. Anyone know how many you can buy at once?
  21. If you're truly mad about the ticket prices then don't buy them. They raise prices because they know people will buy them.
  22. He's a friend of mine. He's not ineligible, redshirting to get stronger and in better shape. Was planning on doing everything with the team last time I talked to him so I don't know how that would make him ineligible.
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