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Everything posted by gopherz

  1. They will go away...it would just be dumb to keep up the chants when its not actually your nickname. It's life, move on with it. I'm sure the new nickname will be just fine and maybe the fans will be creative enough to make up new chants, I could only hope.
  2. One of the dumbest posts I have read besides all of your other ones, congratulations.
  3. I think he'll fit in just fine, won't be a big difference maker but a good guy to have...
  4. Not that I am in the know, but something tells me the assistant job at the U was much much higher paying then a division III job. Just think of the budgets of the two programs...
  5. Although he wants to do something with his family and have his job be second on his list of priorities, no matter how you look at it, professionally it would be a step down. Besides being a D1 head coach or moving back for a head coaching job in the USHL, being a top assistant on a premier D1 hockey team is a pretty high up job for the college ranks, obviously only being beaten by being a head coach. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if he is still next in line for the Gophers just but was sick of waiting around and wanted to pursue other opportunities in the meantime.
  6. A Big 10 conference would be pretty awesome...
  7. He resigned for personal reasons. He was a great assistant coach here for 14 years and I assume he knew that Lucia wasn't leaving any time soon. I'd love to see him as the next HC of the Gophers but that's a long ways off at this point.
  8. 1 - Agreed 2 - Lost too many top guys to be that good again, put them in the Top 5 maybe, but the bottom half 3 - No way 4 - Also lost guys and will probably fall apart late in the season again 5 - Who's going to score? Hopefully Wheeler comes back, Stoa will add plenty of scoring along with the incoming class, I think this is about right for the Gophers 6 - No freaking way 7 - Maybe at the start of the season with the youth, but moving up in the 2nd half 8 - I hate the Badgers more than anything, 0 wins and last place, hockey program falls to shambles. 9 - Always overrated. Win something and then you can be in my Top 10. 10 - Not a terrible pick but there are way better teams As for your dark horse, I think they were overrated all year.
  9. Based on the other stuff I've seen you post you're not the sharpest knife in the box... I think Wheeler comes back.
  10. Vigilante violence or whatever you called it is more like pansy violence, taking on the smallest guy on our team. Take on Boogard, Simon, Voros, Fedoruk, any of those guys and see what happens
  11. I figured everyone would have a field day with the names, pretty funny stuff. As for the rankings, who knows at this point, they could be fairly accurate.
  12. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/sion...book/index.html Rip away at this article...
  13. Haha real funny. They lasted 5-10 minutes this year, shouldn't be a problem, I'll get them in the first 30 seconds.
  14. http://www.denverpost.com/kiszla At it again...what a tool
  15. What day do tickets come for sale for the Gopher game up at UND? Lord knows I will have plenty of people clicking away madly for those tickets...
  16. No game here at Mariucci for 08-09. Its at the Ralph. A 45 MINUTE DRIVE!!
  19. Apparently he doesn't like being called out, people have emailed him in the past and he doesn't write back often. Hopefully I offended him or made fun of the Avs enough.
  20. Look at the article this idiot wrote in the Denver Post: Ugly Betty hockey in Colorado's future Who allows this idiot to write this stuff? One of the dumbest articles I've read...ever He received a nice email from me
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