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Everything posted by gopherz

  1. I'll let you know what extras we have depending on who wants to go for what nights out of our group. We have 8 per night and only 5 are accounted for currently.
  2. I highly doubt that. Even as a Gopher fan, I'll admit the Sioux have enough talent to not get shut out 7 times.
  3. Looking at the Sagarin rankings here's the projected outcome of the game... 26th: Minnesota 6-1 (79.94) 137th: North Dakota State 3-3 (55.51) If played at our home again, the spread would be about 28 points. I agree NDSU caught us at their best time in recent history and the worst in possibly the entire Gopher history. It would be a slaughter.
  4. 8-4 is the worst I could see us doing. I'm curious as to what 3 games you see as losses? I don't think there are any games you can chalk up as sure losses at all. We should be favored vs. Iowa, Northwestern, and Michigan. Wisconsin has been awful but I'm guessing we are 1 TD - 10 point underdogs. Purdue should be a toss up.
  5. I agree, might as well not play the games. Just give us the sweep so I don't need to bother hauling my broom to the game on Saturday.
  6. Mauer is the all-around best player on the team. Offensively that has to go to Morneau.
  7. So negative for absolutely no reason. What makes you think the season will end with 5 losses? Purdue is a toss up, we will probably be slight underdogs. Northwestern at home we should win, I don't see why not. Michigan at home better be a win, they are horrible. At the BADgers...I'll be there so it should be a win But in all seriousness, they are bad this year and were overrated to start Hawkeyes at home...who hates iowa? Last game in the dome, should be playing for quite a bit and Iowa has on QB...another win I see at least 3 more wins. 9-3 gets you a pretty good bowl if that indeed does happen. I can see anywhere from 8-4 to 11-1... I wonder how much travel to Pasadena costs?
  8. I highly doubt that's going to happen.
  9. I'll take Duncan, he's due.
  10. I'm sorry but all those things definitely make me happy, except maybe the Sioux stinking because its always much more fun when both Minnesota and UND are at the top of the WCHA...Sioux will be just fine Brewers: I'll have zero expectations for them until they actually win something. Badgers: That makes me very happy, in fact, nothing is better than seeing them at 0-3 in the Big Ten and ranked behind Minnesota. Packers: Are only 1 game back, not time to jump ship yet. But what did you expect? Lost their whole team in Favre, who was the reason Ryan Grant was at all decent. Besides, the Vikings haven't shown that they are anything to call home about, this is atrocious. Bucks: Going to be terrible, just like the T-Wolves.
  11. What an intense game. Back to only up by 7 after a huge fumble run back to go up 14.
  12. The new gophersports.com is amazing.
  13. I'm glad that we can agree. And Schroeder and Ness, although they didn't show it on the stat sheet tonight, are definitely deserving of the rankings. They are both the real deal.
  14. Thank you good sir. I am quite happy with my picking ability.
  15. Not sadly at all They may own the right to their names in regards to gambling or something, but in a free league they have no right to do that. They don't own the players.
  16. I love how INCH gives Minnesota the Top forward and top defense recruit and says our freshmen our going to struggle. And how they rank the Sioux 7th in the WCHA. What a joke.
  17. Oh and Kozek on Saturday if I move on.
  18. The NCAA can't do anything about this, no one's paying for it. They don't own the rights to any players names, especially in this scenario. Really not necessary to shut down.
  19. Until they get sick of having to deal with more goals. A month maybe. Games not on cable in the cities at all is it?
  20. I think if the freshmen perform about average it should be good enough for the 4th spot. If Schroeder/Ness/Hansen/etc. have big seasons at all there's definitely enough talent to compete with anyone.
  21. Gamertag: I umn gophers I Usually playing Madden or Halo, going to go buy NHL 09 though.
  22. Both Minnesota and UND playing on the road in the first round of the WCHA tournament? HAHAHAHA :(
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