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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. "We interrupt this report about hot Carolina Panthers cheerleaders caught making out in a Tampa Bay bathroom stall to bring you up to speed...Phil Kessel has just signed with the Boston Bruins!"
  2. I don't care who you are...that's funny right there.
  3. Hey, Greyeagle, did you remember to sign the permission slip for your kid to attend today's field trip?
  4. And wasn't I the 'hot chick avatar guy'? I miss the good old days. Sorry...couldn't resist a couple...
  5. My dog died...my girly ran away with my best friend...and Phil Kessel just went pro. Boo hoo. Wanna read up on Phil? Head on over to GPL!
  6. No doubt! I mean, this Phil Kessel thread was WAY better than the other four hundred on this site about him.
  7. That's it...it's go-time!
  8. I wish I could be there...but I have a big softball double-header next Tuesday.
  9. Hey, I'm offended by the use of the word "apples"!
  10. I'm not sure how "we're" lucky in this instance unless you happened to be walking across Highway 169 the other night when a car doing about 110 mph's rolled by right in front of you...
  11. Warrick Dunn is a great example of something positive in sports. What isn't so positive is the number of these athletes who set up their own "foundations" to do things. Even Michael Jordan wasn't immune, although he came out of his situation smelling like a rose somehow even though his "foundation" spent like 15% of its intake on helping people and the bulk of it on his wife's "salary."
  12. Um...taken a good look at the Cincinnati Bengals rap sheet just from this off-season? Or the Portland Jail Blazers?
  13. I think it's "you can get a good look at a butcher's ass by stickin' your head up there...but wouldn't you rather take his word for it? No...wait...it's gotta be YOUR bull...".
  14. Black Sheep is pretty hilarious, too. "Wait a second...I'm high!".
  15. Seriously, don't people read before posting?
  16. Yes, it's totally legit and trust me, the Sioux are doing the same thing. This isn't Jerry Tarkanian's Runnin' Rebels from the early 1990's where players were enrolled in summer school "phy ed" classes (open only to UNLV men's basketball players) and assistant coaches were taped conducting actual practices.
  17. Twin Cities.Com Story By having work-outs on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Lucia will keep free the Wednesday and Friday night "team building" sessions at Blarneys.
  18. Yay? I'm disappointed. If Phil thought the reception in Madison last year was chilly, he should have stuck around this year for round 2.
  19. Whatever you say, Drinkinwiththedrunks.
  20. Who could forget that comment? You can feed a kid in Calcutta on 42 cents a day, but $21 million over three years isn't enough for Latrell and all of his baby mammas? Cmon...
  21. A year of probation for felony fleeing police in a motor vehicle? Um...Minnesota's a pretty liberal state when it comes to sentencing guidelines, but that's a bit ridiculous.
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