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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. I'm looking forward to my own first tonight: Meeting a decent Gopher fan. I try every year at this time, but never have any luck.
  2. You can't handle the truth, Gopherguy33.
  3. Who was playing in the play-in game a few years ago when we got about a foot of snow dumped on us between 7:05 pm and 10:00 pm. I am quite certain Wisconsin was in it because it was Jeff Sauer's last game but can't remember the opponent. Might have been CC.
  4. I still want to create a poster of DU thugs and label it "Gwoz's Ice Follies".
  5. I've never seen a team with 15 losses act so cocky.
  6. Bob Sansevere Comments Speaking of obsession...a two-game win streak "resurrects" the season.
  7. Hey, a 3rd place finish in the Mariucci "Classic," a 17-15-9 record, a 7th place regular season conference finish. It all adds up to being the 12th best team in the country and an NCAA bid, right? And NCAA basketball has bubble team issues...
  8. I'm glad someone remembers that travesty of justice. Assuming they lose to SCSU, the Gophers making the tournament with a 17-16-9 record would be an even bigger travesty.
  9. I'm trying to find a still photo of the Denver Pioneer player straddling the Gopher player while punching him but am not having any luck. Underneath it, I would put, "HONORING THE CODE!"
  10. I'm sure we'll hear plenty more of that from the bandwagon fans of the almighty M who will be flocking to the X tomorrow night. My, my, my how quickly we change from "This is the sorriest team I've seen ever as a fan" to "wow, we might be able to run the table and win an NCAA title!".
  11. A long one, but interesting... 1994-1995 CC: 30-12-1 Sorry, no NCAA Tournament. 2007-2008 Minnesota: 17-15-9. Where would you like to be seeded?
  12. Blarneys: Now Gopher AND Smoke Free.
  13. University of Minnesota English 101: The Gophers don't not make the NCAA's.
  14. Well that didn't take long. Your two plus North Dakota Hockey's six to eight means we're already at eight-ten people. NDH is fun enough where it'll be a good time even if no one else shows up! OK, we'll obviously get a few more takers and I'm always up for a good Hoggsbreath breakfast, so we'll let the numbers go up from here and see how many takers we get. I'd like to stress that this event is for SiouxSports.com members, previous members, friends of members, etc. and hopefully we'll get a non-Sioux fan or two to show up. It's a FRIENDLY event and I'd like to keep it that way. Thanks!
  15. Just checking in again...unless I get about a dozen people attending, I won't put this together. Thanks!
  16. Holy crap. I just found out that Luke is really Darth Vader's son!
  17. Anyone who saw game 3 would have seen Zacharias make a fairly routine save in double-OT, the whistle blows, and a full second later, a Gopher player takes a clean swat right to Zacharias' chest. The commentary even mentioned how in the first period of the first game of the year, that's an obvious penalty, but there it was not. My response? If you're callling lame "too many men on the ice" penalties, then you should call an obvious hack on the goaltender after the whistle.
  18. Roll call! Who's in? 11:00 am Saturday morning?
  19. Hey, I won't feel bad...cuz two outta three ain't bad.
  20. #3) Still going on... #2) Bummer...lost in the state championship game...2nd place. #1) Mission accomplished.
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